Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Billing Jobs >

PasswordExpNotify Job

The PasswordExpNotify job gives you the option of sending an email to system administrator users to warn them that their Command Center password is set to expire. The PasswordExpNotify job sends just one email to a system administrator whose password is set to expire. Run this job every day, or close to it, to provide sufficient time for system administrator users to log in and reset their passwords. After running the PasswordExpNotify job, you must run the Notifier job with message type PasswordExpiredNotification, or run AllNotifications.

Parameters for Configuring the PasswordExpNotify Task

Table 10 describes the parameters for configuring the PasswordExpNotify task.

Table 10. Parameters for Configuring the PasswordExpNotify Task

Number of days to send notification before a password is expired

The number of days to send notifications to a user whose password is set to expire.

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