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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E14308-09
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13 Configuring User Attributes

User attributes are properties of the user entity. The information about the user entity is stored in the form of attributes, such as first name, last name, user login, and password. There are default user attributes in Oracle Identity Manager. However, you can create custom user attributes by using the user configuration UI in the Administrative and User Console.

In Oracle Identity Manager, there are certain operations involved in the life-cycle management of each entity. Some of the basic operations for the user entity are:

See Also:

"Managing Users" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about the operations related to the user entity and a list of default user entity attributes

A complete list of attributes managed via configuration management feature can be obtained by the operations performed on an entity. For example, for searching users through advanced search, a set of searchable user attributes is displayed for performing the search. After the search operation is completed, search results involving a set of attributes are displayed. These attribute sets are managed by using the configuration management feature.

The configuration management UI in the Oracle Identity Administration is used to define user entity data structure and attributes. The availability of configuring attributes in the UI is subject to permissions that are controlled by authorization policies. See "User Management" and "Authenticated User Self Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about authorization policies for managing users and self service operations.

This chapter describes user configuration management in the following sections:

13.1 Entity Configuration Operations

Entity configuration operations allow you to define the set of attributes for the user entity. You can add new and custom attribute definitions and modify the existing ones. In addition to the attributes defined by default, you can define your own attributes for the user entity.


To access the Configuration Management section in the Advanced Administration, the user must have authorization to configure the user attributes. For more details, see "User Management Configuration" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.

Entity configuration operations include:

13.1.1 Listing Entity Attributes

To list the entity attributes in the user configuration management UI:

  1. Login to the Oracle Identity Manager Advanced Administration.

  2. In the Welcome page, under Configuration, click User Configuration. Alternatively, you can click the Configuration tab, and then click the User Configuration tab.

  3. On the left pane of the console, from the Actions menu, select User Attributes. The User Attributes page is displayed with a table containing all user attributes that are defined in the User.xml configuration file.

    Table 13-1 describes the columns in the User Attributes table:

    Table 13-1 Columns in the User Attributes Table

    Column Description

    Category Name

    The category to which the attribute belongs. The categorization is used to organize data in the User Management console.

    Note: For information about each category, see "Performing Category Configuration".

    Attribute Names

    The unique name for the attribute. It is also used as the caption when this attribute is displayed on the user profile page.

    Order in Category

    The order of the attributes within the category. The attributes are displayed on the User Management console based on this order.

    Attribute Type

    Whether the type of the attribute is System or user-defined field (UDF). System attributes cannot be deleted and have restrictions on their modifications.

    Backend Data Type

    The data type of the attribute in the backend datastore.

    Display Type

    The display type of the attribute in the User Management console.

    You can select a row in the User Attributes table and perform operations, such as creating or modifying attributes, which are described in the subsequent sections.


    Any administrator user cannot access the Configuration Management section in Oracle Identity Manager Administration. The user must have authorization to configure the user attributes.

  4. In the Category Name column, expand a category name by clicking the icon to the left of the category name. The attributes under the category are listed in the Attribute Name column.

13.1.2 Creating Entity Attributes

To create new attributes for an entity:

  1. In the User Attributes page, from the Actions menu, select Create Attribute. The Create Attribute wizard is displayed.

  2. In the Set Attribute Details page of the wizard, enter values in the fields. Table 13-2 lists the fields in the Set Attribute Details page:

    Table 13-2 Fields in the Set Attribute Details Page

    Field LOV Types Description

    Attribute Name


    This is the unique name for the attribute. It is also used as the caption when this attribute is displayed on the User profile page.

    Backend Attribute Name


    This is the name of the field that will be created in the user backend schema to store the value specified for this attribute while creating or modifying users . Oracle Identity Manager automatically prefixes the Backend Attribute Name with "USR_UDF.".

    Category Name


    This is the category name to which the attribute belongs. The categorization is used to organize the data in the UI.

    Note: For information about category configuration, see "Performing Category Configuration".

    Display Type


    This indicates the display type of the attribute in the UI. This is an attribute property and is stored in the User.xml file as metadata attachment. The available display types are:

    • String

    • Integer

    • Text Area

    • Check Box

    • Double

    • Date

    • Secret

    • List of Values

    Selecting Display Type sets the appropriate backend and frontend data types.

    Backend data type is the data type of the attribute in the backend datastore. This is stored in the User.xml file along with the attribute definition.

    Frontend data type indicates the data type of the attribute as interpreted by Oracle Identity Manager. This is stored in the User.xml file along with the attribute definition. This is not displayed in the UI.

    See Also: The "Attribute Properties" section for information about properties to be configured for each attribute

    LOV Type


    This field is hidden by default. If the display type is selected as List Of Values, then the LOV-related fields are displayed. The LOV Type can be System Generated, Admin Configured, and By Query.


    System Generated

    The user can specify existing LOVs. For example:

    1. Select System Generated as the LOV Type.

    2. The LOV Search Options points to the Contains operator by default. In the LOV Code field, enter users, and click Search. The list of available LOV codes matching the search criteria is displayed in the Available LOV Codes list.

    3. Select Lookup.Users.Role and move to the Selected LOV codes list by clicking the right arrow. Only one LOV code should be moved to this list. Then, click Next, and complete the rest of the steps in the wizard as described in this section.

    After saving the attribute, a drop-down list with employee type codes is displayed in the user details page.


    Admin Configured

    The user can add this LOV. For example:

    1. Select Admin Configured as the LOV Type.

    2. In the LOV Code field, enter level. For a LOV code, you can add multiple LOV options and corresponding LOV descriptions.

