Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Billing Jobs >

Notifier Job

The Notifier job extracts the email or SMS address registered for each bill-ready account and composes a single, consolidated email for the address. The Notifier job then sends the composed email or SMS message to the recipients.

To send queued email or SMS messages, you must run Notifier after any job that was configured to generate email or SMS notifications. You can configure Notifier to run for all notification types or for just one of the individual message types described in Table 4.

The Notifier job sends messages for entries that are stored in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE table in the OLTP database, composes the correct message using message category templates, and sends the notification to the users to whom the messages are addressed.

The Notifier job consists of two tasks:

  • NotificationComposer
  • NotificationDispatch

Parameters for Configuring the NotificationComposer Task

The NotifierComposer task extracts the message address registered for each bill-ready account and composes a single, consolidated email or SMS message for the address. It writes the message to the location specified and stores the name of the message file and the message address in MESSENGER_QUEUE_TABLE.

This task references the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE table. For each entry with a value in MESSAGE_TYPE matching the Message type parameter value, the task composes the corresponding message and stores the composed message in the local message repository.

Parameters for Configuring the NotificationComposer Task

Table 3 describes the configuration parameters for the NotificationComposer task.

Table 3. Parameters for Configuring the NotificationComposer Task

Skip task

When set to the default value N, the task is not skipped when running the Notifier job. If the value is Y, then the job is not executed.

Message type

Select the type of message that the Notifier job picks up when it runs. You can choose an individual message type or all messages. You must run the appropriate notification jobs before running Notifier.

Table 4 describes the valid message types you can specify in the Message type field for the NotificationComposer task.

Table 4. Message Types
Message Type
Notification Description


All message types.


The user has a statement ready for viewing online.


The user has a statement ready for viewing in the attached PDF file.


The user has a statement ready for listening in the attached DAISY audio file.


The user's credit card is expiring. For pmtCreditCardExpNotify job notifications only.


This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE after running the batch report job successfully. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients. Users who created the batch report receive the message.


A payment is due. For PaymentDueNotification job notifications.


Notifications for scheduled payments from the pmtPaymentRecurringPayment job.


Notifications for successful payments from the pmtPaymentReminder job.


Notifications from the pmtPaymentReminder job for failed payments.


Notifications from the pmtPaymentRecurringPayment job for scheduled payments that have reached the user's threshold.


This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE after a recurring payment has been set up from Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients. Users who have access to the billing account through billing hierarchy receive this email.


This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE after a recurring payment is updated. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients. Users who have access to the billing account through billing hierarchy receive this email.


This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE when a recurring payment is deleted. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients. Users who have access to the billing account through billing hierarchy receive this email.

QuickPayment Notification

This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE when a one-time payment has been made from Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients. Users who have access to the billing account through billing hierarchy receive this email.


This message goes to system administrator users to warn them that their Command Center password is set to expire. Run the PasswordExpNotifier job before running the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients.


This message is populated in the MESSENGER_GROUP_TABLE when a new user is enrolled in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. Run the Notifier job to send the actual email or SMS message to the recipients.


The user has exceeded his or her bill threshold.


The user has enrolled to make payments.


The user has canceled a payment.


The user has canceled a scheduled payment.

Parameters for Configuring the NotificationDispatcher Task

The NotificationDispatcher task sends email messages that are prepared by the NotificationComposer task to the corresponding end users. The detail implementation logic can vary depending upon the implementation Java class provided by the input parameter value.

The default implementation class is com.edocs.common.notification.queue.QueueDispatcher. In this implementation it looks for entries that are stored in MESSENGER_QUEUE_TABLE and sends email to the user for each entry. If email sending fails, then the message entry stays in the MESSENGER_QUEUE_TABLE until it is sent in the next attempt. Using the task parameter value, the entry can be removed from the table and from the message repository after the message is sent successfully.

Table 5 describes the configuration parameters for the NotificationDispatcher task.

Table 5. Parameters for Configuring the NotificationDispatcher Task

Implementation of Interface IDispatcher

The class performs the dispatch function. The default class is com.edocs.common.notification.queue.QueueDispather. If you need to alter the logic to send email, then provide your own implementation class and enter the full class path in this field.

Skip task

When set to the default value of N, the task runs. If the value is Y, then the task is skipped.

Cleanup messages after successful delivery

When set to the default value of Y, the task deletes the message from the MESSENGER_QUEUE_TABLE table and from the message repository.

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