Web Services Reference for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing RESTful Resources >

Customizing Analytics Resources

Many of Oracle Self-Service E-Billing RESTful read APIs are provided through the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing reporting engine framework. Each resource is mapped to an Oracle Self-Service E-Billing report, in which data sources, SQL, and transformers can be specified in an XML configuration. With this flexible architecture, you can extend the current analytic REST resources if needed.

Resource and Report ID Mapping File

All preconfigured resources implemented using the reporting engine are listed in the ws_reportIdMap.properties file, located in the following directory, in which EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Self-Service E-Billing:

  • UNIX. EDX_HOME/config/webservice
  • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\webservice

You can edit the ws_reportIdMap.properties file to customize or extend existing analytics RESTful resources. Each resource entry uses the following format:

URI Resource=reportId, {reportId for B2C}

URI Resource represents the resource without the input parameter, and reportId is the report identifier specified in the report XML file. If the same URI can be used for both the B2B and B2C applications but with a different report ID, then specify the report ID for the B2B application first, followed by the B2C application. Any additional parameters that you provide must be passed as parameters in the URL. The following report examples are from the report ID mapping property file:



Resource Mapping Customization

You can use the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing reporting engine to define additional reporting XML. For more information on creating additional analytic reports, see Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing supports the following types of customization for Web services:

  • Replacing preconfigured REST resources in the property file with your own reports and report IDs. The property file, ws_reportIdMap.properties, is in one of the following directories:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/config/webservice
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\webservice

      For example, you can change the existing resource entries in the property file as shown in the following examples:



  • Adding a resource to an existing resource category. A resource category is defined in the URI section of a resource entry in the ws_reportIdMap.properties file, between the first and last forward slashes (/). For example, each of the following are categories:



    You can add additional resources to a preconfigured category in the ws_reportIdMap.properties property file. The additional mapping entry allows the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing REST services framework to invoke the corresponding reports without recompiling the application. For example, you can add the following entry to the property file:


  • Using the generic analytic report resource. If you want to add additional URI resources to the reporting engine, but if the report does not match any of the preconfigured categories, then you can use the generic analytic report resource:


    This entry is not required in the resource mapping file.

Creating Additional Analytic Resources with the Reporting Engine

The Oracle Self-Service E-Billing reporting engine supports many Web services for the GET operation. The reporting engine also includes a separate Velocity template, additional report elements, and attributes to create XML content for Web service responses. All Web service responses created using the reporting engine have a root node of <report> ...</report>. Some of the reporting elements and attributes are as follows:

  • The collectionId attribute of the Transformer element specifies the name of the list, which contains one or more rows of data.
  • The name attribute of the rows element specifies the name for each row returned in the result list.
  • The id attribute of the column element specifies the attribute name of each row and object returned.
  • The rsLink element links from one REST service to another. The link must be appended to the domain and root name to construct a full URL for the accessing additional REST resource. Links are provided to allow drilling down, as well as to navigate from one page result to the next or previous when multiple pages of results are returned.
  • The rsPaging element specifies the page size for the REST services call only. If it is not specified, then the whole query result is returned.
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