    3. In the LOV Options field, enter L1, and in the LOV Options Description field, enter Executive. Then, click Add. The LOV option and description is added and are displayed on the page.

    4. To add another value, in the LOV Options field, enter L2. and in the LOV Options Description field, enter Senior Executive. Then click Add.

    5. After adding multiple values, click Next, and complete the rest of the steps in the wizard as described in this section.

    After saving the attribute, a drop-down list with the values specified in the LOV Options Description field are displayed in the user details page.


    By Query

    The LOV Code and LOV Options fields are not displayed. Instead, the following fields are displayed:

    - LOV Query: In this field, you can specify any SQL query that is valid in the Oracle Identity Manager database schema.

    - LOV Column to Display: This is a list showing all the columns from the select query. The selected column values are available on clicking a search icon on the pages for creating or modifying the user entity. For example, you might want to display Manager Name instead of Manager Key.

    - LOV Column to Save: This is a list showing all columns from the select query. The selected column value is the one that is saved in the backend store when the user makes a selection in the dropdown available on the pages for creating or modifying the user entity. For example, you can display Manager Name, but want to save Manager Key value.

    Note: Oracle Identity Manager represents sets by using two tables, the LKU and LKV tables. The LKU table holds keys that identify each set. The LKV table defines the members of each set, in which each row in the LKV table uses one column to identify the set (a LKU_KEY column in the LKU table), and another column to declare a value that will be a member of that set. A list of values is already defined in the LKU and LKV tables in the database. For administrator specified, the user must specify an LOV code. This is stored in the LKU table. Associated with each code are the list of values. The user must add new values here. These values are stored in the LKV table and are used as this attribute's LOV values. For system generated, the user can search for LOV codes, and then select a code. Values already exist for this code in the LKV table and are used as this attribute's LOV values. See "LKU and LKV Table Definitions" for the list of columns in the LKU and LKV tables.

    The following is an example of setting the By Query LOV type:

    1. Select By Query as the LOV Type.

    2. In the LOV Query field, enter SELECT USR_FIRST_NAME as FirstName , USR_LOGIN as UserLogin FROM USR WHERE USR_STATUS = 'Active'.

    3. In the LOV Column to Display list, select FIRSTNAME.

    4. In the LOV Column to Save list, select USERLOGIN and click Next, and complete the rest of the steps in the wizard as described in this section.

    After saving the attribute, a search icon against this attribute is displayed in the user details page. The user can search and select value for the attribute. FIRSTNAME is displayed in the user details page and USERLOGIN is saved in the backend store.

    LOV Code


    This is the code to identify the LOV. For system-generated LOV, this value must be of an existing LOV code.

    Note: The LoV Code, LOV Options, and LOV Options Description fields are displayed only when Display Type is selected as List Of Values. For other display types, these fields are not displayed.

    LOV Options


    This is displayed only if the LOV Type is administrator specified. The user must specify the LOV values here.

    LOV Options Description


    These are the descriptive LOV options.


    You cannot remove a value from the list of values.

  3. If you are creating a custom LOV type attribute, then perform the following steps:


    Perform step 3 only if you want to create a custom LOV type attribute. Otherwise, skip this step.

    In this example, the LOV Type is Admin Configured.

    1. In the Set Attribute Details page of the Create Attribute wizard, select the Display Type as List of Values.

    2. Select Admin Configured as the LOV Type. The LOV Type, LOV Code, LOV Options, and LOV Options Description fields are displayed. For information about these fields, see Table 13-2, "Fields in the Set Attribute Details Page".

    3. In the LOV Code field, enter the department.

    4. In the LOV Options field, enter L1.

    5. In the LOV Options Description field, enter Engineering.

    6. Click Add. The LOV option with description is added in a table at the bottom of the page.

    7. Add the other LOV options, such as:

      • LOV Options: L1, L2

      • LOV Options Description: QA, Documentation

      Figure 13-1 shows the Set Attribute Details page with the added LOV options:

  4. Click Next. The Set the attribute properties page is displayed.

  5. Specify values for the attribute properties. Table 13-3 lists the fields in the Set Properties page:

    Table 13-3 Fields in the Set Properties Page

    Field Description

    Read Only Value

    Determines if the attribute is a read only attribute


    Determines if the attribute value is stored in encrypted or clear formats


    Determines if the attribute is displayed on the UI

    Attribute Size

    The maximum size the attribute value can take


    Determines if the attribute is searchable

    Bulk Updatable

    Determines if the attribute can be modified while modifying multiple users at the same time.

    Default Value

    The default value of the attribute to be displayed on the user details.

  6. Click Next. The Confirm page of the Create Attribute wizard is displayed with information that you entered for creating the attribute.

  7. Review the attribute information, and then click Save. The MDS schema, which is the User.xml file, and the DB schema are updated with the new attribute. The new attribute added is displayed in the User Management section based on the properties set. See "User Management" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about authorization policies for the user management.


The LOV type attribute that you created in step 3 is available in the Create User page, as shown in Figure 13-2:

Figure 13-2 Custom LOV Attribute in the Create User Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 13-2 . Attribute Properties

For each attribute, you must configure the following properties:

  • Required: Determines if every user in the repository must have a non-null value for this attribute. For predefined users, the required attributes have values. If you create a user, you must provide a value for the required attribute. An existing attribute cannot be modified to required unless the attribute has values for all the existing users.

  • Read-Only: Makes an attribute read-only, which means that the attribute cannot be modified irrespective of the authorization policy. Some attributes in the UI must always be read-only. These include the system-controlled attributes and may include custom attributes.

  • System Controlled: Determines if the value can only be set and edited by Oracle Identity Manager.

