Web Services Reference for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Web Services

About Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Web Services

About Web Services Security

Types of Web Services

About Web Services Localization

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Discovering RESTful Web Service Resources

Discovering Oracle Self-Service E-Billing RESTful Services Using the RESTful Services Client

Discovering Oracle Self-Service E-Billing RESTful Services Using a Web Browser

Discovering Oracle Self-Service E-Billing RESTful Services Using the Web Application Definition Language

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RESTful API Resource Reference

Web Service API Resource for Authentication

Web Service API Resources for Statements

Web Service API Resources for Analytics Based on the Billing Account

Web Service API Resources for Analytics Based on the Billing Hierarchy (Business Edition Only)

Web Service API Resources for Analytics Based on the Business Hierarchy (Business Edition Only)

Web Service API Resources for General Analytics

Web Service API Resources for Billing Accounts

Web Service API Resources for Billing Periods

Web Service API Resources for Companies

Web Service API Resources for Disputes

Web Service API Resources for Hierarchies

Web Service API Resources for Service Agreements

Web Service API Resources for Users

Web Service API Resources for Payments

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Customizing RESTful Resources

Customizing Analytics Resources

About Authentication and Authorization

About Customizing Localization Values

Outbound Web Services

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Examples of Web Services

Examples of the Authentication Web Service

Example of Authenticating a User

Example of Impersonating a User

Examples of the Accounts Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Billing Accounts for a User

Example of Creating a B2B Billing Account

Example of Creating a B2C Billing Account

Example of Getting Billing Account Information

Example of Updating an Existing Billing Account

Example of Getting a Billing Account Balance

Example of Updating a Billing Account Balance

Examples of the Companies Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Companies

Example of Creating a Company and a Billing Hierarchy

Example of Getting a Company's Information

Example of Updating a Company's Information

Examples of the Disputes Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Disputes

Example of Updating a Dispute

Examples of the Payments Web Service

Example of Posting an External Payment Transaction

Example of Updating an External Payment Transaction

Example of Posting a Payment Transaction

Example of Getting a List of Payment Transactions for a Particular Billing Account

Example of Getting a List of Scheduled Payment Transactions for a Particular Billing Account

Example of Getting a Specific Bank Payment Transaction

Example of Getting a Particular Credit Card Payment Transaction

Example of Getting a Particular External Payment Transaction

Examples of the Service Agreements Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Service Agreements

Example of Getting a List of All Service Agreements for an Account

Example of Getting Information for a Service Agreement

Example of Creating a Service Agreement

Examples of the Users Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Users

Example of Getting a User's Information

Example of Creating a B2B User

Example of Creating a B2C User

Examples of the Analytics Web Services

Example of Getting a Summary of Accounts

Example of Getting Service Agreement Details

Example of Creating a Batch Report Schedule Request for an Account Billing Overview

Example of Getting a Batch Report Request

Example of Getting Batch Report Content With Pagination On

Example of Downloading a Batch Report in CSV File Format

Example of Deleting a Batch Report Request

Example of Getting a Summary of Unbilled Usage for an Account

Example of Getting a Summary of Unbilled Usage for an Account by Service

Example of Getting the Unbilled Usage Plan for a Service

Example of Getting the Unbilled Usage Transaction Details for a Tariff

Examples of the Hierarchy Web Service

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchies

Example of Getting a List of Billing Hierarchies

Example of Getting a List of Business Hierarchies

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchies by Type

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchy Root Nodes

Example of Getting a List of Link Targets for a Node

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchy Accounts

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchy Service Agreements

Example of Getting a List of Hierarchy Groups

Example of Getting a List of Child Nodes

Example of Getting a List of Link Target Types for a Node

Example of Getting a List of Users Assigned to a Node

Example of Getting a List of Users Unassigned to a Node

Example of Getting a List of Users Authorized to a Node

Example of Getting a List of Users Unauthorized to a Node

Example of Getting a Node ID

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