Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.ide.db.panels.sql

UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel Abstract class for all declarative SQLQuery builder panels to override.
ExpressionPanel Panel class for building up SQLFragments.
FromFromPicker Specific picker for the quick-pick panel that handles expanding relations when they're shuttled and tooltipping relations and fks.
FromJoinToPicker Tree picker for the RHS of the FromPanel shuttle that allows the user to edit FromObjects, including JOINs.
FunctionComboBox Subclass of combo box whose tooltip is set to the description of the function definition selected in the list.
GroupByPanel Wizard/Dialog panel for editing the GROUP BY clause of a SQL Query.
GroupByToPicker To picker for the group by panel's shuttle.
HavingPanel Panel to edit the HAVING clause in a SQL Query.
JoinObjectEditDialog Standalone dialog that can be used to edit the properties of a JoinObject.
OrderByPanel Panel used to edit the ORDER BY clause of a SQL Query.
QueryDisplayPanel Panel that simply displays the query.
QueryPanel Editor panel for the whole query in a SQLQuery.
QueryTargetPicker Target picker for a bali shuttle that creates parts of a SQLQuery given DBObjectTransferables.
QuickPickObjectsPanel Panel for quick-picking which objects to include in the various part of the view's sql query.
QuickPickSourcePicker Specific picker for the quick-pick panel that handles expanding relations when they're shuttled and tooltipping relations and fks.
SelectObjectsPanel Panel for creating and editing SELECT objects as part of a SQL Query.
SQLQueryEditDialog Dialog launcher for editing SQL queries.
WhereEditor Panel that acts as an editor for a WhereObject, including template-driven help.
WhereObjectPanel Editor panel for the WhereObject in a SQLQuery.

Package oracle.ide.db.panels.sql Description

UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query.

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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