Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Using the Reporting Engine >

Changing the Local Storage Location for the HTML Report Formatting Files

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing requires that the HTML report formatting files be stored locally. You can change the local file save location for the HTML formatting files. The default storage location is the EDX_HOME/output/reportapp directory.

If the Billing and Payment, Command Center, and Web Services Server applications are deployed in a distributed environment, the file storage path you specify must be a shared folder.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is preconfigured with the HTML formatting files. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing automatically generates report subfolders under the root path, named by date.

To change the default local storage location for the HTML report formatting files

  1. Edit the reporting.batch.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/com/edocs/common/reporting
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\com\edocs\common\reporting
  2. In the reporting.batch.xma.xma file, specify the path parameter value, starting with the correct slash (/ or \) for your platform, in the BatchFileConfig bean.

    The following code shows the default BatchFileConfig bean definition:

    <bean id="BatchFileConfig" class="com.edocs.common.reporting.batch.file.BatchFileConfigBean" scope="singleton">

    <!-- use this property to overide the default base, the system property for edx.home

    <property name="rootDir"><value>C:/oracle/eBilling</value></property>


    <property name="path">



  3. If you need to change the install, or EDX_HOME directory, then edit the rootDir parameter. Specify an absolute path, such as /oracle/ebilling/data, and do not end the rootDir value with a slash.
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