  • Encrypted: Determines if the value is stored in the repository in reversible encrypted or clear formats.

  • Searchable: Determines if the values can be used in simple as well as advanced searches. An attribute must be configured for use in simple search or advanced search by modifying the search configuration. See "Search Operation Configuration" for information about configuring search operations.

  • Bulk Updatable: Determines if the attribute can be updated during a bulk modify operation.

  • Size: Indicates the max size that the value for this attribute can take.

  • Default Value: The default value of the attribute, which is the value that will be populated in the backend store if no value is provided while creating the user entity.


When you create a new UDF, you must add a corresponding entry in the following custom resource bundle:


Here, replace LANGUAGE with the appropriate locale, such as en for English.

The naming convention for the entry is:


For example: global.udf.USR_UDF_ATT=Attestation

After adding the entry, upload the resource bundle to MDS by using the Upload JAR utility. See "Upload JAR Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about this utility. LKU and LKV Table Definitions

Table 13-4 lists the columns in the LKU table:

Table 13-4 Columns in the LKU Table

Column Name Data Type NULL


NUMBER(19, 0)



NUMBER(19, 0)


















NUMBER(1, 0)






NUMBER(19, 0)






NUMBER(19, 0)








Table 13-5 lists the columns in the LKV table:

Table 13-5 Columns in the LKV Table

Column Name Data Type NULL


NUMBER(19, 0)



NUMBER(19, 0)





















NUMBER(1, 0)






NUMBER(19, 0)






NUMBER(19, 0)








13.1.3 Modifying Entity Attributes

The Modify Attribute operation allows you to edit the attributes specific to user entity. To do so:

  1. In the User Attributes table, select an attribute.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Modify Attribute. The Modify Attribute page is displayed.

  3. On the Modify Attribute page, edit the attribute details and attribute properties. You cannot edit the Attribute Name and Display Type fields.

  4. (Optional) Click Preview User Profile to display a preview of the user profile.

    The Preview User Profile feature renders a hypothetical page that contains all available categories and attributes. This feature helps you review the Profile before saving it to the database. Note that a user may not be able to view all of the categories and attributes shown due to user permissions and other constraints.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

For attributes with default values, only the following modifications can be done:

  • Modifying the default value of the attribute.

  • Modifying the visible property of the attribute.

  • If an attribute has a default value and is nonrequired, then that attribute can be changed to be required. If an attribute is nonrequired and it does not have a default value, then the attribute cannot be changed to required.

13.1.4 Deleting Entity Attributes

The Delete operation allows you to delete an attribute. To delete an attribute:

  1. In the User Attributes table, select a row.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Delete Attribute. A message box is displayed asking for confirmation.

  3. Click OK. A message is displayed confirming that the attribute is deleted.

On performing the delete operation, the actual attribute in the backend is not deleted. The existing data is not affected and audit logs continue to display the data. The deletion happens only in the MDS schema (User.xml).


Default attributes cannot be deleted. Only user-defined attributes can be deleted.

13.1.5 Performing Category Configuration

A category is a logical entity to display the related information or attributes together. Category configuration allows you to organize the data in the UI. The following categories are available by default:

  • Basic User Information: This contains the user's personal information such as first name, last name, e-mail, and organizational information, for example manager or department.

  • Account Settings: This contains the user login and password information.

  • Account Effective Dates: The dates on which the user account is activated or deactivated.

  • Provisioning Dates: The dates on which the user account is provisioned and deprovisioned.

  • Lifecycle: This is for attributes for user account locked, manually locked, or the date when the account will be automatically deleted. These are not displayed on the UI.

  • System: These include attributes that are used internally by the application, such as login attempts by the user, the date when the user is created, and user password cannot be changed. These are not displayed on the UI.

  • Other User Attributes: This contains the remaining attributes of the user.

  • Custom Attributes: This is an empty category. Attributes are added here by the Deployment Manager while importing from Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 UDFs.

  • Preferences: This contains the attributes that control the user preferences. For example, Locale and Timezone.

You can perform the following category configuration operations: Creating Category

Create category operation allows you to add new categories. To create a new category:

  1. In the User Attributes page, from the Actions menu, select Add Category. The Create Category dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Category Name field, enter the name of the category.

  3. Click Save to create the category. A message is displayed stating that the category is successfully created.

  4. Click OK. Renaming Category

The category names that are displayed in the UI are taken from the resource bundles. To change the display name of a category, you must change the value in the resource bundle, for example, OIM_ORACLE_HOME/server/customResourses/

Here, replace LANGUAGE with the appropriate locale, such as en for English.

You can also modify the default category names by editing the resource bundle. Deleting Category

You can delete only empty categories. To delete a category:

  1. In the User Attributes page, select an empty category that you want to delete.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Delete Category. A message box is displayed asking for confirmation.

  3. Click OK. A message is displayed that confirms the deletion.

  4. Click OK. Ordering Attributes Within a Category

You can specify the order of the attributes within the category. The attributes are displayed on the User Management section based on this order.

To order the attributes within a category:

  1. In the User Attributes page, select a category whose attributes you want to order.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Order Category Attribtues. The Order Category Attributes dialog box is displayed with all the attribute names within the selected category.

  3. Edit the numbers corresponding to each attribute to specify the attribute's order in the category.

  4. Click Save.

13.2 Search Operation Configuration

The search operation allows searching of user entities based on a query provided by the user. You can configure the attributes for the search operation, the search results table, and the full table for simple/advanced search.

Searchable attributes define the set of attributes to which the search string is applied when performing the simple search. By default, the display name, user name, first name, and last name searchable attributes are configured for simple search. The same are configured by default for advanced search.

