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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use URIPath
javax.ide.extension Classes and interfaces used by extensions to extend an IDE with new functionality. 
javax.ide.model The interfaces and classes implementing an IDE's data model. Virtual file system. 


Uses of URIPath in javax.ide.extension


Methods in javax.ide.extension that return URIPath
 URIPath Extension.getClassPath()
          Returns the class path of this extension.


Uses of URIPath in javax.ide.model


Methods in javax.ide.model that return URIPath
 URIPath Project.getClassPath()
          Get the class path.
 URIPath Project.getSourcePath()
          Get the source path.


Methods in javax.ide.model with parameters of type URIPath
 void Project.addClassPath(URIPath path)


Uses of URIPath in


Methods in with parameters of type URIPath
 void URIPath.add(URIPath uriPath)
          Adds the entries from the specified URIPath to this instance.
protected  boolean URIPath.equalsImpl(URIPath uriPath)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).


Constructors in with parameters of type URIPath
URIPath(URIPath uriPath)
          Copy constructor.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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