Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Running the ETL Jobs Using Oracle Workflow Manager > Process of Setting Up New Database Partitions >

Associating Data with a Group

You must associate a company (Business Edition) or an account (Consumer Edition) data with a particular group so that the ETL load can assign the data to the defined group and the ETL load validation can work properly. For details about setting the parameter in the EBILL_DATALOAD job that validates the group associations, see Loading Billed Data.

A company or account can be associated with a single group key only. A group key can be associated with multiple companies or accounts, however. Do not combine business (company) and consumer (account) data in the same group.

Whenever you have new companies or accounts, you must add associations for that data before loading the data file.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing maintains the data-group associations you create in the partition mapping table.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up New Database Partitions.

Associating a Company with a Partition Group in the Business Edition

In the Business Edition of Oracle Self-Service E-Billing you can associate a company with a partition group.

To associate a company with a partition group in the Business Edition

  • Using a SQL tool such as Toad, Oracle SQL Developer, or SQL*Plus, run the MapCompanytoPartition.sql script, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/applications/db/oracle/olap/etl/owb
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\applications\db\oracle\olap\etl\owb

      Specify the following input parameters with the function:

    • COMPANY ID. The company_cd value in the EDX_RPT_COMPANY_DIM table.
    • GROUP KEY. The group_key value in the EDX_RPT_PARTN_MGMT table.

      This script inserts the associations to the EDX_RPT_PARTN_COMP_MAP table. Any errors display on-screen using the Oracle dbms_output.put_line function.

Associating an Account with a Partition Group in the Consumer Edition

In the Consumer Edition of Oracle Self-Service E-Billing you can associate an account with a partition group.

To associate an account with a partition group in the Consumer Edition

  • Using a SQL tool such as Toad, Oracle SQL Developer, or SQL*Plus, run the MapAccounttoPartition.sql script, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/applications/db/oracle/olap/etl/owb
    • Windows.EDX_HOME\applications\db\oracle\olap\etl\owb
  • Specify the following input parameters with the function:
    • BILLER ID. The biller_id value in the EDX_RPT_ACCOUNT_DIM table.
    • ACCT NUM. The account_num value in the EDX_RPT__ACCOUNT_DIM table.
    • GROUP KEY. The group_key value in the EDX_RPT_PARTN_MGMT table.

      inserts the associations to the EDX_RPT_PARTN_ACCT_MAP table. Any errors display on-screen using the Oracle dbms_output.put_line function.

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