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Understanding Healthcare Scorecard

Today, businesses measure their success based on several KPIs. A scorecard is an enterprise tool for the evaluation and communication of strategic objectives and their KPIs. The Healthcare Scorecard enhances healthcare management by providing key performance indicators that enable healthcare organizations to effectively manage their organization performance by enabling them to:

Healthcare Scorecard works in conjunction with Scorecard to provide a current representation of how your healthcare organization is meeting its healthcare-centric objectives. Data flows through Scorecard based on a defined frequency. Transactional data is provided to the PeopleSoft EPM warehouses, where it is transformed using the Scorecard analysis tools. The system displays analysis results to users who can use this information to analyze or take actions as necessary. The analysis results are accessed using the company intranet or business home page.

This topic discusses:


Healthcare Scorecard supports the Plan to Produce, Target to Engage, and Request to Resolve business processes.

Healthcare Scorecard data tables reside in the PeopleSoft EPM database, which serves as a data repository that can include data from other PeopleSoft applications and other legacy systems. Healthcare Scorecard also takes advantage of the functionality of the Scorecard.

Healthcare Scorecard enables you to manage your healthcare business. It is composed of a set of predefined key performance indicators that provide executive and middle management with a summary of healthcare activities in your organization. The application provides metrics that are related to hospital staffing, surgery utilization, and materials-management contract compliance. These metrics enable your managers to increase capacity and minimize excess expenses. The scorecard also enables the CFO and department managers to manage to operational metrics such as average length of stay, case-mix index, and census levels.

Scorecards and Strategy Components

A scorecard is the visual representation of the objectives that your organization is striving to achieve. Its foundation is a strategy tree that is made up of hierarchical nodes of strategy components.

Healthcare Scorecard delivers the HC_CFO, Healthcare CFO scorecard.

Strategy components are the elements that make up your strategy and are the nodes on your strategy tree or tables. Vision, strategic thrusts, and critical success factors are all strategy components, and represent the goals that your healthcare organization is trying to achieve. KPIs, which measure how well an organization is achieving those goals, are attached to scorecard strategy components.

The predefined data components that make up the Healthcare Scorecard are delivered at installation. After you install the database, setting up and accessing the Healthcare Scorecard involves setting up PeopleSoft EPM, populating the data warehouse with data, updating several components of the Scorecard, and populating the final reporting tables.

Note: Before you attempt to set up the Healthcare Scorecard, you should have installed the appropriate components using the installation documentation and moved the appropriate data components to your system database.

Each scorecard works with Scorecard to provide you with an up-to-date view of how your organization is meeting its healthcare objectives. Using this scorecard is optional. This table lists the field values for these scorecards:

This table lists the critical success factors for each of the strategic thrusts:

You can modify the delivered scorecard to suit your implementation.


A KPI defines the data value or calculation from the PeopleSoft EPM database that is evaluated to determine how well your organization is meeting its critical success factors.

Healthcare Scorecard delivers a set of preconfigured KPIs that provide your management with the tools it needs to analyze your healthcare operation against business objectives. PeopleSoft has developed these KPIs in conjunction with leading consultants, and they measure many factors including patient data, financial performance, and human resources data.

The KPI IDs of the delivered Healthcare Scorecard KPIs are delivered under the SHARE SetID and use the following naming convention:

  • HC_EXT – KPIs using external data.

  • HC_FDB and HC_FMS – KPIs using financials data.

  • HC_HR – KPIs using human resources data.

  • HC_MAN – Manual KPIs to enter patient survey data.

  • HC_SCM – KPIs using supply chain data.

Batch Processes

You must run the following jobstreams to populate key tables:


    This jobstream populates KP_KPI_CALC_F00 and KP_KPI_ASMT_F00. Run this jobstream to validate the KPI calculation rules, verify end values, and test the KPI assessment rules.


    This jobstream populates KP_KPI_CALC_F00, KP_KPI_ASMT_F00 and BC_ASSESS_F00. Run this jobstream to generate the final scorecard assessments after you validate your setup (by running KP_ANALYZE). If you set up this job to run regularly, the KPI process can aggregate data month-to-month and year-to-date. You must run this process after you populate or update the PeopleSoft EPM tables (such as during the Extract Transform and Load process) to view current results for your healthcare scorecard.