Result attributes define the set of attributes that is returned by the search operation. You can define the columns to display in the search results, and the subset to display in the limited search result table for simple search.

You can configure the available attributes for use in simple search and advanced search queries. In addition, you can configure the attributes that you want to be displayed in the search results table. To do so:

  1. On the left pane in the User Configuration section, from the Actions menu, select Search Configuration. The User Search Configuration page is displayed, as shown in Figure 13-3:

    Figure 13-3 The Search Configuration Form

    Description of Figure 13-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 13-3 The Search Configuration Form"

  2. In the Simple Search: Search Attributes section, select the attributes that you want to make available for simple search. Click the move and move all icons to add the attributes for simple search. You can also click the remove and remove all icons to remove attributes from the search.

  3. In the Advanced Search: Search Attributes section, select the attributes that you want to make available for advanced search. Click the move and move all icons to add the attributes for advanced search.

  4. In the Search Results Table Configuration section, select the attributes that you want to display in the search results table. Click the move and move all icons to add the attributes for the search results table.

  5. Click Save.


  • The Modify and Create operations are not configurable to this level. All the attributes are displayed as editable on the User Management UI, with the following exceptions:

    Attributes with property Visible=No
    Attributes with property System Controlled=Yes"
  • The attributes that are visible, but have the property System Controlled=Yes, are displayed as read only. See Table 13-6, "Noneditable Attributes".

  • The final list of attributes displayed on the UI depends on the authorization policies configured.

  • Any user-defined field (UDF) is not displayed in the Available Attributes list for simple search.

Table 13-6 lists the attributes with the Visible property set to No or the System Controlled property set to Yes:

Table 13-6 Noneditable Attributes

Attribute Visible System Controlled

Full Name






Manually Locked



Locked On



Automatically Delete On



Provisioned Date



Deprovisioned Date



Login Attempts



Created On



Updated On



Password Cannot Change



Password Must Change



Password Never Expires



Password Expiration Date



Password Warn Date



Password Expired



Password Warned



Password Reset Attempts



Change Password At Next Login



Password Minimum Age Date



Created By



Updated By



User Created On



Policy Updated



Password Generated



Data Level



LDAP Organization



LDAP Organization Unit









Number Format






Date Format



Time Format



Accessibility Mode



Color Contrast



Font Size



Embedded Help



FA Language



FA Territory



User Name Preferred Language



13.3 User Configuration Management Authorization

Authorization of the user configuration management is governed by a default authorization policy. Custom authorization policies cannot be created for this feature.

See Also:

"User Management Configuration" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about the default authorization policy for user configuration management

The users that are members of the System Administrators role are authorized to perform all user configuration operations. The operations are defined by the permissions set for the default authorization policy for this feature. Table 13-7 lists the permissions:

Table 13-7 Authorization Permissions

Permission Description

Create Attribute

Decides if adding attributes is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can add an attribute.

Update Attribute

Decides if updating all attributes is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can update attributes.

Delete Attribute

Decides if deleting an attribute is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if user can delete an attribute.

Add Category

Decides if adding categories is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can add a category.

Order Category Attribute

Decides if updating attributes is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can update a category.

Delete Category

Decides if deleting categories is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can delete a category.

Add Derived Attributes

Decides if adding derived attributes is enabled for the user. The option to add derived attributes is available at the API level only.

Set Search Attributes

Decides if searching configuration is enabled in the UI for the user. This permission is also used at the API level to decide if the user can update simple search and advanced search, and search table attributes.

13.4 Enabling the Usage of UDFs in Requests

You can create UDFs and use them in various requests, such as self registration, self profile modification, and creating and modifying users. To enable the usage of UDFs in requests:

  1. Create the UDF by using the user configuration management UI. See "Creating Entity Attributes" for details.

  2. For modify operations, assign the modify permission by using authorization policies to the roles or users that can create modify requests. See "Managing Authorization Policies" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for details.

  3. Update the corresponding request dataset for the request that you want to create. For example:

    • For user self registration, use SelfCreateUserDataset.xml

    • For user self profile modification, use ModifyUserDataset.xml

    • For user creation by administrator through request, use CreateUserDataSet.xml

    • For user modification by administrator through request, use ModifyUserDataset.xml

    See "Configuring Requests" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about request datasets.

  4. Upload the request datasets to the Meta Data Store (MDS). See "Step 2: Uploading Request Datasets into MDS" and "MDS Utilities and User Modifiable Metadata Files" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about uploading request datasets to the MDS by using the MDS import/export utility tools.

13.5 Synchronizing User-Defined Fields Between Oracle Identity Manager and LDAP

This section describes how to synchronize user-defined fields (UDFs) between Oracle Identity Manager and LDAP. After creating a user-defined field using the Oracle Identity Manager Advanced Administration Configuration Service, you must extend the OVD and OID schema by adding the new attribute before you can synchronize that attribute. For example, assume you created an Oracle Identity Manager attribute named Employee ID and that the corresponding column name in the USR table is USR_EMPLOYEE_ID. You must add the Employee ID attribute to the orclIDXPerson objectclass in both OVD and OID.

See Also:

OVD and OID documentation for information about adding new attributes to the schema.

Synchronization between Oracle Identity Manager UDFs and LDAP can be achieved in following ways:

13.5.1 Synchronizing the Attribute Manually

Use the following steps to synchronize the attribute:


You cannot directly map a multi-valued attribute in a directory to a similarly multi-valued attribute in Oracle Identity Manager. Therefore, you can propagate only single-valued attributes from LDAP to Oracle Identity Manager.

