Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Payment Jobs >

pmtPaymentRefund Job

An administrator can authorize refunds and the pmtPaymentRefund job processes the refund payment.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing supports refunds for credit card transactions that have Settled or Paid status. There are three categories of refunds:

  • Cancellations. A payment can be canceled only when a payment has a status of Scheduled. If a payment is in another state, then the payment cannot be canceled.
  • Voids. If a payment has a status of Authorized, then it can be voided. An authorized payment must not be canceled without performing an authorization reversal for the authorized amounts. Voids apply only to credit cards and not checks. The authorization reversal procedure is determined through the cassette implementation.
  • Refunds. A payment can be refunded if it has Settled or Paid status. It is necessary to create a new payment transaction to make the refund.

The pmtPaymentRefund job consists of the following tasks:

  • LoadRefunds
  • SubmitRefund

Configuring the Batch Refunds XML

The pmtPaymentRefund job uses XML to retrieve the refund records. You must also configure the Batch Refunds XML for payment refunds as shown in the following example text.

Example XML for Batch Refunds

Process the batch refunds XML using the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- The root element can be either doc or refunds both elements are supported. doc is supported for the ddf conversion. -->

<doc><!-- refunds -->








<refundType>R</refundType><!-- R for Refunds D for Deposits -->




<transactionDescription>Refund Desc</transactionDescription>







</doc><!-- refunds-->

Table 45 describes the configuration parameters you must specify in the XML file for batch refunds.

Table 45. Parameters for Configuring the Batch Refund XML File

Payee Id

DDN Name of the Biller. This parameter is required.

User Id

The user's registration ID used to identify the user. This parameter is required.

Payment Account Number

The user's credit card or checking account number where the refund must be made. This parameter is required.

Payer Account Number

The account number that the user is paying for. This parameter is required for refunds.


The amount to be refunded. If the Amount tag does not contain an amount, then the job refunds the original amount of the payment. This parameter is optional.

Payment Type

The refund payment mode for credit card. This parameter is required.

Refund Type

Refund type R-Refund. This parameter is required.

Billing System Transaction Number

The transaction number, or payment ID, provided by Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. This parameter is required.

Original Transaction Number

The transaction number provided to the Payment module by the authorizing gateway or clearing house. Optional field, but populating this field helps the gateway to process the refund more efficiently. This parameter is optional.

Source System Payment Initiator

The ID of the refund payment initiator and is used for security. This parameter is optional.

Transaction Description

The description for the refund justification. This parameter is optional.

Notify Required

Whether a notification is required for the refund. Notification can be sent to the biller as well as the payer. This parameter is optional.

Flex Field One

Flexible field for storing custom data. This parameter is optional.

Flex Field Two

Flexible field for storing custom data. This parameter is optional.

Flex Field Three

Flexible field for storing custom data. This parameter is optional.

Flex Field Date

Flexible field for storing custom data. This parameter is optional.

About the LoadsRefundsTask

The primary purpose of the LoadsRefundsTask is to obtain the refund records through the IRefundDepot interface and schedule the eligible refunds for processing by the refund submit task.

The default implementation uses an XML file to retrieve the refund records. Specify the implementation class in the job configuration.

If the refund type is R-Refund, then the task checks whether the required fields are set. To identify the required fields, see Table 45.

To restrict querying of all payment transactions to balance the load, a job parameter is set so that querying is done for payments made for the last configurable number of days or months. This configuration depends on the Biller's business logic.

The plug-in validates the refund according to the Biller's business logic and updates the Refund for Payment ID and Payment Type fields with one of the payments payment ID and its payment type field with the selected payment transaction for the refund.

The plug-in then accepts or rejects the refund. If the plug-in accepts the refund, then the updated refund record is written to the database with the status as Scheduled. If the plug-in rejects the refund, then the refund record is written to the database with the status as Rejected. If the mandatory parameters are not set, then the refund is rejected and an entry is written to the payment_refunds table with the status Rejected.

