Oracle® Big Data Appliance

Site Checklists

Release 2 (2.2)


June 2013

Complete these checklists to ensure that the site is prepared for Oracle Big Data Appliance:

For accessibility information, see "Documentation Accessibility".


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1 Preinstallation Site Summary

Complete this checklist to provide basic customer contact information and evaluate the overall readiness of the site for installation.

Description Site Information
Customer name  
Customer signature and date (optional)  
Customer address  
Customer contact
Oracle installation service request number (if known)  
Installation type: How many racks? Is this a new installation or is it an extension to an existing installation?  
Is the site prepared for installation?

A: Pass. All complete and ready for installation

B: Conditional pass. Not ready, but all open issues are scheduled to be fixed

F: Fail. Not ready, and some open issues are not scheduled to be fixed

Open issues: What did not pass? When will the issue be resolved?  

2 System Components Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the system component concerns have been addressed.

System Components Review Items Yes No NAFoot 1  Comment
Is the rack installation an extension to an existing system, rather than a new installation? If it is an extension to an existing system, then see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide for multirack cabling information.        
How many Oracle Big Data Appliance racks will be installed? -- -- --  
Have you ordered the multirack cabling service?        
If more than three racks will be installed, then were additional, longer cables ordered?        
Are all Oracle Big Data Appliance racks adjacent to each other?        
If the connecting racks are not within the specified proximity, then have you done the following tasks:
  • Purchased longer InfiniBand cables from an approved third-party provider?

  • Asked Oracle Support Services to provide and schedule the custom multirack cabling service with the installation?

If you are connecting Oracle Big Data Appliance to Oracle Exadata Database Machine Half Rack, then does the Exadata Machine have a spine switch?        
If you are connecting to an Oracle Exadata Database Machine with no spine switch (except for the eighth rack), then have you ordered the Exadata Expansion Switch Kit?        
If your data center does not have a 10 GbE infrastructure, then have you ordered an external switch that supports both 10 GbE (or 40 GbE) and 1 GbE?        
Have you purchased the cables and transceivers to connect the InfiniBand Gateway switches to your 10 GbE network infrastructure?        
If the Ethernet switch will be replaced, then have you arranged for the replacement switch installation?        
Will additional equipment be attached to the rack? If yes, then describe the additions.        

Footnote 1 Not applicable to your installation

3 Data Center Room Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the data center room requirements are met.

For information about space and flooring requirements, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Data Center Room Yes No NA Comment
Has the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack location been allocated?        
Is the allocated location vacant and ready for the new equipment?        
Does the floor layout meet the equipment maintenance access requirements?        
Is adequate space available for maintenance?        
Have you chosen a cabinet stabilization method?        
Does the data center have a raised floor?        
Does the raised floor satisfy the weight load requirement for the new hardware?        
Do the raised floor tiles provide sufficient cutout space for the power cord plugs to pass through to the subfloor?        
Can floor tiles be removed without permission to accommodate service?        
Will the new hardware location require any nonstandard cable lengths?        
Is the floor-to-ceiling height a minimum of 3.2 meters (10.5 feet)?        

4 Data Center Environment Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the data center environment requirements are met.

For information about temperature and humidity requirements, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Data Center Environment Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Does the computer room air conditioning system meet temperature and humidity requirements?        
Does the installation floor layout satisfy the ventilation requirements?        
Will the equipment be positioned so that the exhaust air of one rack does not enter the air intake of another rack?        
Is each perforated floor tile rated for air flow at 400 cubic feet per minute or greater?        
Do the data center air conditioners provide sufficient front-to-back airflow?        
Is airflow adequate to prevent hot spots?        
Can the data center continuously satisfy environmental requirements?        
Can more perforated floor tiles be obtained if required?        

5 Access Route Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the access route requirements are met.

For information about access route requirements, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Access Route Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Has the access route been checked for clearances of the packaged equipment?        
Do all the doors and entryways conform to the width and height requirements for transportation, including the width of the packaged equipment?        
Do all the doors meet the height requirement of 218.4 cm (86 inches) for packaged delivery?        
Does the access route provide sufficient space for transport of the packaged equipment?        
Are you concerned about any ramps or thresholds? If yes, then provide details.        
Are any stairs or ramps in the moving path for the new rack?        
Have you confirmed that all route incline angles are within the permitted range?        
Have you confirmed that the access route is free of any obstacles that would expose the rack to shock?        
Are all the surfaces acceptable for rolling the new unpacked and packed equipment?        
If a pallet jack will be used, then have you confirmed that it supports the weight of the rack?        
If there are stairs, then is a loading elevator accessible for the equipment?        
If an elevator will be used:
  • Is the elevator car wide enough for the device to be carried into it?

  • Is the elevator car tall enough for the device to be carried into it?

  • Can the elevator handle the 1134 kg (2500 lb) shipping weight?

  • Does the elevator door meet the height requirement of 218.4 cm (86 inches) for packaged rack delivery?




Does the path from the receiving location to the designated data center area support the weight of the unpacked equipment?        
Is the path onto the raised floor rated for dynamic loading of the server?        

6 Facility Power Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the facility power requirements are met.

For information about power requirements, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Facility Power Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Which type of PDU connectors did you order?