  1. Extend the OVD and OID schemas by adding the emplyeeid attribute to the orclIDXPerson objectclass in both OVD and OID.

  2. To propagate the attribute value from Oracle Identity Manager to LDAP, perform the following steps:

    1. Export the following file from MDS:


    2. Add the following entry to the end of the <entity-attributes> tag:

      <attribute name="Employee ID">


      Oracle Identity Manager does not support provisioning or reconciling Boolean-type attributes to LDAP.

    3. Add the following entry to the end of the <target-fields> tag:

      <field name="employeeid">
    4. Add the following entry to the end of the <attribute-maps> tag:

                    <entity-attribute>Employee ID</entity-attribute>
    5. Import the LDAPUser.xml file in the /metadata/iam-features-ldap-sync/ directory in MDS.

  3. To propagate the attribute value from LDAP to Oracle Identity Manager, perform these steps:

    1. Extend the RA_LDAPUSER table by adding a new column. For example, add the RECON_EMPLOYEE_ID column.

    2. Export the reconciliation profile, /db/LDAPUser from MDS.

    3. Add the following entry to the end of the <reconFields> tag:

                    <oimFormDescriptiveName>Employee ID</oimFormDescriptiveName>
                         <targetattr keyfield="false" encrypted="false"
                         type="String" name="usr_employee_id"/>
    4. Add the following entry to the end of the <reconToOIMMappings> tag:

                    <oimFormDescriptiveName>Employee ID</oimFormDescriptiveName>
                    <reconColName> RECON_EMPLOYEE_ID </reconColName>
                    <targetattr keyfield="false" encrypted="false" required="false"
       type="String" name="                
                    <Transformation name="OneToOne">
                    <Parameter name=" employeeid " fieldname=" employeeid "/>
    5. Import the xml file back into MDS. After importing, verify that the full path in MDS is /db/LDAPUser.

    6. Export the /db/RA_LDAPUSER.xml file from MDS.

    7. Add the following entry to the end of the <entity-attributes> tag:

      <attribute name="Employee ID">
    8. Add this entry to the end of the <target-fields> tag:

      <field name=" RECON_EMPLOYEE_ID">
    9. Add the following entry to the end of the <attribute-maps> tag:

                    <entity-attribute>Employee ID</entity-attribute>
                    <target-field> RECON_EMPLOYEE_ID </target-field>
    10. Import the RA_LDAPUSER.xml file back into MDS. After importing, verify that the full path in MDS is /db/RA_LDAPUSER.xml.

13.5.2 Synchronizing UDFs Between Oracle Identity Manager and LDAP By Using the ldapsyncudf Utility

You can automate the synchronization of UDFs between Oracle Identity Manager and LDAP by using the utility.

This utility takes care of both provisioning and reconciliation of UDFs, and it is recommended that you synchronize UDFs by using this utility. If you want to provision UDFs without reconciliation, or if you want to reconcile UDFs without provisioning, then you must run the process manually as described in "Synchronizing the Attribute Manually".

Using the script is described in the following sections: Configuring the Properties File

You can configure properties in the ldapconfig.props file before running the script to achieve UDF synchronization. These properties are used by the client to connect to the service provided by Oracle Identity Manager. These properties can also be specified through console if properties file does not exist or does not contain property values.

You can configure the following properties:

  • OIMServer type: The application server type, such as Oracle WebLogic Server. If no value is specified, then Oracle WebLogic Server is the default value.

  • OIMProviderURL: Oracle Identity Manager provider URL. This is in the format t3://HOST_NAME:PORT.

    If the value is not specified in the properties file, then you are prompted to enter the value when running the script.

  • OIMAdminUser: Oracle Identity Manager administrator user login.

    If the value is not specified in the properties file, then you are prompted to enter the value when you run the script.

  • SkipOVDValidation: Whether or not LDAP attribute validation in OVD schema is skipped.

    By default the value is false. If the value of this property is true, then the LDAP attribute is not validated in OVD schema and it can be configured after running the utility. The utility makes the changes in MDS and horizontal tables.

The following is a sample properties file:

# OIMServer Type, Valid values can be WLS, JBOSS, WAS

# OIMAdmin User Login

# OIM Provider URL, such as OIMProviderURL=t3://HOST_NAME:PORT

# Skip Validation of OVD Schema, such as SkipOVDValidation=true or false
SkipOVDValidation=false Configuring the Input File

The input to the utility can either be provided through an input file or at runtime in interactive mode as prompted through the console. If the input is provided though an input file, then it must be in the following format:



The parameters must be separated by comma (,). Any line beginning with the hash character (#) is treated as comment and is not processed by the utility.

The input parameters are:

  • ENTITY_TYPE: The valid values can be either USER or ROLE. The values are not case-sensitive.

  • OPER_TYPE: The valid values can be either ADD or DELETE. The values are not case-sensitive.


    Update is not supported. To perform an update, first perform delete followed by add. A new definition is picked from Oracle Identity Manager entity definition file present in the MDS.

  • UDF_NAME: The valid values can be any Oracle Identity Manager entity attribute, which has been created successfully. If the UDF_NAME does not exist, then an error message is displayed. The value is case-sensitive.

  • LDAP_ATTR: The valid values can be any LDAP attribute present in the LDAP directory server as well as in the OVD schema. The LDAP_ATTR parameter is optional for the DELETE operation. If this parameter value is specified for the DELETE operation, then this attribute value is ignored. The value is case-sensitive.

