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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class SchemaObjectBuilder

  extended by oracle.ide.db.util.SchemaObjectBuilder

public class SchemaObjectBuilder
extends java.lang.Object

A UI utility to ensure that SystemObject definitions are fully loaded off the UI thread. A SystemObject may take time in being loaded from its source (database dictionary, xml files) and as the load happens lazily this can cause problems for UI components that require the full object definition (e.g. edit dialogs). Using this utility allows the object to be built in one progress bar, with the option to cancel for the user.

A progress bar will only be used if this is invoked on the event thread.

Constructor Summary
SchemaObjectBuilder(boolean cancellable)
          Creates a new builder with the option for the user to cancel, or not if the operation must proceed.


Method Summary
 void buildDerivedProperties(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Calling this method includes a "derived property" build in the process performed by this builder.
 boolean ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject... objs)
          Ensures that all of the given SystemObjects are fully loaded from their metadata source (e.g.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public SchemaObjectBuilder(boolean cancellable)
Creates a new builder with the option for the user to cancel, or not if the operation must proceed.
cancellable - whether the user can cancel the load

Method Detail


public void buildDerivedProperties(DBObjectProvider pro)
Calling this method includes a "derived property" build in the process performed by this builder. The provider is needed for a derived property build and so much be included.
pro - the provider to use for the derived property build on this object.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
API not finalised yet


public boolean ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject... objs)
Ensures that all of the given SystemObjects are fully loaded from their metadata source (e.g. database dictionary). If any object fails to load, false is returned.

If any error is encountered it is displayed to the user.

objs - the objects to build
true if all objects sucessfully built

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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