Parameters for Configuring the LoadsRefunds Task

Table 46 describes the parameters you must configure for the LoadsRefunds task.

Table 46. Parameters for Configuring the LoadsRefunds Task

Payment selection criteria for refunds

Select the unit of time in days, weeks, or months, to use for payment refund criteria.

Selection criteria value (Greater than 0 value)

Enter a specific number in days, weeks, or months specified in previous field), to use for payment refund criteria.

Refund batch file location directory

The input directory of the XML file.

Refund batch file name

The XML file name.

Refund batch file archive location directory

The output directory of the XML file.

Implementation of interface IRefundDepot

The implementation class of the IRefundDepot.

Implementation of interface ILoadRefundPlugin

The implementation class of the ILoadRefundPlugIn.

Skip Refund Loader Task

Default is N, no. If there are no batch refunds for the Biller, then set this parameter to Y, yes, to skip the task.

About the SubmitRefundTask

The SubmitRefundTask submits all the scheduled refunds for payment. This task accesses the payment_refunds table and queries all the scheduled refunds and processes them one at a time. the SubmitRefundTask processes refund types as follows:

  • Cancellations. For the SubmitRefundTask, cancellations are not scheduled. All cancellations happen online. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing cancels the payment in real time and inserts a refund record into the refund table as Processed and sets the refund type to Cancellation. The pmtPaymentRefund job never gets the opportunity to process any cancellations because a cancellation is done on payments that have been scheduled and it is canceled immediately.

    If a scheduled payment is canceled, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing processes it. If the status of the payment is Scheduled, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing cancels it immediately and the refund status changes to Processed. A refund type of Cancellation is never scheduled, so the status changes to Processed because there is no gateway interaction. If the payment is in another state, then it is processed as a void or a refund.

  • Voids. Voids are a special type of cancellation, applicable to credit cards only. Voids are processed online and inserted as a void to the payment_refunds table. SubmitRefundTask uses the void records, refund for payment ID and payment type fields to obtain the original payment from the payment tables. The task checks whether the payment status is in the Authorized state.

    If the status is in the Authorized state, then the task performs the final validation according to the customization and accepts or rejects the new refund payment for the void. If the plug-in rejects the new payment, then the refund status updates to Rejected, and is stored in the database.

    If the plug-in accepts the refund and the ID of the new payment is captured through the refund, then the old payment which is being voided is canceled and updated in the database and the new payment is scheduled for processing. The status of the refund will be updated to Processed and stored in the database.

    If the original payment is not in the Authorized state and the status is Processed or Settled, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing processes it as a refund.

    You must only use a Void on a transaction that has not yet settled. To refund a customer's money for a settled transaction, you must submit a Refund, or credit, transaction.

  • Refunds. All refunds with type as Refund are processed in this category. The task checks the status of the original payment, and it must be either Processed or Settled.

    If the status is Processed, then it implies that the payment has been sent to the gateway and a response is not yet received regarding the status. In this case, the refund process for this record is temporally halted and move to the next record.

    If the status of the original payment is Settled, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing creates a new payment transaction for the specified refund with a negative amount. The refund will only be made to the original payment account only if there is no payment account number specified in the refunds. If the payment account number is specified in the refund along with the payment type, then the refund is made to that account number.

    If the plug-in accepts the new payment, then it schedules the new payment transaction in the payment tables and updates the status of the refund to Processed and records the new payment ID in the refund using the refund payment id field. If the plug-in rejects the payment, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing changes the refund status to Rejected.

Parameters for Configuring the SubmitRefund Task

Table 47 describes the parameters you must configure for the SubmitRefundTask.

Table 47. Parameters for Configuring the SubmitRefund Task

Implementation of Interface ISubmitRefundPlugin

The implementation class of the ISubmitRefundPlugin

Allow multiple refunds per payment

Y, Yes, or N, No. The option to allow multiple refunds for a payment.

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