A: Low-voltage single-phase

B: Low-voltage three-phase

C: High-voltage single-phase

D: High-voltage three-phase

-- -- --  
Are power outlets available for the new equipment at the designated location?        
Are enough power outlets provided within 2 meters for each rack?        
Do the power outlets have appropriate socket receptacles for the PDU option ordered?        
Will optional ground cables be attached to the rack?        
Are the circuit breakers for the equipment suitable in terms of voltage and current-carrying capacities?        
Does the power frequency meet the equipment specifications?        
What are the power requirements of the system, such as operating voltage and electric current level of the device and peripherals? -- -- --  
Do you have the minimum required power sources to support the power load for the new hardware?        
Will system power be delivered from two separate grids?        
Is there an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to power the equipment?        

7 Safety Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the safety requirements are met.

For information about safety guidelines and about powering on and off, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Safety Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Is there an emergency power shutoff?        
Is there a fire protection system in the data center room?        
Is the computer room adequately equipped to extinguish a fire?        
Is antistatic flooring installed?        

8 Logistics Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the logistics requirements are met.

For information about unpacking and space requirements, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Logistics Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Do you have contact information for the data center personnel?        
Is there security or access control for the data center?        
Are security background checks or security clearances required for vendor personnel to access the data center? If yes, and you have a recommended agency, then provide the contact information.       Security agency name:


How many days in advance must background checks be completed? -- -- --  
Are there any additional security access issues?        
Will sufficient moving personnel be available to install the hardware?        
Is union labor required for any part of the delivery or installation? If yes, then identify which part.        
Are there any restrictions on delivery truck length, width, or height? If yes, then list the maximum dimensions.       Length:



Does the delivery carrier require any special equipment, such as non-floor-damaging rollers, transport dollies, pallet jacks, or fork lifts?        
Will any of the following be required to place equipment in the computer room?
  • Stair walkers

  • Lifters

  • Ramps

  • Steel plates

  • Floor covers

Does the building have a delivery dock?        
Are there time constraints on dock access? If yes, then provide a schedule.        
Is a tail lift required on the delivery carrier to unload the equipment at the delivery dock?        
Is there a delivery, unpacking, and staging area?        
Is the unpacking and staging area protected from the elements?        
Is the delivery area inside?        
If the delivery is not inside, then is the site prepared for uncrating?        
Does the building have adequate receiving space?        
Is the unpacking area air-conditioned to avoid thermal shock for various hardware components?        
Are you prepared for uncrating and trash removal?        
Is computer room access available for installation personnel?        
Are laptops, cell phones, and cameras allowed in the data center? If not, then list the restricted devices.       Restricted devices:
Are cardboard boxes and other packing material allowed in the computer room?        
If packing material is not allowed in the computer room, then do ground-level deliveries require a truck with a side rail lift?        

9 Network Configuration Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the network configuration requirements are met.

For information about IP addresses, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.


A problem with the customer network configuration may cause extended delays. To detect potential issues and resolve them quickly:
  • Run the script twice. See the review items in the following table.

  • Ensure that the network administrator is available on-site during the installation of Oracle Big Data Appliance (1 to 2 days).

Network Configuration Review Items Yes No NA Comment
Were any conflicts found while running the script before connecting the network? See the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide for information on the script.        
Were any conflicts found while running the script after the initial configuration? See the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide for information on the script.        
Did you run the required network cables from your network equipment to the location where Oracle Big Data Appliance will be installed?        
Did you label the network cables that will connect to Oracle Big Data Appliance?        
How may 10 GbE connections will be configured for each gateway switch? You can have 1 to 8 connections for each switch for a total of 2 to 16 connections for an appliance. The minimum is two connections: one per switch.        
Will the Cisco Ethernet switch have IP routing disabled?        

10 Auto Service Request Checklist

Complete the following checklist if you are planning to use Auto Service Request with Oracle Big Data Appliance.

For information about Auto Service Request, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Auto Service Request Checks Yes No NA Comment
Do you have a My Oracle Support account?        
Do you have your Oracle Customer Support Identifier (CSI)?        
Do you have the host name and IP address of the server that will host ASR Manager?        
Does the system need a proxy server? If so, what is the host name and IP address for the proxy server?        
Do you have the technical contact information for Auto Service Request? This information includes the first name, last name, and email address of the contact and the correct shipping address for the systems.

Note: Verify the serial numbers because multiple systems at multiple sites may be listed under the same Customer Support Identifier.


11 Oracle Enterprise Manager Checklist

Complete the following checklist if you are planning to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager system-monitoring plugin for Oracle Big Data Appliance.

For general information about the plugin, see Oracle Big Data Appliance User's Guide. For installation instructions, see Oracle Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Installation Guide for Oracle Big Data Appliance.

Enterprise Manager Checks Yes No NA Comment
Have you installed Oracle Management System (OMS) or higher?        
Is OMS on the same administrative network as Oracle Big Data Appliance?

OMS must be able to reach the servers, switches, and PDUs, and Oracle Big Data Appliance must be able to reach OMS.


12 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Big Data Appliance Site Checklists, Release 2 (2.2)


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