Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Billing Jobs >

EmailBounceBack Job

You create and configure an EmailBounceBack job to flag invalid email addresses. The EmailBounceBack job processes a UTF-8 file generated by your SMTP email server that contains the invalid email addresses of undeliverable notifications and flags the invalid addresses in the appropriate user profiles. The next time a user flagged with an invalid email address logs in, the screen prompts him or her to enter a new email address.

You must configure your SMTP server to generate a data file containing invalid email addresses from undeliverable Oracle Self-Service E-Billing notifications only.

The EmailBounceBack job consists of two tasks:

  • Scanner
  • ProcessEmailBouncebackFile

Parameters for Configuring the Scanner Task

Table 11 displays the configuration parameters for the Scanner task.

Table 11. Parameters for Configuring the Scanner Task

Input File Path

The path where the Scanner can find the input file generated by your SMTP server that contains the invalid email addresses from undeliverable notifications.

Input File Name

The name of the input data file for the task, located in the input file path. The default value is *.* for any file name.

Output File Path

The path where the Scanner moves the input file for use by the ProcessEmailBouncebackFile task and renames it with a timestamp.

Parameters for Configuring the ProcessEmailBouncebackFile Task

The ProcessEmailBouncebackFile task reads the email bounce back file line by line and then updates the corresponding user profiles to indicate that the email address is invalid, then generates two log files. One file contains found email addresses and the other contains email addresses not found.

Table 12 displays the configuration parameters for the ProcessEmailBouncebackFile task.

Table 12. Parameters for Configuring the ProcessEmailBouncebackFile Task

Email Bounceback File

The path and name of the output file from the Scanner task.

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