A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X



addenda records   1

change codes   1

configuring a payment gateway   1

definition of   1

effective date   1

Federal holidays   1

file   1

file input and output directories   1

immediate destination   1

immediate origin   1

logic   1

multiple DDNs in ACH files   1

prenote   1

return codes   1 ,  2

return directory   1

return file format   1

return types   1

settlement date   1

submit directory   1

template directory   1

AchFormatException   1

Action column   1

adding a new customer account for check payment services   1

Address Verification Service   1

administering jobs   1

administrator activity

audit   1

purging   1

alert groups

creating   1

deleting   1

editing   1

alert profiles

creating   1

deleting   1

updating   1

alert service   1

plug-in   1 ,  2

status   1

alert types   1 ,  2


applying to a job schedule   1

process of configuring   1


creating   1

deleting   1

listing jobs   1

applying a blackout calendar to a job schedule   1

applying alerts to a job schedule   1


database partitioning   1

associating data with a partition group   1


administrator activity   1

purged data   1

purging administrator activity history   1

Automated Clearing House (ACH) logic   1

automatic payment   1

Back to top


bank account

parameters for configuring a payment gateway   1

bank holidays   1 ,  2

batch commands

canceling payments for B2C billing accounts   1

deleting B2C users   1

migrating B2C users   1

BatchReportProcessor job   1 ,  2

BatchReportScheduler job   1 ,  2

billing data load   1

billing job types   1

blackout calendars

applying to a job schedule   1

creating   1

deleting   1

editing   1

process of configuring   1

bootstrap administrator

deactivating and reactivating the Command Center ID   1

bootstrap administrator ID and password   1

Back to top


Canceled status   1

canceling and rerunning failed jobs   1

canceling payments for B2C billing accounts in batch mode   1

cartridges   1

CassetteException   1

changing a job configuration   1 ,  2

changing an administrator's password   1

changing an administrator's personal information   1

Chase Paymentech Orbital Payment Gateway   1

check gateway configuration parameters   1

check payment status flow   1

check payments

clearing checks   1 ,  2

gateway   1

transaction cycle   1

check returns   1

checksum, resolving unbilled load errors   1

Command Center

bootstrap password   1

logging in   1

Main Console   1

monitoring production   1

task status   1

Command Center jobs and configuration parameters   1

Company ID   1

configuring a LoadExternalB2BUsers job   1

configuring a LoadExternalB2CUsers job   1

configuring a LoadExternalCSRUsers job   1

configuring a payment gateway   1

configuring the batch refunds XML   1

contacts, email notification   1

creating a blackout calendar   1

creating a custom job using the pmtCustom job   1

creating a new application   1

creating a new job   1

creating a new partition group   1

creating a system administrator password   1

creating an alert group   1

creating an alert profile   1

credit card gateway configuration parameters for Chase Paymentech Orbital Payment Gateway   1

