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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface LogRecognizer

public interface LogRecognizer

The LogRecognizer is used when attempting to create a log page by opening a file in the LogWindow. After the user selects a file in the URLChooser the LogManager cycles through all registered LogRecognizers to find one that recognizes the file and can create itself from the file.

Method Summary
 LogPage create( url, java.lang.Class type)
          Creates an instance of the LogPage associated with the specified URL.
 URLFilter getFilter()
          Gets the URLFilter for the LogRecognizer.
 java.lang.Class recognize( url)
          Gets the Class of the data item associated with the specified URL.


Method Detail


java.lang.Class recognize( url)
Gets the Class of the data item associated with the specified URL. Implementations must return null if the URL is not recognized. The Class returned must be the data model class. This value is passed to the create(URL, Class) method which will create the LogPage
url - unique URL identifying the document.
the data Class.


LogPage create( url,
               java.lang.Class type)
               throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,
Creates an instance of the LogPage associated with the specified URL. This method is called by the LogManager. This method must return a LogPage instance. The type parameter specifies the Class of the data object.
url - unique URL identifying the document.
type - the data Class.
log page


URLFilter getFilter()
Gets the URLFilter for the LogRecognizer. The URLFilter is used to limit what file types can be opened in the LogWindow so the user won't try to open file types that there is no chance of a LogPage displaying.
URLFilter the filter of the LogRecognizer

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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