Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.javatools.db.ddl

API for generating DDL in the database API.


Interface Summary
AlterDDLGenerator Implementations of UpdateDDLGenerator are registered with a DDLGeneratorImpl, and each one will be responsible for generating alter DDL syntax for a given object type.
CreateDDLGenerator Implementations of CreateDDLGenerator are registered with a DDLGeneratorImpl, and each one will be responsible for generating create DDL syntax for a given object type.
DDLGenerator<T extends DDLType> A DDLGenerator takes a set of objects, or differences between objects, and returns CREATE, DROP or ALTER statements that can be run against the database to perform operations on the underlying definitions.
DropDDLGenerator Implementations of DropDDLGenerator are registered with a DDLGeneratorImpl, and each one will be responsible for generating DROP DDL syntax for a given object type.
UndeleteDDLGenerator Implementations of UndeleteDDLGenerator are registered with a DDLGeneratorImpl and each one will be responsible for generating undelete (e.g.

Class Summary
BundleDDLGenerator<T extends DDLType> TokenDDLGenerator subclass that uses either a set of Properties files or ResourceBundles with specially formatted keys to automatically register DDL for generation.
DDL<T extends DDLType> Class that repsents single, or multiple, statements of DDL to be executed against a database connection.
DDLDatabase Database implementation that uses a DDLGenerator to create, update and delete objects.
DDLOptions The options to customise the generation of DDL when using a DDLGenerator.
DDLType<T extends DDLType> This class must be extended for each DDLGenerator implementation that corresponds to a database type.
DefaultTokenGenerator A default token generator is constructed using a piece of "token code" and that is processed by the parent processor to generate the appropriate ddl.
TokenContext A TokenContext is the state object for a TokenProcessor.
TokenDDLGenerator<T extends DDLType> TokenDDLGenerator is DDLGenerator implementation that takes the registration of "ddl code tokens" and registers CreateDDLGenerator, DropDDLGenerator and AlterDDLGenerator with the superclass as appropriate.
TokenGenerator.CascadeGenerator {generate}
TokenGenerator.NameGenerator {}
TokenGenerator.ReplaceGenerator {replace}

Exception Summary
UnsupportedDDLException This exception is thrown by DDLGenerator implementations when requests are made to generate DDL for objects and/or properties that are not supported by the particular generator.

Package oracle.javatools.db.ddl Description

API for generating DDL in the database API. Contains the DDLGenerator interface, and provides Database implementations that support DDL generation. In addition a DDLGeneration mechanism is included that generates DDL from "token code", syntax strings that are DDL-like but provide placeholders for bean properties from the DBObjects being generated.


Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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