credit card gateway configuration parameters for PayPal Payflow Pro   1

credit card payment status   1

credit card payment transactions   1

credit card payments

configuring a payment gateway   1

credit cards

overview   1

transaction overview   1

user options   1

credit reversals   1

custom alert service

plug-in   1

custom jobs   1

creating   1

payment   1

cycle of an ACH check payment transaction   1

Back to top


DAISY Command Center job   1


purging   1

purging in batch mode   1

purging locked administrators in Command Center   1

purging payment account and transactional data   1

purging user data   1

purging validation codes   1

Data Definition Name (DDN)   1 ,  2

and payment_profile   1

application payee name   1

configuration parameters   1

in XML format   1

mapping to a data source EJB   1

multiple   1 ,  2 ,  3

payment gateway for the application   1 ,  2 ,  3

payment portal   1

selected   1

data protection   1


backup and recovery   1

maintaining tables   1

sizing tables   1

database partitioning

architecture   1

associating data with a partition group   1

creating a new partition group   1

moving data between groups   1

process of setting up new partitions   1

rejecting a data move between partition groups   1

removing an empty partition key   1

database tables affected by recurring payments   1

deactivating the bootstrap administrator's Command Center ID   1

DefUsrAcctRelationship job   1 ,  2

deleting a blackout calendar   1

deleting a job   1

deleting an alert group   1

deleting an alert profile   1

deleting an application   1

deleting applications   1

deleting B2C users in batch mode   1

directory, history   1

displaying current job status   1

Done, recurring status   1

DuplicateKeyException   1

Back to top


editing a blackout calendar   1

editing an alert group   1


notification for job processing   1

notifications   1

template   1

EmailBounceBack job   1 ,  2

enrolling the initial bootstrap user in the Command Center   1


model   1 ,  2 ,  3

setting properties for Payment   1

XML file   1 ,  2 ,  3


and warnings in payment reports   1

log files, payment error messages   1

messages   1 ,  2

payment module   1

Extract Transform and Load (ETL) jobs   1

data protection   1

running the EBILL_DATALOAD job   1

running the EBILL_PPDATALOAD job   1

running the EBILL_UBDATALOAD job   1

running the LOAD_PRODUCTION job   1

running the Reject_Group_Bill_File job   1

running the Reject_Master_Bill_File job   1

Back to top


failed job   1 ,  2

alerts   1

Federal holidays   1 ,  2

FileIOException   1

Back to top


gateway configuration parameters   1

credit card payments with Chase Paymentech Orbital Payment Gateway   1

credit card payments with PayPal Payflow Pro   1

global alert settings   1

global configuration parameters for payment   1

group bill file

rejecting   1

group partition

associating data   1

creating   1

Back to top


hierarchies and hierarchy assignments

purging   1

hierarchy job types   1

hierarchy jobs   1

HierarchyCleanUp job   1 ,  2

HierarchyCopy job   1 ,  2

HierarchyImporter job   1

HierarchyPurge job   1 ,  2

history directory   1


ACH gateway parameters   1

bank   1

payment scheduling   1

sending payment batch files on   1

U.S. Federal   1 ,  2

Back to top


IAlertServicePlugin   1 ,  2

Immediate Destination Name parameter   1

Immediate Destination parameter   1

Immediate Origin Name parameter   1

Immediate Origin parameter   1

Implementation of ICheckSubmitPlugIn   1

indexer Data Definition Name (DDN)

parameters   1

instant payments   1

Back to top


job alerts

process of configuring   1

job logs   1

viewing   1

job reports   1

viewing   1

job schedule

applying alerts   1

Job Type column   1

job types

hierarchy   1

payment consolidator   1

production   1


about   1

administering   1

alert notifications   1

applying alerts to a schedule   1

BatchReportProcessor   1 ,  2

BatchReportScheduler   1 ,  2

billing job types   1

canceling   1

changing a configuration   1

changing configuration   1

configuration parameters   1

configuring a LoadExternalB2CUsers job   1

configuring a LoadExternalCSRUsers job   1

creating   1

custom   1

DefUsrAcctRelationship   1 ,  2

deleting   1

displaying current status   1




email notification   1

EmailBounceBack   1 ,  2

error messages   1

failed   1

hierarchy job types   1

HierarchyCleanUp   1 ,  2

HierarchyCopy   1 ,  2

HierarchyImporter   1

HierarchyPurge   1 ,  2

history and statistics   1

listing for an application   1


LoadExternalB2BUsers   1

LoadExternalB2CUsers   1

LoadExternalCSRUsers   1

monitoring   1 ,  2

Notifier   1 ,  2

PasswordExpNotify   1 ,  2


job types   1

payment consolidator job types   1

payment job types   1

PaymentDueNotification   1 ,  2

PCAccountEnrollment   1 ,  2

PCBillSummary   1 ,  2

PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement   1 ,  2

pmtAllCheckTasks   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtARIntegrator   1 ,  2

pmtCheckSubmit   1 ,  2

pmtCheckUpdate   1 ,  2

pmtConfirmEnroll   1 ,  2

pmtCreditCardExpNotify   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtCreditCardSubmit   1

