Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Creating Applications and Jobs >

Deleting a Job

You can delete a job you no longer need in an application. Deleting a job removes the job configuration and schedule in the Command Center.

Deleting a job does not remove data associated with the job that is already in the database. Use Purge Logs jobs to purge data.

Make sure you really want to delete the job. You can always cancel a job, or change its configuration or schedule.

To delete a job

  1. On the Main Console, click the name of the application. Command Center displays the Edit Application screen, which lists the application jobs.
  2. Click the box in the Delete? column for the job.
  3. Click Delete Marked Jobs. Click OK when asked if you are sure you want to delete the marked job.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing removes the job from the application.

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