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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Extension
javax.ide.extension Classes and interfaces used by extensions to extend an IDE with new functionality. 
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.migration Contains API classes for support the migration of Node types and user preferences in the system directory. 


Uses of Extension in javax.ide.extension


Subinterfaces of Extension in javax.ide.extension
 interface Extension2
          JSR-198 2.0 version of the Extension interface.


Methods in javax.ide.extension that return Extension
 Extension ExtensionRegistry.findExtension(java.lang.String id)
          Find the Extension identified by the given id.
 Extension ElementContext.getExtension()
          Gets the extension currently being processed.
protected  Extension ExtensionHook.getExtension(ElementContext context)
          Get the extension that is currently being processed.


Methods in javax.ide.extension with parameters of type Extension
abstract ExtensionRegistry.getInstallRoot(Extension extension)
          Get the install root of the specified extension.
protected  void ExtensionRegistry.unsatisfiedExtensionDependencies(Extension ext, java.util.Collection deps)
          An extension with unsatisfied dependencies was encountered.


Uses of Extension in oracle.ide


Methods in oracle.ide that return Extension
abstract  Extension ExtensionRegistry.findExtensionEvenIfNotLoaded(java.lang.String id)
          Returns an extension by its id.
abstract  Extension AddinManager.getExtensionForAddin(Addin addin)
          Returns the Extension containing the specified Addin.


Methods in oracle.ide that return types with arguments of type Extension
abstract  java.util.Collection<Extension> ExtensionRegistry.getAllExtensions()
          Returns all available extensions, whether or not they are currently loaded.


Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type Extension ExtensionRegistry.getExtensionJAR(Extension extension)
          Returns the JAR file for the specified extension. ExtensionRegistry.getInstallDirectory(Extension extension)
          Returns the install directory for an extension. ExtensionRegistry.getInstallRoot(Extension extension)
          Returns the install root of the specified extension.


Uses of Extension in oracle.ide.migration


Methods in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type Extension
abstract  void MigrationManager.registerMigrator(java.lang.String name, Extension desc)
          Register a Migrator implementation for use when migrating a given extension.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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