The following is a sample input file:

USER, ADD, udf1, ldapAttr1
ROLE, ADD, udf2, ldapAttr2
#This is comment
USER, ADD, UDF Number 5, ldapAttr5 Running the Utility

The script is in the ORACLE_HOME/server/ldap_config_util/ directory. To run the script:


Before running the utility, create the LDAP attribute and include that in the orclIDXPerson or orclIDXGroup objectclass as depending on the entity type.

  1. Extend the OVD and OID schemas by adding the LDAP attribute, such as employeeid, to the orclIDXPerson objectclass in both OVD and OID.

  2. Before running the utility, set the WL_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables.

  3. Run the following command: [] [-DinputFile=PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE]


    Run the script with help, –help, or --help command-line parameter to display usage details and general help.

    You can run the utility in any one of the following ways:

    • Both the command-line parameters are optional. If the command-line parameters are not specified, then you are prompted to enter the parameters at runtime through the console, as shown:

      Enter Entity Type (User / Role): 

      Specify the Oracle Identity Manager entity type, which is USER or ROLE.

      Enter Operation Type (Add / Delete):

      Specify the operation type, which is ADD or DELETE.

      Enter OIM UDF Name to be Synchronized:

      Specify the Oracle Identity Manager entity attribute which has been created successfully.

      Enter the LDAP attribute name in LDAP schema:

      Specify the LDAP attribute present in the LDAP directory server as well as in the OVD schema. This is an optional parameter for the DELETE operation.

      One set of operation is completed. If the operation is successful, then you are prompted, as shown:

      Want to continue adding / deleting more attributes (y/n)?

      Enter y if you want to start the input process for another operation. Otherwise, enter n to end the program.

    • Run the utility with values for the -Dinputfile and command-line parameters. The input is read from the input file. The input file can contain multiple inputs, one per line. Each input contains four parameters for ADD operation or three parameters for DELETE operation. If you provide the fourth parameter for a DELETE operation, then it is ignored.

13.6 Configuration Management Architecture

For all attribute definitions and the Configuration Management pages in the UI, the configuration file for maintaining the user entity attributes is User.xml. This configuration file defines all attributes of user entity and their properties. The mapping of the attribute to the backend attributes or columns is also specified in the file. The attributes to be displayed on the UI are determined based on the attribute properties. For example, if an attribute is system-controlled, then the attribute is not displayed in the UI.

Example 13-1 shows the code for a sample User.xml configuration file:

Example 13-1 The User.xml Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:entity-definition xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../entity.xsd ">
  <entity-type child-entity="false">User</entity-type>
  <!-- Defines the repository and data provider to use for this entity -->
        <parameter name="table">
        <parameter name="id_column">
        <parameter name="usr_foreign_key_column">
        <parameter name="org_table">
        <parameter name="org_id_column">
        <parameter name="org_foreign_key_column">
<parameter name="foreign_search_table">
<parameter name="foreign_search_table_alias">
<parameter name="foreign_search_table_to_join_key">
<parameter name="foreign_search_table_from_join_key">
<parameter name="foreign_search_column">
<parameter name="foreign_search_column_label">
    <value>Organization Name:Manager Login</value>
<parameter name="foreign_search_column_alias">
<parameter name="foreign_search_column_outer_join">
  <!-- entity-attributes define the attributes at the API level. These are the attribute names that the API will return and expects -->
    <attribute name="usr_key">

