Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface WizardTraversable

All Superinterfaces:

public interface WizardTraversable
extends Traversable

This interface specifies the operations that must be supported by a GUI component added to the project-from-template and application-from-template wizards. The GUI component is associated with a particular technology scope and is registered declaratively using the technology-hook hook.

Method Summary
 void commitWizardChanges(Project project, Workspace workspace, TraversableContext dataContext)
          Called when the user clicks Finish on the wizard to commit the changes in the dataContext.
 boolean mustCommitWizardChanges(TraversableContext dataContext)
          Indicates whether or not commitWizardChanges(oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext) should be called even if the wizard page has not been visited, and thus the UI not changed.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.panels.Traversable
getComponent, getExitTransition, getHelpID, onEntry, onExit

Method Detail


boolean mustCommitWizardChanges(TraversableContext dataContext)
Indicates whether or not commitWizardChanges(oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext) should be called even if the wizard page has not been visited, and thus the UI not changed.

dataContext - The data object where changes made in the UI are stored for use during the lifetime of the wizard.
true specifies that commitWizardChanges(oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext) should be called even if the page was not visted before the wizard was finished, false indicates that it's okay to finish the wizard without calling commitWizardChanges(oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext) on this panel.


void commitWizardChanges(Project project,
                         Workspace workspace,
                         TraversableContext dataContext)
Called when the user clicks Finish on the wizard to commit the changes in the dataContext. This is were the custom settings should be applied to the project.

The wizard framework handles setting the technology scope in the generated project, so classes that implement WizardTraversable should not set the technology scope on their own. Any registered listeners are notified as a result of technologies being added to the project, so only operations which are not handled as a result of technology changes should be handled here.

project - The project that was created as a result of finishing the wizard. Listeners should make whatever changes are applicable directly on this project.
workspace - The workspace that was created as a result of finishing the wizard. In the case of the New Project wizard, this value is the not a new workspace but the workspace that was active when the wizard was invoked.
dataContext - The data object where changes made in the UI are stored for use during the lifetime of the wizard.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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