Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Hierarchy Jobs >

HierarchyCopy Job

The HierarchyCopy job replicates all published hierarchies for the periods up to the current period.

After Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is in production, schedule the HierarchyCopy job to run when the new billing and reporting period begins. The Period parameter must be the current period. During the initial production data loading, you have the option to replicate data, period by period, all the way to the current period.

For example, if you have 12 months of billing data starting in September 2012 that must be populated before your implementation goes live, then you can run the ETL EBILL_DATALOAD and LOAD_PRODUCTION jobs for September 2012, then run HierarchyCopy job for October 2012, to replicate September 2012's hierarchy to October. After the October data has been replicated, October will not show up in the list. You can then run ETL load jobs again to load billing data for October 2012. The ETL jobs will then add additional data to the billing structures that are replicated from September 2012.

Unless the Hierarchy copy job has been run for all periods up to the current period, you must prevent any online activities that involve hierarchy management. If you create a new hierarchy and publish periods later than the period for which you have run the HierarchyCopy job, then the job only replicates data for those hierarchies that do not have data published for the replicating period.

Parameters for Configuring the HierarchyCopy Task

Table 26 describes the configuration parameters for the HierarchyCopy task.

Table 26. Parameters for Configuring the HierarchyCopy Task

Replicate All Hierarchies To Period

The period to which you want all hierarchies replicated. The list shows only periods to which hierarchies have not been replicated. After the HierarchyCopy job has successfully run for the period, the past periods will no longer show up in the list. Note that the current period always shows up in the list even though the HierarchyCopy job has been run for the current period.

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