        <!-- The metadata attachment defines the enttiy attribute properties. These properties will be common across all entities -->
            <!-- Whether the attribute is searchable by the user -->
            <!-- Whether the attribute can be updated in bulk -->
            <!-- The category in the UI to which this attribute belongs -->
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            <!-- The display type of the attribute on the UI -->
            <!-- Whether the attribute value needs to be encrypted or not -->
            <!-- The maximum size that an attribute value can take -->
            <!-- Whether the attribtue is single valued or multivalued -->
            <!-- Whether an attribute's value can be modified or not -->
            <!-- Whether the value is controlled only by the system -->
            </metadata>            <!-- Whether the attribute is custom or user defined attribute -->
    <attribute name="act_key">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Last Name">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="First Name">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Middle Name">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Full Name">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
        <attribute name="Display Name">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Xellerate Type">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_password">
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_disabled">
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Status">
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Role">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="User Login">
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_manager_key">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Start Date">
                <value>Account Effective Dates</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="End Date">
                <value>Account Effective Dates</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_provisioning_date">
                <value>Provisioning Dates</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_deprovisioning_date">
                <value>Provisioning Dates</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_provisioned_date">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_deprovisioned_date">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Email">
                <value>Basic User Information</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_locked">
                <value>Account Settings</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
                <value>Users.Lock User</value>
    <attribute name="Locked On">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Automatically Delete On">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Manually Locked">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_login_attempts_ctr">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_create">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_update">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_timezone">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
   <attribute name="usr_locale">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_cant_change">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_must_change">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_never_expires">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_expire_date">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_warn_date">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_expired">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_warned">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_reset_attempts_ctr">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_change_pwd_at_next_logon">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
<attribute name="usr_data_level">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_pwd_min_age_date">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_createby">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_updateby">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_created">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="usr_policy_update">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Country">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Department Number">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Description">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Common Name">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Employee Number">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Fax">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Generation Qualifier">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Hire Date">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Home Phone">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Locality Name">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Mobile">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Pager">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Home Postal Address">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Postal Address">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Postal Code">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="PO Box">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="State">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Street">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Telephone Number">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Title">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Initials">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Password Generated">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="LDAP Organization">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="LDAP Organization Unit">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="LDAP GUID">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="LDAP DN">
                <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="FA Language">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Embedded Help">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Number Format">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Date Format">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Time Format">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
        <attribute name="Currency">
                </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Font Size">
                </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Color Contrast">
            </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="Accessibility Mode">
                </metadata>            <metadata>
    <attribute name="FA Territory">
    <attribute name="User Name Preferred Language">
  <!-- The target fields define the attribute columns in the DB. These are not exposed via the User Management APIs. -->
    <field name="usr_key">
    <field name="act_key">
    <field name="usr_last_name">
    <field name="usr_first_name">
    <field name="usr_middle_name">
    <field name="usr_full_name">
    <field name="usr_display_name">
    <field name="usr_type">
    <field name="usr_password">
    <field name="usr_disabled">
    <field name="usr_pwd_cant_change">
    <field name="usr_pwd_must_change">
    <field name="usr_pwd_never_expires">
    <field name="usr_status">
    <field name="usr_emp_type">
    <field name="usr_login">
    <field name="usr_pwd_expire_date">
    <field name="usr_pwd_warn_date">
    <field name="usr_manager_key">
    <field name="usr_pwd_warned">
    <field name="usr_pwd_expired">
    <field name="usr_start_date">
    <field name="usr_end_date">
    <field name="usr_provisioning_date">
    <field name="usr_deprovisioning_date">
    <field name="usr_provisioned_date">
    <field name="usr_deprovisioned_date">
    <field name="usr_email">
    <field name="usr_locked">
    <field name="usr_locked_on">
    <field name="usr_automatically_delete_on">
    <field name="usr_manually_locked">
    <field name="usr_login_attempts_ctr">
    <field name="usr_pwd_reset_attempts_ctr">
        <field name="usr_data_level">
    <field name="usr_change_pwd_at_next_logon">
    <field name="usr_pwd_min_age_date">
    <field name="usr_create">
    <field name="usr_update">
    <field name="usr_timezone">
    <field name="usr_locale">
    <field name="usr_createby">
    <field name="usr_updateby">
    <field name="usr_created">
    <field name="usr_policy_update">
    <field name="usr_country">
    <field name="usr_dept_no">
    <field name="usr_description">
    <field name="usr_common_name">
    <field name="usr_emp_no">
    <field name="usr_fax">
    <field name="usr_gen_qualifier">
    <field name="usr_hire_date">
    <field name="usr_home_phone">
    <field name="usr_locality_name">
    <field name="usr_mobile">
    <field name="usr_pager">
    <field name="usr_home_postal_address">
    <field name="usr_postal_address">
    <field name="usr_postal_code">
    <field name="usr_po_box">
    <field name="usr_state">
    <field name="usr_street">
    <field name="usr_telephone_number">
    <field name="usr_title">
    <field name="usr_initials">
    <field name="usr_pwd_generated">
    <field name="usr_ldap_organization">
    <field name="usr_ldap_organization_unit">
    <field name="usr_ldap_guid">
    <field name="usr_ldap_dn">
    <field name="usr_language">
    </field>    <field name="usr_color_contrast">
<field name="usr_accessibility_mode">
<field name="usr_time_format">
    <field name="usr_date_format">
    <field name="usr_currency">
    <field name="usr_number_format">
    <field name="usr_font_size">
    <field name="usr_embedded_help">
    <field name="usr_territory">
    <field name="usr_name_preferred_lang">
  <!-- The attribute mapping defines which backend DB columns are mapped to the frontend attributes exposed at the API level -->
      <entity-attribute>Last Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>First Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Middle Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Full Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Display Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Xellerate Type</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>User Login</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Start Date</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>End Date</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Locked On</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Automatically Delete On</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Manually Locked</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Automatically Delete On</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Department Number</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Common Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Employee Number</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Generation Qualifier</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Hire Date</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Home Phone</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Locality Name</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Home Postal Address</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Postal Address</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Postal Code</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>PO Box</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Telephone Number</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Password Generated</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>LDAP Organization</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>LDAP Organization Unit</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>LDAP GUID</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>LDAP DN</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>FA Language</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Embedded Help</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Font Size</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Color Contrast</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Accessibility Mode</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Number Format</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Date Format</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>Time Format</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>FA Territory</entity-attribute>
      <entity-attribute>User Name Preferred Language</entity-attribute>
   <!-- The following section defines various User configurations for the UI -->
   <metadata-attachment xmlns="">
        <!-- 1 -->
            This section defines the categories that will be available in the UI. Each attribute must belong to one of these categories
            <!-- The unique ID of the category -->
            <name>Basic User Information</name>
            <!-- The display name of the category. This will be a key in a bundle which will be fetched by the config API -->
            <value>Basic User Information</value>
            <name>Account Settings</name>
            <value>Account Settings</value>
            <name>Account Effective Dates</name>
            <value>Account Effective Dates</value>
            <name>Provisioning Dates</name>
            <value>Provisioning Dates</value>
            <name>Other User Attributes</name>
            <value>Other User Attributes</value>
            <!-- The unique ID of the category -->
            <!-- The display name of the category. This will be a key in a bundle which will be fetched by the config API -->
            <value>Custom Attributes</value>
        <!-- 2 -->
            This section defines the ordering amongst the categories
            <value>Basic User Information</value>
            <value>Account Settings</value>
            <value>Account Effective Dates</value>
            <value>Provisioning Dates</value>
            <value>Other User Attributes</value>
        <!-- 3 -->
            This section defines the ordering of the attributes within each category. The attributes will be displayed on the UI in the order defined here.
            <value>User Login</value>
            <category>categories.Account Settings</category>
            <category>categories.Account Settings</category>
            <category>categories.Account Settings</category>
            <category>categories.Account Settings</category>
            <category>categories.Account Settings</category>
            <value>First Name</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Middle Name</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Last Name</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Xellerate Type</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Full Name</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Display Name</value>
            <category>categories.Basic User Information</category>
            <value>Start Date</value>
            <category>categories.Account Effective Dates</category>
            <value>End Date</value>
            <category>categories.Account Effective Dates</category>
            <category>categories.Provisioning Dates</category>
            <category>categories.Provisioning Dates</category>
            <value>Manually Locked</value>
            <value>Locked On</value>
            <value>Automatically Delete On</value>
            <value>Password Generated</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Department Number</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Common Name</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Employee Number</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Generation Qualifier</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Hire Date</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Home Phone</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Locality Name</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Home Postal Address</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Postal Address</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Postal Code</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>PO Box</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Telephone Number</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>LDAP Organization</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>LDAP Organization Unit</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>LDAP GUID</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>LDAP DN</value>
            <category>categories.Other User Attributes</category>
            <value>Number Format</value>
            <value>Date Format</value>
            <value>Time Format</value>
            <value>Accessibility Mode</value>
            <value>Color Contrast</value>
            <value>Font Size</value>
            <value>Embedded Help</value>
            <value>FA Language</value>
            <value>FA Territory</value>
            <value>User Name Preferred Language</value>
        <!-- 4 -->
            This section defines the attributes that will be available in advanced search
            <name>User Login</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>First Name</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Middle Name</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Last Name</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Display Name</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Start Date</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>End Date</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Xellerate Type</name>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
            <category>Advanced Search.Attributes</category>
        <!-- 5 -->
            This section defines attributes that will be used for simple search
            <name>Display Name</name>
            <category>Simple Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>User Login</name>
            <category>Simple Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>First Name</name>
            <category>Simple Search.Attributes</category>
            <name>Last Name</name>
            <category>Simple Search.Attributes</category>
        <!-- 6 -->
            This section defines attributes and their ordering in the advanced search results table. The simple search results table will use the first two defined here.
            <value>Display Name</value>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <value>User Login</value>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <value>First Name</value>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <value>Last Name</value>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
            <category>Search Results.Attributes</category>
        <!-- 7 -->
            This section defines derived attributes. That is, attributes whose value is based on other attribute values.
           <name>Full Name</name>
           <category>Derived Attributes</category>
            <value>Last Name</value>
            <category>Derived Attributes.Full Name</category>
            <value>, </value>
            <category>Derived Attributes.Full Name</category>
            <value>First Name</value>
            <category>Derived Attributes.Full Name</category>

