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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Editor
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. Contains interfaces and classes used by addins to provide context sensitive help on their own windows and dialogs. 
oracle.ide.palette Contains classes that allow for palette integration and commands. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 


Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.ceditor


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.ide.ceditor
 class CodeEditor
          The CodeEditor is the integration layer between the IDE and the editor components to provide a code editor inside the IDE.


Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor that return Editor
protected  Editor CodeNavigationPoint.findOrCreateEditor(boolean activate)
          Find the existing Editor opened on our Context, else attempt to open a new Editor instance.


Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.editor


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.ide.editor
 class AbstractEditor
          Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed
 class AbstractFlatEditor
          Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed
 class FlatEditor
          Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed


Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return Editor
 Editor EditorInfo._getEditor()
 Editor EditorCreator.createEditor(Context context)
abstract  Editor EditorManager.getCurrentEditor()
          Returns the currently active editor.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Context context)
          The new EditorManager.openEditor(oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions) is now the preferred way to open an editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element element)
          Open the specified element using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node, Context context)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame( url)
          Open the specified URL using the default editor.
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame( url)
          Open the specified URL using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrameExternal( url)
          Open the item at the specified URL in its default Editor.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openEditor(OpenEditorOptions openEditorOptions)
          Opens an editor.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          The new EditorManager.openEditor(oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions) is now the preferred way to open an editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'


Methods in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Editor
 void EditorListener.editorActivated(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor has been activated.
 void EditorListener.editorClosed(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor is being closed.
 void EditorListener.editorDeactivated(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor listener is de-activated.
 void EditorListener.editorOpened(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that a new Editor has been opened.
abstract  void EditorManager.setExplicit(Editor editor, boolean bExplicit)
          Set the editor as explicit or implicit.


Constructors in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Editor
EditorCriteria(Editor editor)


Uses of Editor in


Methods in that return Editor
abstract  Editor HelpSystem.showHelp( url)
          Invokes the Help Viewer on a specific URL.


Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.palette


Methods in oracle.ide.palette that return Editor
abstract  Editor PaletteWindow.getEditor()
static Editor PaletteContext.getEditor(Context context)


Methods in oracle.ide.palette with parameters of type Editor
 void PaletteDisplayableListener.paletteDisplayed(Context context, Editor editor)
static void PaletteContext.setEditor(Context context, Editor editor)


Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.resourcebundle


Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type Editor
 void NodeResourceBundle.beginEditorListening(Editor editor)
          Signals the NodeResourceBundle to begin listening to the changes made in the editor in case it makes changes to the file the resource bundle is based on.
 void NodeResourceBundle.endEditorListening(Editor editor)
          Signals the NodeResourceBundle to stop listening to the editor.


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.merge


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
 class AbstractMergeEditor
          Abstract class for a dynamically registered merge editor.
 class TextMergeEditor
          Textual merge editor specialization class.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge that return Editor
static Editor MergeUtil.openMergeEditor(Context context, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Opens the merge editor for the given context and editor class.
static Editor MergeUtil.openMergeEditor(Node node, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Opens the merge editor for the given node and editor class.
static Editor MergeUtil.reopenMergeEditor(Node node, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Reopens the merge editor for the given node and editor class, restarting the merge task if the editor is in 'complete state'.


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.runner


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that return Editor
static Editor Source.showNodeInDefaultEditor(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a node in its default editor.


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor
 class UIEditor
          Editor implementation whose visuals depict the GUI declared in a JavaSourceNode instance.


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Editor
static Editor VCSEditorUtils.openEditor(Context context, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Opens the editor for the given context and editor class.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with type arguments of type Editor
static void VCSEditorUtils.closeEditorsForEditorType(java.lang.Class<? extends Editor> editorClass)
          Closes all open editors of the given class type through the editor manager.


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory
 class VersionHistoryViewer


Uses of Editor in


Subclasses of Editor in


Uses of Editor in oracle.jdevimpl.history


Subclasses of Editor in oracle.jdevimpl.history
 class oracle.jdevimpl.history.HistoryViewer


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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