Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Scheduling Jobs >

Applying Alerts to a Job Schedule

By default, Scheduler is automatically set to enable alerts for all jobs and uses the alert groups and types defined in the alert profiles. You can override the alert profile configurations for a particular job at any time by changing the alert settings in Scheduler.

For a particular job you can:

  • Turn the alert service off and on. By default, the alert service is on.
  • Use the alert groups and alert types for the job as configured in the job alert profiles, which is also referred to as the global settings.
  • Manually select a particular alert group and alert types to use, overriding the alert groups and alert types configured for this job in the alert profiles: success only, failure only, or both.
  • Manually enter a list of email contacts and alert types to use, overriding the alert groups and alert types configured for this job in the alert profiles: success only, failure only, or both.
  • Specify the name of a customized interface plug-in to use for the job, if you have created one.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Job Alerts.

To apply alerts to a job in Scheduler

  1. On the Command Center Main Console, click the link under the Next Run column for the particular application job.
  2. Under the Alert Setting section, make sure Activate Alerts is selected.
  3. Choose one of the following alert options to use for the job:
    • Use Global Alert Settings. Use the alert groups and types configured for this job in the alert profiles, or Global alert settings. This is the default.
    • Use Alert Group with Alert Type. Select an alert group and alert type to use for the job, overriding the global alert settings: Success, Failure or both.
    • Use Contact Details with Alert Type. Enter one or more email addresses, separated by a comma, and select an alert type to use for the job, overriding the global alert settings.
  4. In the Implementation of IAlertServicePlugin Interface field for this profile, enter:


    Alternatively, to use your own custom plug-in class or to override what is defined in the Job Alerts Profile configuration for this job, enter the full Java class path name.

  5. Click Save Schedule.

    The next time the job runs it will use these alerts.

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