The User.xml file must be compliant to the entity schema file (Entity.xsd).

Example 13-2 shows the code for a sample Entity.xsd file:

Example 13-2 Entity XML Definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="">
<element name="entity-definition"
<complexType name="entity-definition-type">
        <element name="entity-type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <extension base="string">
        <attribute name="child-entity"
        <element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1"
        <element name="provider-instance"
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        type="tns:container-definition-type" maxOccurs="1"
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        type="tns:attribute-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"
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        type="tns:field-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"
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        maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
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        type="tns:attribute-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"
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        type="tns:metadata-attachment-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"
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        minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
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        type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
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        type="boolean" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
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        type="string" use="required">
<complexType name="provider-instance-type">
<element name="repository-instance" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></element>
<element name="provider-type" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="parameters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="parameter" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
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<complexType name="parameter-definition-type">
<element name="type" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="required" type="boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="multi-valued" type="boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<attribute name="name" type="string"></attribute>

<complexType name="attribute-definition-type">
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        type="tns:metadata-attachment-type" maxOccurs="unbounded"
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<complexType name="field-definition-type">
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<element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="required" type="boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
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<complexType name="attribute-map-definition-type">
<element name="entity-attribute" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="target-field" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="repository-definition"
<complexType name="repository-definition-type">
<element name="name" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
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<element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></element>
<element name="provider-definition"
<complexType name="provider-definition-type">
<element name="name" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="type" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="DataProvider" type="string"></element>
<element name="RelationProvider" type="string">
<element name="class" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></element>
<element name="parameters" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="parameter-def" type="tns:parameter-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<element name="repository-instance">
<element name="name" type="string"></element>
<element name="type" type="string"></element>
<element name="parameters" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="parameter" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
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<attribute name="name" type="string">
<complexType name="container-definition-type">
<element name="enabled" type="boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="contained-entity" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<complexType name="relation-definition-type">
<element name="relation-type" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="description" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"></element>
<element name="provider-instance" type="tns:provider-instance-type" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="entity1" type="tns:relation-entity-type" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="entity2" type="tns:relation-entity-type" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="relation-attributes" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="attribute" type="tns:attribute-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<element name="target-fields" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="field" type="tns:field-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<element name="attribute-maps" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="attribute-map" type="tns:attribute-map-definition-type" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<element name="relation-definition"
<complexType name="relation-entity-type">
<element name="entity-type" type="string"></element>
<element name="attribute" type="string"></element>
<element name="attribute-in-entity" type="string"></element>
<element name="attribute-group" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="datatype-definition"
<complexType name="datatype-definition-type">
<element name="name" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="class" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<element name="base-type" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1"></element>
<complexType name="metadata-attachment-type">
<element name="name" type="string"></element>
<element name="value" type="string"></element>
<element name="category" type="string"></element>

<element name="derived-datatype-definition"
<complexType name="derived-datatype-definition-type">
<element name="name" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="class" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<element name="parameters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="parameter" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<element name="value" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<attribute name="name" type="string">

The entity XML files are stored in MDS. When a new attribute is added, the database schema is updated along with the entity XML in MDS. The configuration service APIs can be used to fetch the attribute information and can be leveraged while building custom UI.