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Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality Server Administration Guide
Release 11g R1 (

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Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality

Server Administration Guide

Release 11g R1 (


October 2013

This document describes a number of the more complex configuration operations an Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) administrator might have to undertake.

1 Reconfiguring the EDQ Installation

After installation, it may be necessary to:

These settings are configured during installation using the EDQ Configuration Application. To change them, the application must be run again.

  1. Locate and run the configapp.jar file in the EDQ installation directory.

  2. Proceed through the Application wizard, changing the configuration directory, functional pack and repository database settings as required.

  3. Review changes and click Finish to confirm.

  4. Click Done.

For further information on the EDQ Configuration Application, see Section 5.2 of the EDQ Installation Guide.

2 Adjusting Client Heap Size

Under certain conditions, client heap size issues can occur; for example, when:

EDQ allows the client heap size to be adjusted using a property in the file.

To double the default maximum client heap space for all Java Web Start client applications, create (or edit if it exists) the file in the config/properties directory of the EDQ server, and add the line:

*.jvm.memory = 512m


Increasing this value will cause all connecting clients to change their heap sizes to 512MB. This could have a corresponding impact on client performance if other applications are in use.

To adjust the heap size for a specific application, replace the asterisk, *, with the blueprint name of the client application from the following list:


Dashboard is not a Java Web Start application, and therefore cannot be controlled using this property.

For example, to double the maximum client heap space for Director, add the following line:

director.jvm.memory = 512m

When doubling the client heap space for more than one application, simply repeat the property; for example, for Director and Match Review:

director.jvm.memory = 512m

matchreviewoverview.jvm.memory = 512m

3 Adjusting Thread Limits

It is not normally necessary to adjust the number of process threads as EDQ does this automatically. The optimal number to use is normally the number of logical CPUs on the server. However, to adjust it add the following line to the file (or create it if necessary) in the localhome directory:

processengine.processThreads = number of threads

For logical CPUs, Oracle recommends setting the number of threads to the number of CPUs on the server.

4 Configuring Email Notifications

EDQ can be configured to produce email notifications in a number of situations. Emails can be sent to users when issues that are relevant to them are created or changed, when relevant cases or alerts in Case Management are added or modified, or to notify them that jobs in which they have an interest have completed running.

In order to send email notifications, the SMTP details for your site must be entered in the file. The file is found at:


This file is in the standard Java file format, as documented at


The file must contain the line enabled = true. If this line is not present, email notifications will not be enabled.

Edit the information in the file as follows, supplying the name of your SMTP host at the site:

mail.transport.protocol = smtp =       
mail.user = depends on client site   
mail.password = depends on client site       
from.address = 

Alternatively, to use a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) session instead, configure the following properties:

session = JNDI name of session
from.address = 


For email notifications to work correctly, you must ensure that the from.address property is set to a valid email format for your site. You must also ensure that each of your users who will be receiving email notifications has an email address configured in their profile.

To check that email notifications are working correctly, create and assign an issue using Director to a user with a configured email address. The user should receive an email with a link to the issue.

5 Case Management Configuration Properties

This section lists the main parameters in that are used to configure Case Management

Parameter Description0

This property controls the Case Management behavior when flag values that are longer than 80 characters are generated. If this property is set to true, the process will generate an error and will stop. If it is set to false, long flag values will be truncated and a warning will be written to the log file. This property is set to false by default.


This property controls the maximum size of the index queue limit.

This property allows an absolute path for the Lucene index directories to be configured. By default, the index directories are always created within the localhome directory. In some circumstances, these directories can become very large, and storing them in a separate location may facilitate better management of disk space.

6 FTP and SFTP Access

EDQ is supplied with internal FTP and SFTP servers to allow remote access to the configuration file area and landing area files.

The FTP server can be accessed with a third-party FTP client using any valid EDQ username and password, connecting to the port specified by the ftpserver.port in the file.

The SFTP server is controlled by the sshd.port property in The default value is 2222.

The following directories are available via the FTP and SFTP servers:

Directory Description


This corresponds to the config directory in your EDQ installation.


This corresponds to the landingarea directory in your EDQ installation.


This corresponds to the project specific landing areas in your EDQ installation.


This corresponds to the commandarea directory in you EDQ installation.

7 Additional Database Connection Options

In addition to the standard options, there are three additional methods for enabling Director to connect to database stores for processing purposes. Once implemented, these options appear in the Data Store setup wizard in Director:

  1. Configure a JNDI data store connection on the application by specifying the JNDI name in EDQ.

  2. Use an Oracle Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) data store connection by setting the Java system property to a local directory containing the file tnsnames.ora. Only this file is required, no additional Oracle client software is needed. This is normally done by creating a file called in your EDQ localhome directory, or by setting the property in the application server when EDQ is set up (for example, -d = c:\temp).

  3. Use an Oracle Lightweight Direct Access Protocol (LDAP) data store connection by setting the required Java system properties. These properties are: = ldap://servername:port = dc=domaincontext1,dc=domaincontext2

The first property gives the location of the LDAP server(s), the second sets the context within the LDAP tree. They are used to construct an Oracle/LDAP JDBC connection string, which looks something like:


8 Using the Audit Framework with EDQ

On EDQ instances installed on the WebLogic platform, it is possible to log events in the Fusion Middleware Audit Framework. To do this, use the following procedure:

  1. Open the Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control application.

  2. Navigate to the EDQ domain in the Target Navigation Tree on the left of the window.

  3. Right-click the domain and select Security > Audit Policy.

  4. Select "EDQ" in the Audit Component Name field.

  5. Select "Custom" in the Audit Level field.

  6. Select the categories to log, and the events within those categories.

  7. Click Apply, or Revert to abandon the changes.

The EDQ event categories and types are as follows:

Event Category Event Types

User Management

Login, Logout, Password Change, Password Expire, User Blocked, User Blocked Temporarily, User Unblocked, User Created, User Updated, User Deleted, Security Configuration Updated.

Object Management

Create, Update, Delete.

Group Permission Management

Join group, Leave group, Leave all groups, Create group, Delete group, Change permissions.


Object Management logs changes made to objects in the Project Browser of the Director application only, such as projects or processes.

It does not cover changes to objects made in other applications, such as Case Management.

The attributes that can be logged by event are listed in the following table. Note that not every attribute is available to each event type.

Event Attribute Description

Affected user

The name of the user for the logged event.

Login application

The name of the application that has been logged into.

Project Name

The name of the project containing the affected object. This attribute is left blank for system-level objects.

Item Type

The type of object created, modified or deleted.

Item Name

The name of the object created, modified or deleted.

Affected user

The name of the user affected by changes made by an administrator.

Affected group

The name of the group affected by changes made by an administrator.

Added Permissions

List of permissions added to a group.

Removed Permissions

List of permissions removed from a group.

Once enabled, EDQ audits events by calling the central FMW Audit Framework APIs. The audit events can then be stored either as files or in a database for compliance reporting purposes. For more information on how to store and report on the results of auditing, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.

9 Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the documentation set:

See the latest version of this and all documents in the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Documentation website at:

Also, see the latest version of the EDQ Online Help, bundled with EDQ.

10 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Server Administration Guide, Release 11g R1 (


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