Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters >

Payment Consolidator Jobs

Configuring the payment consolidator jobs are steps in Process of Configuring a Payment Consolidator.

Table 49 lists the jobs necessary for using a payment consolidator with Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Table 49. Payment Consolidator Production Jobs
Job Name


Processes the Enrollment Data File provided by a payment consolidator to bring account information into Oracle Self-Service E-Billing for B2C customers who successfully enrolled or unenrolled to use a payment consolidator. The PCAccountEnrollment job can produce an enrollment response file with details on the accounts that were processed successfully.

For details on configuring a PCAccountEnrollment job, see PCAccountEnrollment Job.


Generates a file with bill summary information for users who have successfully enrolled to use a payment consolidator with a particular biller.

For details on configuring a PCBillSummary job, see PCBillSummary Job.


Processes the bill summary acknowledgement, or confirmation, file received from a payment consolidator, updating the summary records accepted and rejected by the consolidator into the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database.

For details on configuring a PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement job, see PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement Job.

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