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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatementT Various interfaces for use with Tree objects. The Java AST. 


Uses of StatementT in


Methods in that return StatementT
abstract  StatementT TreeFactory.textToStatement(java.lang.String text)
          Attempts to create a statement with the given text.


Methods in with parameters of type StatementT
abstract  DoStatementT TreeFactory.createDoStatement(ExpressionT e, StatementT child)
          Creates a do-while statement.
abstract  ElseClauseT TreeFactory.createElseClause(StatementT child)
          Creates an else clause for an if statement.
abstract  ForStatementT TreeFactory.createForEnhancedStatement(LocalVariableT loopVariable, ExpressionT collection, StatementT child)
          Creates an enhanced-for loop.
 ForStatementT TreeFactory.createForStatement(ExpressionT initialization, ExpressionT condition, ExpressionT update, StatementT child)
          Convenience method.
abstract  ForStatementT TreeFactory.createForStatement(ListExpressionT initializations, ExpressionT condition, ListExpressionT updates, StatementT child)
          Creates a traditional for loop with no variable declarators.
abstract  ForStatementT TreeFactory.createForVariableStatement(LocalVariableDeclT variables, ExpressionT condition, ListExpressionT updates, StatementT child)
          Creates a traditional for loop with variable declarators.
 ForStatementT TreeFactory.createForVariableStatement(LocalVariableT variable, ExpressionT condition, ExpressionT update, StatementT child)
          Convenience method.
 IfStatementT TreeFactory.createIfElseStatement(ExpressionT e, StatementT trueClause, StatementT elseClause)
          Creates an if-else statement.
abstract  IfStatementT TreeFactory.createIfStatement(ExpressionT e, StatementT child)
          Creates an if statement.
abstract  IfStatementT TreeFactory.createIfStatement(ExpressionT e, StatementT child, ElseClauseT elseClause)
          Creates an if or an if-else statement.
abstract  WhileStatementT TreeFactory.createWhileStatement(ExpressionT e, StatementT child)
          Creates a while statement.


Uses of StatementT in


Subinterfaces of StatementT in
 interface AssertStatementT
          An assert statement.
 interface BlockStatementT
          A statement wrapping a block.
 interface BreakStatementT
          A break statement.
 interface CatchClauseT
          A catch clause of a try statement.
 interface CompoundStatementT
          Common supertype for statements that have children statements.
 interface ConditionalStatementT
          Common supertype for compound statements having (requiring) a conditional expression.
 interface ContinueStatementT
          A continue statement.
 interface DoStatementT
          A do statement.
 interface ElseClauseT
          An else clause.
 interface EmptyStatementT
          An empty statement.
 interface ExpressionStatementT
          An expression statement.
 interface FinallyClauseT
          A finally clause.
 interface ForStatementT
          A for statement.
 interface IfStatementT
          An if statement.
 interface ReturnStatementT
          A return statement.
 interface SimpleStatementT
          Common supertype for statements that have no child statement but may optionally have expressions.
 interface SwitchStatementT
          A switch statement.
 interface SynchStatementT
          A synchronized statement.
 interface ThrowStatementT
          A throw statement.
 interface TryStatementT
          A try statement.
 interface WhileStatementT
          A while statement.


Fields in declared as StatementT
static StatementT[] StatementT.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return StatementT
 StatementT CompoundStatementT.getEndClause()
          In an if statement, this is the "else" clause.
 StatementT CompoundStatementT.getPrimaryClause()


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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