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Using the Planning Workspaces

This section provides an overview of understanding the two types of planning workspaces and discusses how to:

Pages Used to Manage the Planning Workspaces

Page Name

Definition Name



My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace


  • select Planning and Budgeting, then select Activity Preparation, then select My Planning Workspace

  • Click the My Preparation Workspace link on the My Planning Workspace page.

View summary and related information for plans or budgets in which you have access to. Manage your planning centers by activity scenario for a model. Perform edits, unlocks, version copy, and submits of your plans and budgets for your planning center versions by activity scenario. For line item activity types, access adjustments and allocations when you are granted access. Page field and links may vary depending upon your role, access, and status.

My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace


  • select Planning and Budgeting, then select Activity Preparation, then select My Planning Workspace

  • Click the My Review Workspace link on the My Planning Workspace page.

View summary and related information for plans or budgets to which you have access. Manage your planning centers by activity scenario for a model. View planning center status, version information, and reject plans or budgets that report or roll into your planning center level. Page field and links may vary depending upon your role, access, and status.

Only users with nonpreparer roles can access this page.

Planning Center Details


Click the Details link on the My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page.

View status, action information, and access and view planning center details by version.

User Preferences


Click the User Preferences link on the My Planning Workspace page.

Set up the default values that the system uses to directly access the My Planning Workspace page based on your user ID.

Understanding the Planning Workspaces

This section gives an overview of My Planning Workspace and discusses the two types of workspaces:

  • My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace.

  • My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace.

My Planning Workspace is a summary and point of access for plans and budgets that you can access to update and submit, review, reject, and approve. These plans or budgets are controlled by role, model, activity, scenario, and planning center. In general, activities and scenarios represent the plan or budget for a planning model, and your role and planning center in which you have access to work or review. After selecting an activity scenario for a model, you determine the planning center to work with by selecting or creating a working version of the plan or budget. With the planning workspace, we deliver the following two workspace views:

  • My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace: Use this view to update and work on your plans and budgets.

  • My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace: Use this view to review the progress of plans and budgets that roll into your area of authority in which you have access to review, adjust, reject, or approve.

Preparers (or casual preparers) are the user roles that the plan or budget preparation begins with first, and is the lowest level of detail entered and provided. Any non-preparer role will have an additional workspace page to review the progress of the plan or budget, and perform their own adjustments of those submitted. Any user may have one to many activities, scenarios, and planning centers to work with from their workspace. For example, if Department represents your planning center and you are responsible for two departments, you will have at least two planning centers—with their associated versions—to work with using the My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page, based on your login user ID and role name.

Note: During the planning model stage process, the system automatically creates, for preparers, the first working version of each planning center activity scenario. For all planning centers the system also creates Base and Master versions.

My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace



My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace

Displays all planning center versions for a model, activity, and scenario for your user ID and role that you can update and work with.

Use this page to:

  • View all versions of all planning centers for which the selected user ID is responsible for preparation and submittal.

  • Lock and release planning centers for an activity scenario.

  • Submit plans or budgets tied to your planning center by an activity scenario.

  • Review status of each planning center you have access.

  • Send email to other planning and budgeting users.

  • Access the various activities for a scenario to update and review amount information, such as:

    • Line Item Details page to access a line item activity type. For the line item activity types you may also access Adjustment and Allocation pages when you have access.

    • Position Overview page to access the details of a position budgeting activity type.

    • Asset Overview page to access the details of an asset budgeting activity type.

  • Access the Copy Version page where you copy version information from one version to another for a specific planning center.

  • Access the My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page when you are a nonpreparer.

Note: Activities options include: Line Item (and Line Item Mass Adjustments), Asset Budgeting, and Position Budgeting. Budget Allocation is only available when selecting a master version to work with.

My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace



My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace

Displays all higher level planning centers for a model, activity, and scenario for your user ID and role that you can review and reject.

Use this page to:

  • View all versions of all planning centers for which the selected user ID is responsible for review and potential rejection. For the activity scenario you view for a planning center, the system takes you to one of the following pages, depending on the selected activity type:

    • Line Item Details page to view a line item activity type.

    • Position Overview page to view the details of a position budgeting activity type.

    • Asset Overview page to view the details of an asset budgeting activity type.

  • Reject plans or budgets tied to a planning center by an activity scenario.

  • Access the Planning Center Details page where you can view the details of any planning center and version that rolls into your level of authority.

  • Access the My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page.

  • Expand higher level planning centers to view or reject lower level planning centers.

Note: Preparer and Casual Preparer are the only role types that do not have access to the My Review Workspace.

My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace Page

Use the My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page (BP_DASHBOARD1) to view summary and related information for plans or budgets in which you have access to.

Manage your planning centers by activity scenario for a model. Perform edits, unlocks, version copy, and submits of your plans and budgets for your planning center versions by activity scenario. For line item activity types, access adjustments and allocations when you are granted access. Page field and links may vary depending upon your role, access, and status.

Image: My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Planning Workspace: My Preparation Workspace page

Note: Your security access, role, and status determine whether the system displays certain fields and links for your planning centers.

My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace Page


Use the My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page (BP_DASHBOARD2) to view summary and related information for plans or budgets to which you have access.

Manage your planning centers by activity scenario for a model. View planning center status, version information, and reject plans or budgets that report or roll into your planning center level. Page field and links may vary depending upon your role, access, and status.

Your security access, role, and status determine whether the system displays certain fields and links for your planning centers.

Image: My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Planning Workspace: My Review Workspace page