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Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static String GetSyncStageName (SyncProgressStage stage)

Public Attributes

readonly string[] Pubs
readonly DataPriority Prio
readonly DateTime StartTime
readonly DateTime EndTime
readonly Exception LastError
readonly SyncProgressStage ProgressStage
readonly int ProgressVal


bool SyncOccured [get]
bool SyncInProgress [get]

Detailed Description

Current status of sync within sync agent.

See Also

Member Function Documentation

static String Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.GetSyncStageName ( SyncProgressStage  stage)

Get language-specific name of a given sync stage

the name such as "Stopped", "Running", etc. transated depending on the device language settings

Member Data Documentation

readonly DateTime Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.EndTime

End time of last sync. Set to DateTime.MinValue if the sync is currently in progress or has yet run.

See Also
readonly Exception Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.LastError

Exception object thrown during the last sync. null if last sync was successful or no sync has completed yet.

readonly DataPriority Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.Prio

Sync priority of current or last sync.

See Also
readonly SyncProgressStage Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.ProgressStage

Progress stage of sync if it is in progress, N/A otherwise.

See Also
readonly int Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.ProgressVal

Progress value in % of sync if it is in progress, N/A otherwise.

readonly string [] Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.Pubs

Array of names of publications synced currently or during last sync.

readonly DateTime Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.StartTime

Start time of current or last sync. Set to DateTime.MinValue if the sync has not yet started or the last sync time is not known.

Property Documentation

bool Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.SyncInProgress

Tells whether sync is currently in progress

bool Oracle.OpenSync.SyncAgent.BGSyncStatus.SyncOccured

Tells whether sync already happened or is in progress