Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Billing Jobs >

LoadExternalB2CUsers Job

You create and configure a LoadExternalB2CUsers job to load an input file with the new B2C users from an external authentication system, such as single-sign, to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

The B2C load input file requires the following minimum information, in CSV format:

  • User ID
  • First Name Last Name
  • Role
  • Email Address
  • Biller ID
  • Billing Account Number

The B2C load input file can contain the following optional fields:

  • Preferred Language
  • Brand. This field determines which CSS file is used.
  • Mobile Phone Number for SMS
  • Mobile Carrier for SMS

The following example shows the format for a record in a B2C input file:


Parameters for Configuring the Scanner Task

Table 15 displays the configuration parameters for the Scanner task.

Table 15. Parameters for Configuring the Scanner Task

Input File Path

The path where the Scanner can find the input file with the new B2C users provided by the external single-sign on system.

Input File Name

The name of the input data file for the task, located in the input file path. The default value is *.* for any file name.

Output File Path

The path where the Scanner moves the input file for use by the LoadExternalB2CUsers task and renames the input file with a timestamp.

Parameters for Configuring the LoadExternalB2CUsersTask

Table 16 describes the configuration parameters for the LoadExternalB2CUsers task.

Table 16. Parameters for Configuring the LoadExternalB2CUsers Task

Use the output file from Scanner task.

Use the output file from Scanner task. This parameter is preconfigured.

The email address of your company's administrator.

The email address of your company's administrator.

Specify the name of the plug-in to use, if applicable.

Specify the name of the plug-in to use, if applicable.

Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.