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Manually Loading the Analytic Model

When you run the Compensation Planning and Simulation (WA_CPS) process, it automatically calls the Load Analytic Model (WA_CP_BAM_LD) application engine to generate an analytic model instance with the same ID as the scenario ID. Therefore, you can use the Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model run control page to manually load or reload the analytic model. You can also use it to load the scenario results into multiple analytic models to test (and save) different assumptions.

However you cannot load multiple scenarios into a single model—loading a scenario into a model overwrites any preexisting scenario. Also reloading the same scenario into the same analytic model will reset any adjustments made to this scenario. You should create multiple analytic models for different users or different sets of assumptions.

Note: There is no need to load multiple models for analysis only, the default model should be sufficient.

Due to the limited resource of ACE, you should try to reuse the same model ID whenever possible.

Both approved and pending scenarios can be reloaded. If the scenario/model was already approved, the status is reset to awaiting approval.

See Run Compensation Scenario - Run Jobstream Page.

Page Used to Manually Load the Analytic Model

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model


select Workforce Analytics, then select Compensation Strategy, then select Setup Compensation Scenario, then select Load Analytic Model, then select Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model

Manually load the results of a compensation scenario into an analytic model.

Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model Page

Use the Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model page (RUN_WA_CP_BAM_LOAD) to manually load the results of a compensation scenario into an analytic model.

Image: Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Compensation Planning Analytic Model page