pmtCustom   1 ,  2

pmtNotifyEnroll   1

pmtPaymentRefund   1 ,  2

pmtPaymentReminder   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtRecurringPayment   1 ,  2

pmtSubmitEnroll   1 ,  2 ,  3

production job types   1

Purge Logs   1 ,  2

recurring   1

Reject_Group_Bill_File (ETL)   1

Reject_Master_Bill_File (ETL)   1

ReportCleanUp   1 ,  2

rerunning   1

scheduling   1

scheduling payment jobs   1

Shell   1

ShellJob   1 ,  2

sorting on the Main Console   1

starting manually   1

StatementReady   1 ,  2 ,  3

StatementSummaryDaisyProvider   1 ,  2

StatementSummaryPDFProvider   1 ,  2

status   1

ThresholdExceedNotify   1 ,  2

viewing status   1

Back to top


Last Run column   1

listing jobs for an application   1

LoadExternalB2BUsers job   1

LoadExternalB2CUsers job   1

LoadExternalCSRUsers job   1

loading billed data   1

loading prepaid data   1

loading unbilled data   1

log files   1 ,  2

message   1

payment history   1

logging in to the Command Center   1

Back to top


Main Console   1 ,  2

managing the payment module database   1

mapping your application to a data source EJB   1

master bill file

rejecting   1

Master Key Update

running   1

message log files   1

migrating B2C users in batch mode   1

monitoring production jobs   1

monitoring service status   1

moving data between groups   1

moving data between partition groups

rejecting   1

multiple DDNs in ACH files   1

multiple recurring payments   1

Back to top


Next Run column   1

No operation

recurring status   1

status   1


check transaction status   1

codes   1

returns   1 ,  2

transactions   1

NoDataFoundException   1

NoPaymentAccountException   1

notifications   1

Notifier job   1 ,  2

Back to top


OperationNotSupportedException   1

Oracle Data Guard   1

Oracle Workflow Manager   1

Orbital   1

Orbital Payment Gateway   1

Originating Depository Financial Institution(ODFI)

ACH payment gateway setting   1

ACH return code   1

and check payment transactions   1

and immediate destination   1

and immediate origin   1

and immediate origin name   1

configuring payee bank account   1

routing number   1

Back to top



global payment configuration   1

indexer Data Definition Name (DDN)   1

payee bank account   1

parameters for configuring a payee bank account   1

parameters for configuring Command Center jobs   1

PasswordExpNotify job   1 ,  2

passwords   1

payment user   1

system administrator, changing   1

system administrator, creating   1

payee bank account

configuration parameters   1

payee bank account parameters   1

payment consolidator

configuring   1

job types   1

process of configuring   1

process of configuring in Command Center   1

registering   1

registering a biller   1

payment gateway check configuration parameters   1

payment gateway, configuring   1

Payment module

cartridges   1

configuring a gateway   1

error messages   1

features   1

gateways   1

job types   1

managing the database   1

purging account and transactional data   1

reports   1

PaymentDueNotification job   1 ,  2

Paymentech   1 ,  2


ACH check payment transaction cycle   1

automatic   1

check status flow   1

configuring a gateway   1

credit card transactions   1

instant   1

jobs   1

multiple recurring   1

recurring   1 ,  2

scheduled credit card   1

scheduling   1

using credit cards   1 ,  2

viewing reports   1

PayPal Payflow Pro   1

and AVS   1

confirmation number   1

threads   1

Paypal Payflow Pro   1

PCAccountEnrollment job   1 ,  2

PCBillSummary job   1 ,  2

PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement job   1 ,  2


ACH gateway parameters   1

AVS   1

credit card payment configuration   1 ,  2

custom alert service   1

IAlertServicePlugin   1

scheduled credit card payment   1

pmtAllCheckTasks job   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtARIntegrator job   1 ,  2

