Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Payment Processing Use Cases >

Creating a One-Time Payment

A consumer user can use this use case to complete a single online payment for one billing account. If the payment is for multiple billing accounts, then the payment is transacted as a single payment, but information such as the amount applied to each account is annotated to the transaction for A/R for reconciliation. A user can create a payment account (credit card or bank account) when creating a one-time payment for future one-time payments or recurring payments. Table 18 lists and describes the functions.

Table 18. Creating a One-Time Payment


Create One-Time Payment

Feature Area



Lets a user make a payment to their billing account.

Primary User

Consumer User


  • The user clicks the Payments tab and the One-Time Payment menu option.
  • The user clicks the Make a Payment quick link.

Page Titles

  • One-Time Payment
  • Make One-Time Payment
  • Confirm One-Time Payment
  • Payment Summary

Page Content: One-Time Payment Page

One-Time Payment Page

Select Billing Accounts (Number of Items) Module

  • Buttons:
    • Next (to select a billing account)
    • Reset (to deselect a billing account)
  • Columns (All columns are sortable):
    • Billing Account Number
    • Statement Date
    • Due Date
    • Recurring Payment
    • Last Payment Date (Displays the real-time data if Web services are enabled.)
    • Statement Amount (Currency Code)
    • Current Amount Due (Currency Code)
  • Check box next to each billing account
  • Label: Total
  • Data:
    • Total of Statement Amounts (Currency Code)
    • Total of Current Amount Due (Currency Code)

Page Content: Make One-Time Payment Page

Make One-Time Payment Page

  • Module: Select Billing Accounts (Number of Items)
  • Buttons:
    • Next (to make the payment)
    • Cancel (to display the One-Time Payment screen)
  • Prompt: Payment Amount
  • Columns (All columns are sortable):
    • Billing Account Number
    • Due Date
    • Recurring Payment
    • Statement Amount (Currency Code)
    • Current Amount Due (Currency Code) (Displays the real-time amount if Web services are enabled.)
    • Payment Amount
  • Label: Total
  • Data:
    • Total of Statement Amounts (Currency Code)
    • Total of Current Amount Due (Currency Code)

Page Content: One-Time Payment Page - Select Payment Options

One-Time Payment Page - Select Payment Options


  • Manage One-Time Payment
  • Payee Details
  • Add Bank Account
  • Add Credit Card

Page Content: One-Time Payment Page - Select Payment Options, continued

Manage One-Time Payment Module

  • Buttons:
    • Submit (to submit the payment)
    • Back (to cancel the payment and return to the Make One-Time Payment page)
  • Text - Asterisk (*) Required Fields
    The Payment Date is automatically populated with today's date and the text field disabled. The text field will be enabled if the user checks Save this information to my payment account or by selecting an alternate payment method.
  • Prompts:
    • Payment Date (Select one)
    • Select Payment Method
      • Use Saved Payment Account (Select one)
      • Enter New Payment Information (Select one)

Payee Details Module

  • Prompts:
    • Payee (Select one)
    • Payee Account (Select one)

Add Bank Account Module

  • Prompts:
    • Bank Name
    • Routing Number
    • Account Number
    • Account Type (Checking or Savings)

Page Content: One-Time Payment Page - Select Payment Options, continued

Add Credit Card Module

  • Prompts:
    • Credit Card Number
    • Name on Credit Card
    • Credit Card Type (AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa)
    • Expiration Date (MM/YYYY)
    • CW Code (The CVV Code is used for Validation purpose only.)
    • Country (United States)
    • Address Line 1
    • Address Line 2
    • City
    • State (Choose from list)
    • Postal Code
    • (Check Box) Save this information in my payment accounts

Page Content: Confirm One-Time Payment Page

Confirm One-Time Payment Page

  • Modules:
    • Payment Date
    • Selected Billing Accounts (Number of Items)

Payment Date Module

  • Buttons:
    • Confirm (to confirm and submit the payment)
    • Cancel (to cancel the payment and return to the One-Time Payment page)
  • Data:
    • Payment Date
    • Payment Account
    • Payee
    • Payee Account

