Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Payment Processing Use Cases >

Viewing Payment Activity

This use case lets a consumer view a list of all payment activity for a configurable time period. Scheduled payments appear in payment activity and can be canceled prior to being processed. Payment activity can be searched or filtered. The user can also edit scheduled payments. Table 20 lists and describes the functions.

Table 20. Viewing Payment Activity


Viewing Payment Activity

Feature Area



Lets a user view transactional history for her associated billing accounts.

Primary User

Consumer User and CSR User


The user clicks the Payments tab and the Payment Activity menu option.

Standard Features

  • Edit or cancel a scheduled payment.
  • Sorting and Paging.
  • Search or Filter (Search for a payment, or filter by type, account, status, or date range).

Page Content - Payment Activity Page

  • Modules:
    • Search By
    • List of Payment Transactions (Number of Items)

Search By Module

  • Prompts:
    • Account Number
    • Payment Type (All, CSR Updated, Recurring, One-Time, CSR Initiated. Web services can also pass in the following payment types: Mail In, Lock box, Kiosk, and Via Phone)
    • Status (All, Canceled, Failed, Failed Authorization, Paid, Processed, Returned, Scheduled)
    • Payment Transactions (From and To date fields with pop-up calendars)
  • Button - View

List of Payment Transactions (Number of Items) Module

  • Columns:
    • Billing Account
    • Payment Type
    • Amount (Currency Code)
    • Status
    • Payment Scheduled Date
    • Payment Transaction Date
    • Actions (Not available for payment transactions from an external source using Web services.)
      • Edit. Edit scheduled payments
      • Cancel. Cancel scheduled payments
      • View Details. View transaction details for initiated payments.

Page Content - Payment Details Page

Payment Details Page

  • Modules:
    • Payment Information
    • (Number of Items)

Payment Information Module

  • Data:
    • Account Number
    • Payment Type
    • Payment Scheduled Date
    • Payment Transaction Date
    • Payment Amount
    • Payment Account
    • Status
    • Date Created
    • Date Modified

(Number of Items) Module

  • Button - Back
  • Columns:
    • Account
    • Statement Date
    • Statement Number
    • Amount Due
    • Due Date
    • Amount Paid

Page Content - Edit One-Time Payment Page

Edit One-Time Payment Page

  • Modules:
    • Edit One-Time Payment
    • Accounts Selected for Payment (Number of Items)

Edit One-Time Payment Module

  • Buttons:
    • Submit
    • Cancel
  • Prompt: Payment Date (with popup calendar)

Accounts Selected for Payment (Number of Items) Module

  • Data:
    • Account Number
    • Payment Account
    • Due Date
    • Amount Due (Currency Code)
    • Payment Date
    • Total (payment amount total)
  • Prompt: Payment Amount (Displays editable amount)
  • Text:
    • Total
    • Asterisk (*) Required Fields

Page Content - Confirm One-Time Payment Page


  • Payment Date
  • Accounts Selected for Payment (Number of Items)

Payment Date Module

  • Buttons:
    • Submit
    • Cancel
  • Data: Payment Date

Accounts Selected for Payment (Number of Items) Module

  • Buttons:
    • Submit
    • Cancel
  • Data:
    • Account Number
    • Payment Account
    • Due Date
    • Amount Due (Currency Code)
    • Payment Amount (Currency Code)
    • Total (of payment amounts)
  • Text: Total

Page Content - Manage One-Time Payment Page

  • Button: Back
  • Text: Success Message
    Your selected billing account is updated successfully.

Page Content - Cancel One-Time Payment Page

Cancel One-Time Payment Page

  • Modules:
    • Cancel One-Time Payment
    • Payment Information (Number of Items)

Cancel One-Time Payment Module

  • Buttons:
    • Submit
    • Cancel
  • Text: You are about to cancel the payment. Do you wish to continue?

Payment Information (Number of Items) Module

  • Columns:
    • Account Number
    • Payment Amount
    • Due Date
    • Amount Due (Currency Code)
    • Payment Date
    • Payment Amount (Currency Code)

Page Content - Cancel Payment Confirmation Page

Cancel Payment Confirmation Page

  • Buttons:
    • Back
  • Text: Your selected payment was canceled successfully.

Configuration Points

  • When Web services are configured, payments external to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing are retrieved.
  • Configurable values for payment source when A/R reconciliation jobs are set up include: Online Check, Online Credit, Offline Check, and Offline Credit.
  • Number of month's history presented.
  • Initial sort order for each column (ascending or descending).

Main Path for Viewing Payment Activity

The main path to view payment activity is as follows:

  • The user clicks the Payment tab, and the clicks the Payment Activity sub-menu option.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Payment Activity screen showing all scheduled one-time and recurring payments.

Alternate Paths

The following alternate paths can occur with this use case.

The user views details for a payment

On the Payment Details page, the user clicks the View Details link for a payment.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Payment Details page showing detailed information about the payment and accounts.

The user edits a scheduled payment
  1. On the Payment Details page, the user clicks the Edit link for a scheduled payment.
  2. The user can edit the payment date and amount fields only, including on recurring payments that are scheduled.

    In case of multiple accounts grouped in one payment transaction, the user can change the amount for each billing account. When editing a scheduled payment from the Payment Activity view, the user is restricted from adding or removing a billing account from the scheduled payment.

  3. The user clicks Submit.
  4. The Manage One-Time Payment page appears with the following message: Your selected billing account is updated successfully.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing uses the date of this edit as the last modified date.

The user cancels a scheduled payment
  1. On the Payment Details page, the user clicks the Cancel link for a scheduled payment.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the following question: You are about to cancel the payment. Do you wish to continue?

  2. The user verifies the payment information shown and clicks Submit (or clicks Cancel to return to the Payment Activity page).
  3. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Cancel Payment Confirmation page.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.