Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Scheduling Jobs >

Scheduling Jobs

Jobs are not scheduled automatically. You must schedule jobs to run in a live production environment. You can change a job schedule anytime, except while the job is processing.

You can schedule a job to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis or establish a more complex timetable. The frequency with which you choose to run a job depends on both job type and your organization's needs. Consider all jobs and events in planning your schedule. You can also schedule a job to run just one time, and not recur. For information about when to schedule Payment jobs, see Scheduling Payment Jobs.

To use Scheduler, it must be configured and running. See Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing for details on configuring and starting Scheduler.

For each job, you can apply any of the following options:

  • A blackout calendar. Apply a calendar that specifies processing blackout days, such as holidays, shut-downs, and so on. For details on creating blackout calendars, see Creating a Blackout Calendar.
  • Job alerts. Send an email notification when a job successfully completes processing, fails, or both. For details on using job alerts, see Process of Configuring Job Alerts.
  • Concurrency. Multiple instances of a job can run at the same time.

To schedule a job

  1. On the Command Center Main Console, verify that the job you want to schedule is not currently running, then click the value in the Next Run column for the particular application job.

    Alternately, you can specify the schedule after configuring the job. On the job configuration page, Click Submit Changes and Schedule, then click OK.

  2. On the Job Schedule page, enter or select the date when you want the job schedule to begin:
    • To enter a date, use MM/DD/YYYY format.
    • To select a date, click Popup Calendar and choose a month and day.
  3. In the Start Time field, select the time of day when you want the job to begin, in hours and minutes.

    Some jobs require a resource or input data file. In these jobs, the scanner looks for a file one time only. If the file is not there, then the job cannot run. If you are scheduling a job to run one time only, and not recur, then you have the option to retry the job over a configurable time period until the resource file is available. For a non-recurring job, specify one of the following scan options:

    • Try once. To scan for a job resource file just one time. This option minimizes the amount of time the scanner process runs.
    • Try every (#) minutes until (Time). To scan for a resource file multiple times during a specified time period, select the number of times to try, or scan, and the time to stop scan attempts.

      NOTE:  To run a job immediately, click Run Now on the Job Schedule page.

  4. Specify how frequently you want the job to run. Choose one of the following options:
    • Do not repeat this event. Runs the job one time only, on the date and time specified.
    • Repeat (Every) (Day). Runs the job once, on the basis you specify. To use this option, select a value from each of the following sets of options:
      • Every, Every other, Every third, Every fourth
      • Day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun
    • Repeat on day (#) of the month every (Month). Runs the job one time only, for the number of days or months you specify. To use this option, select a value from each of the following sets of options:
      • Day of the month, 1-31.
      • Month, Other month, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months
    • Repeat Daily on every (#) hours: Runs the job daily, at the hour intervals you specify. To use this option, select one of the following hourly intervals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12. Also specify one of the following end periods for this option:
      • Forever. Use this schedule indefinitely.
      • Until. Use this schedule until a specified date. Enter or select the end date.

        If a job is still running when the next job process is scheduled to start, then the next job process will be skipped, so only that one job process runs at a time.

  5. Specify one of the following blackout processing options:
    • Always run (Ignore Blackout Dates). Choose this option if you do not want to cease job processing on any dates.
    • Do not run in blackout dates defined in (Calendar name). Choose this option if you want to cease job processing on the dates defined in a blackout calendar. Select a blackout calendar to apply. For details on creating a blackout calendar, see Creating a Blackout Calendar.
  6. To use alerts with the job, make sure Activate Alerts is set, and choose one of the following options:
    • Use Global Alert Settings. Use the alert groups and types configured for this job in the alert profiles, or global alert settings. This is the default setting.
    • Use Alert Group with Alert Type. Select an alert group and alert type to use for the job, overriding the global alert settings: Success, Failure or both.
    • Use Contact Details with Alert Type. Enter one or more email addresses, separated by a comma, and select an alert type to use for the job, overriding the global alert settings.
  7. Specify whether you want to run instances of the job concurrently. Choose one of the following options:
    • Do not run multiple job instances, only one at a time. By default, one instance of a job runs at a time.
    • Run maximum number of concurrent job instances. If you choose this option, then choose the maximum number of instances of this job to run concurrently: 5, 10, 15, or 20. By default, up to five instances of the job can run concurrently.
  8. Click Save Schedule.

CAUTION:  If you try to save schedule changes while a job is running in the production queue (the job status indicates Processing), then the new scheduling parameters are ignored.

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