Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Billing Jobs >

StatementSummaryDaisyProvider Job

The StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job sends an email with a statement in DAISY audio file to enrolled users whose accounts have new statements ready in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing, and who have chosen to receive DAISY audio file statements. Individual users must request that a customer service representative enable their interface with the DAISY file option.

This job uses information passed from the ETL process and finds all users whose account statements have recently been loaded and processed. The job sends email with a DAISY statement summary as a ZIP file attachment to the corresponding users. Email messages are sent only after running the Notifier job.

After emailing DAISY ZIP files with the Notifier job, the administrator can purge the folder containing the DAISY files.

If the job does not successfully generate the DAISY audio file, then you can check the log file. For details about configuring the log file for the StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job, see Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

NOTE:  The StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job and the StatementReady job can run independently.

Parameters for Configuring StatementSummaryDaisyProviderTask

Table 7 shows the configuration parameter for StatementSummaryDaisyProviderTask.

Table 7. Parameters for Configuring StatementSummaryDaisyProviderTask

Bill ready DAISY store location

The directory where the DAISY audio files are stored in the local file system or on a content management server. The StatementSummaryDaisyProvider job generates subfolders called /Date/AccountNumber/ under this directory, and it places the DAISY files in the appropriate subfolder. This path must not contain any spaces.

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