Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Payment Jobs >

pmtRecurringPayment Job

The pmtRecurringPayment job checks for recurring payments that are due for payment and schedules them to be paid. The job can optionally send email to the customer when it schedules a payment so that the customer can modify or cancel the scheduled payment before the payment is made.

The pmtRecurringPayment job looks for recurring payments where the amount due is greater than zero, and the date to be scheduled is equal to or greater than a configured number days before the current date, the configurable Number of Days Before Pay Date to Schedule the Payment field. If the number of payments specified in the effective period on the customer interface has been met, then this job sets the recurring payment to inactive.

If the customer selects a payment to be made for bills currently due within the specified number of days before the due date, or selects the amount to be the due amount, then the pmtRecurringPayment job must query Oracle Self-Service E-Billing to determine when to schedule the payment or how much to pay, or both. For that reason, you must run the pmtRecurringPayment job after the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing ETL load runs.

If the customer selects a payment for a fixed amount on a fixed date, then the pmtRecurringPayment job does not need to query Oracle Self-Service E-Billing to schedule the payment.

A pmtRecurringPayment job consists of the following tasks:

  • RecurPaymentSynchronizerTask
  • RecurPaymentSchedulerTask

Parameters for Configuring the RecurPaymentSynchronizerTask

Table 29 describes the configuration parameters for the RecurPaymentSynchronizer Task.

Table 29. Configuration Parameters for the RecurPaymentSynchronizer Task
Configuration Parameter

Implementation of interface IRecurringPaymentPlugIn.

The name of the Java class that is called before the pmtRecurringPayment job schedules a payment. This class currently does nothing, but you can replace this class with one of your own to process additional business logic and possibly modify how the payment is scheduled, or to cancel the payment. You could use this class to copy selected fields from an index table into a payment table, or to deny a recurring payment.

For information about implementing this class, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's Professional Services. Override the default with

The action of this plug-in class is to populate the statement invoice details to the payment_invoices table for the scheduled payments.

When to synchronize recurring payment with Oracle Self-Service E-Billing

By default, the Payment module uses the latest available bill when submitting the payment to the payment gateway. You can configure each payment gateway to only synchronize one time, which reduces processing. The setting Whenever Job Runs can be changed to Only after the current bill is scheduled, which causes the Payment module to synchronize only one time - when the bill is scheduled.

Skip Synchronization

N - No, the default, enables synchronization. To ignore synchronization and start scheduling immediately, change the value to Y.

Parameters for Configuring the RecurPaymentSchedulerTask

Table 30 describes the configuration parameters for the RecurPaymentScheduler task.

Table 30. Parameters for Configuring the RecurPaymentScheduler Task

Number of days before pay date to schedule the payment

The number of days before the pay date that the check payment will be scheduled by the pmtRecurringPayment job. The number of days before the due date that email notification will be sent, if Send email notification when the payment is scheduled is set to Y, giving the customer this number of days, less one, the day it is paid), to modify or cancel the scheduled payment.

Modifying this field might require modifications to the JSP that checks for valid entries when a customer schedules a check.

Implementation of interface IRecurringPaymentPlugIn

Represents the name of the Java class that is called before the pmtRecurringPayment job schedules a payment. It currently does nothing, but you can replace this class with one of your own to process additional business logic to and possibly modify how the payment is scheduled, or cancel it completely. You could use this class to copy selected fields from an index table into a payment table, or to deny a recurring payment.

For information about implementing this class, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's Professional Services.

The default value for this plug-in is:


The action of this plug-in class is to populate the statement invoice details to the payment_invoices table for the scheduled payments.

Send email when payment is scheduled?

Determines whether email notification is active for recurring payments.

Send email if scheduled payment amount is zero?

Determines whether email notification occurs when the scheduled payment amount is zero.

Send email when recurring payment is expired?

Determines whether email notification is sent when a recurring payment effective period has ended.

Cancel recurring payment if payment account is canceled?

Specify whether the recurring payment must be canceled if the account has been canceled. This condition is treated as recurring payment expiration and will send an email to the user.

Normally, this parameter is set to Y. Use N to have the pmtCheckSubmit job handle this condition, or if the plug-in is going to take actions dependent on this condition.

Cancel recurring payment if payment account is invalid?

The account information, contained in a prenote for the ACH payments, payment gateway sent to the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) by the pmtConfirmEnroll job was returned to the Payment module as having incorrect account information. The user is enrolled, but the account is not valid.

If a credit card account was used for enrollment, then the account information is not checked until a payment is made. If a credit card payment is sent to the payment processor with invalid account information, then the account will be marked invalid.

Because the customer's enrollment failed, the customer will be sent an email. The customer must resubmit the information for that account, which must be verified before this account can be used to make a payment.

Send email when recurring payment is canceled?

Specify whether to send email to notify the user that his or her recurring payment was canceled.

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