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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ElementVisitor

  extended by javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor

Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanVisitor, ExtensionHook, HashStructureElementVisitor, I18NCharVisitor, I18NStringVisitor, IconVisitor, MetaClassVisitor, URLPathHandler

public abstract class ElementVisitor
extends java.lang.Object

ElementVisitor is responsible for visiting elements in an XML file processed by an XML parser used by a JSR-198 compatible IDE. Implementations of this class usually provide an implementation for the start() and end() methods.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String KEY_LOCATOR
          A key that provides information about the position in the manifest file currently being processed.


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void end(ElementEndContext context)
          Visit the end tag of an xml element.
static java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader(ElementContext context)
          Gets the class loader to use in the specified context.
static java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(ElementContext context)
          Gets the resource bundle (if any) to be used for translatable resources in the specified context.
protected  void log(ElementContext context, java.util.logging.Level level, java.lang.String msg)
          Log a message.
 void start(ElementStartContext context)
          Visit the start tag of an xml element.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String KEY_LOCATOR
A key that provides information about the position in the manifest file currently being processed. In the scope data map, this key will resolve to an instance of org.xml.sax.Locator, if the parser supports it.

You should always check whether the locator is null, since it is not required that every IDE provide a Locator in the parsing context.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public ElementVisitor()

Method Detail


protected final void log(ElementContext context,
                         java.util.logging.Level level,
                         java.lang.String msg)
Log a message. This is the recommended way to log errors while processing elements in the manifest file. It will ensure that positional information (if available) is passed to the logger as the first parameter of the log message.
context - the current context.
level - the level to log at.
msg - the message to log.


public void start(ElementStartContext context)
Visit the start tag of an xml element.

This implementation does nothing.

context - information about the xml start tag.


public void end(ElementEndContext context)
Visit the end tag of an xml element.

This implementation does nothing.

context - information about the xml end tag.


public static final java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader(ElementContext context)
Gets the class loader to use in the specified context.
context - the context.
the class loader to use in this context. Never returns null.


public static final java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(ElementContext context)
Gets the resource bundle (if any) to be used for translatable resources in the specified context.
context - a processing context.
the resource bundle instance to use for this context, or null if none is available.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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