Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Error Messages >

Payment Error Messages

When Payment module jobs generate error messages, they store them in the payment error log file, com.edocs.payment.log.

The letters PMT prefix all error message IDs that relate to the Payment module.

Table 89 lists the error messages that can occur when running Payment jobs.

Table 89. Payment Job Error Messages
Error Message


An ACH customer cannot be activated. The ACH payment gateway only supports up to three payment accounts for each customer and can result in the failure of the payment application. This type of error typically indicates a problem with the Enrollment JSP page and must be discovered during initial setup and testing.


There is a problem regarding the reading and writing of ACH files. Verify the existence of the ACH file output directory and file input directory, and make sure the permissions on them are correct.


There is a general problem regarding an ACH operation and the interpretation of the error depends on the specific error message. This error message is sometimes used as a wrapper for other errors.


There is a problem with the ACH file format. One common source of this error is that the length of supplied data is greater than the length allowed by ACH.


One or more ACH template files failed during processing by the Template engine. In some cases, this error can be corrected during setup and configuration. Also check the ACH template formats to make sure they are valid.


A generic exception accessing the Payment module database. This message can be generated by a variety of errors, but one common source is the failure to establish connection pools in the Payment database. In this case, check whether the database server is still running, and check the application server configuration.


The current payment operation is not supported by ACH. This error message typically indicates faulty coding and must be corrected by a developer immediately.


A generic exception which typically serves as the wrapper for other exceptions, and typically indicates a failed payment operation, which cannot be corrected by running the operation again.


An exception that occurs when there are two check payments in the database with the same payment ID. The Payment module uses a timestamp, in milliseconds, to assign payment IDs.

This type of error typically does not require manual intervention. Instead, the customer will receive an error message and then be prompted to submit the check payment again.


There is no data being extracted from the Payment module database. This type of error is typically corrected by the application during processing.

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