Selected Billing Accounts (Number of Items) Module

  • Columns (All columns are sortable):
    • Billing Account Number
    • Due Date
    • Recurring Payment
    • Statement Amount (Currency Code)
    • Current Amount Due (Currency Code) (Displays the real-time amount if Web services are enabled.)
    • Payment Amount
  • Label: Total
  • Data:
    • Total of Statement Amounts (Currency Code)
    • Total of Current Amount Due (Currency Code)

Page Content: Payment Summary Page

Payment Summary Page

  • Module: Payment Information (Number of Items)
  • Columns:
    • Account Number
    • Due Date
    • Payment Account
    • Amount Due (Currency Code) (Displays the real-time amount if Web services are enabled.)
    • Payment Amount (Currency Code)

Configuration Points

  • If Web services are configured, then Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Last Payment Date and Current Amount Due on a billing account retrieved from the external payment transactions.
  • Max Pay Thresholds are configurable by payment application.
  • Paging shows 25 billing accounts at a time (configurable).


  • One-time payments can take place immediately (future date not required).
  • Process Failed payments appear on the Payment Activity view after payment has been processed by the billing system.
  • Payment processing is assumed to occur only on business days. Payment processing blackout dates are configurable.
  • After a payment is scheduled, the status appears as Scheduled on the Payment Activity view. After the payment is processed, the status changes to Processed.
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is preconfigured to support North American ACH and VeriSign payment gateways.

Main Path for Creating a One-Time Payment

The main path to create a one-time payment is as follows:

  1. The user clicks the Payments tab.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the One-Time Payment page listing the billing account statements for the user.

  2. The user can optionally search for one or more accounts. The user enters a particular account number or a statement, due date, last payment, or amount due date range, then click Go.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the list of selected account statements in tabular format.

  3. The user selects all, one, or multiple billing accounts for which to make payment and clicks Next.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Make One-Time Payment page.

  4. The user can enter a payment amount different from the amount due.
  5. The user clicks Next.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the One-Time Payment page with the Make One-Time Payment and Payee Details modules.

  6. The user enters a payment date or selects one from the calendar.
  7. The user chooses to use either a saved payment account or enter a new payment method. For a saved payment account, the user selects the account. For a new payment method, the user specifies whether it is a bank account or a credit card, then enters or selects the information prompted. The user has the option to save the new payment account information or make an instant payment and not save the account information (the default).
  8. The user clicks Submit.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Confirm One-Time Payment page.

  9. The user verifies the one-time payment information and clicks Confirm.

    The Payment Summary page appears with the message: Thank you for your payment. It is currently being processed and your Payment ID is (Payment ID). Please review the Payment Activity screen for an updated status in the next 24 hours.

Alternate Path for Creating a One-Time Payment

The following alternate paths can occur in this use case:

  • The account has a recurring payment setup. The following warning message appears: You selected one or more accounts with a recurring payment. More than one payment to your account may result. Do you wish to continue? Payments are already made for the following Billing Accounts: Account Numbers. Continuing will result in duplicate payments.
  • The user enters a partial amount to be paid. The following warning message appears: For one or more Billing Accounts, payment amount entered is less than the due amount. Do you want to continue?
  • The user enters a payment amount in the wrong format. The following message appears: Enter a valid amount in the format #,##0.00.
  • The user can use the Reset button to change entries.
  • The user enters an amount greater than the current amount due. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the following warning message: For one or more Billing Accounts, payment amount entered is greater than the due amount. Do you want to continue?

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing limits the transaction to the total amount due (configurable).

Exceptions for Creating a One-Time Payment

The following exceptions can occur in this use case:

  • The user cancels the transaction and Oracle Self-Service E-Billing returns the user to the initial One-Time Payment screen.
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing cannot find the billing account and displays the following message: Billing account not found. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing receives Automated Clearing House (ACH) failure.
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the following payment failure message: Your bank account could not be verified. Please review the bank account information you provided and try again. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing does not perform the transaction.
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