Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) > Utility Application Use Cases > Statement Management >

Viewing Disputes

This Utility application use case is used to use case is used to view all disputes that have been entered in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing for the selected billing account.

Table 65

Table 65. Viewing Disputes


Viewing Disputes

Feature Area



Lets a user view all disputes for the selected billing account.

Primary Users

Consumer and CSR users


  • The user logs in to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and selects View Disputes from the Statements menu. (The View Disputes subtab displays only if one or more disputes have been entered for the selected billing account.)
  • The user clicks the Statements tab from within Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and selects the View Disputes option.

Active Hyperlinks (Breadcrumbs)

Statements - Redisplays the Statement Summary.

Page Content - View Disputes

View Disputes Page


  • Account Number (If only one account number is available it is displayed as data.)

Module: Report Details (Number of Items)

Report Details (Number of Items) Module

  • Table:
    • Dispute Transaction Number (This number is from the back-office CRM system)
    • Dispute Number (This number is generated by Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.)
    • Disputed Statement Date
    • Disputed Reason
    • Dispute Date (Default sort is latest to earliest.)
    • Disputed Status (If no Web service is configured, the dispute
    • Disputed Amount
    • Total: Total of all amounts disputed.

Standard Features

  • Printer-Friendly view
  • Download CSV or XML

Configuration Point

A Web service can be configured with an external CRM system.

Main Path

The main path to view disputes is as follows:

The user logs in to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and selects View Disputes from the Statements menu.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the View Disputes page.

Alternate Paths

The user selects a download format and clicks Go.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing downloads the list of disputes in the selected format (CSV or XML).

The user clicks the Printer Friendly link.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Print window and the Windows Print dialog.


Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the Error Message use case.

lists and describes the use case functions.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Consumer Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.