pmtCheckSubmit job   1 ,  2

ACH company name   1

ACH immediate origin   1

and ACH effective date   1

date   1

empty ACH configuration   1

immediate destination   1

ODFI configuration   1

pmtCheckUpdate job   1 ,  2

ACH company name   1

ACH immediate destination   1

ACH immediate origin   1

and ACH change codes   1

and ACH return codes   1

pmtConfirmEnroll job   1 ,  2

pmtCreditCardExpNotify job   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtCreditCardSubmit job   1 ,  2

pmtCustom job   1 ,  2

pmtNotifyEnroll job   1

pmtNotifyEnroll   1

pmtPaymentRefund job   1 ,  2

pmtPaymentReminder job   1 ,  2 ,  3

pmtRecurringPayment job   1 ,  2

pmtSubmitEnroll job   1 ,  2 ,  3

prenote returns   1

prepaid data

purging records   1

rejecting a loaded file   1

prepaid data load   1


configuring a blackout calendar   1

configuring a payment consolidator   1

configuring job alerts   1

setting up new database partitions   1

Processing status   1

production log messages   1

Purge Logs job   1 ,  2

purging data   1

administrator activity   1

auditing   1

B2B user hierarchy assignments   1

billing accounts and services   1

billing hierarchies   1

business hierarchies   1

hierarchies and hierarchy assignments   1

in batch mode   1

locked administrators in Command Center   1

payment account and transactional   1

payment accounts   1

payment history   1

payment invoices   1

payment notifications   1

pending payments   1

recurring payments   1

user data   1

validation codes   1

purging records   1

purging unbilled or prepaid data records   1

Back to top



database   1

job reports   1

name   1

payment transactions   1

template file   1

XML file   1

Back to top


reactivating the bootstrap administrator's Command Center ID   1

recurring payments   1

about   1

configuring   1

database tables   1

examples   1

job   1

multiple   1

transaction cycle   1

registering a biller for payment consolidation   1

registering a payment consolidator   1

rejecting a data move between partition groups   1

rejecting a group bill file   1

rejecting a master bill file   1

rejecting an unbilled or prepaid data file   1

RemoteException   1

removing an empty partition key   1

ReportCleanUp job   1 ,  2

reports   1

payment   1

resolving checksum errors in the unbilled dataload process   1

reversals, credit   1

Run Now button   1

Run Time column   1

running the EBILL_DATALOAD job   1

running the EBILL_PPDATALOAD job   1

running the EBILL_UBDATALOAD job   1

running the ETL jobs using Oracle Workflow Manager   1

running the ETL purge process   1

running the LOAD_PRODUCTION process manually   1

running the Master Key Update   1

running the Reject_Group_Bill_File ETL job   1

running the Reject_Master_Bill_File ETL job   1

Back to top


scheduled credit card payments   1

scheduling jobs   1

applying a blackout calendar   1 ,  2

applying alerts   1

payment   1

service status, monitoring   1

services   1

setting payment enrollment properties   1

ShellJob job   1 ,  2

sorting jobs on the Main Console   1

SQLException   1

starting a job manually   1

StatementReady job   1 ,  2 ,  3

StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job   1 ,  2

StatementSummaryPDFProvider job   1 ,  2

status   1 ,  2 ,  3

successful job email notification   1

supported SEC codes   1

Back to top


task status   1

TemplateException   1

templates   1

ACH   1

and front-end GUIs   1

and multiple DDNs   1

AR   1

email   1 ,  2

query   1

XML   1

XSLT   1

threads, multiple PayPal Payflow Pro   1

ThresholdExceedNotify job   1 ,  2

Back to top


U.S. Federal holidays   1

unbilled data   1

rejecting a loaded file   1

resolving checksum errors   1

unbilled data load   1

Update Payment Enrollment in Case of NOC parameter   1

updating an alert profile   1

user data, purging   1

using Chase Paymentech as a payment processor   1

Back to top


viewing   1

viewing job reports   1

viewing job status   1

viewing payment reports   1

viewing production log messages   1

viewing task status   1

Back to top


warnings   1

Back to top


XML   1 ,  2

configuring batch refunds   1

Back to top

Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.