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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface Folder

All Superinterfaces:
Displayable, Element
All Known Subinterfaces:
CmtModelNode, Palette, PalettePage
All Known Implementing Classes:
CmtFolder, ConnectionListFilterNode, ConnectionNodeDecorator, Connections, DataContainer, DefaultContainer, DefaultFolder, DeployFolder, DeployGalleryFolder,, HashStructureNode, IdeLayout, IdeSystem, Layouts, ObservableFolder, PlsqlPackage, Preferences, Project, ProviderNode, StoredProcProfile, Workspace, Workspaces, XMLDataContainer

public interface Folder
extends Element

The Folder interface extends Element by adding methods for managing child Elements contained by the Folder.

Method Summary
 boolean add(Element child)
          Appends a child Element to the end of the Folder.
 boolean canAdd(Element element)
          Other classes can call this method to determine whether the given Element can be added to the Folder.
 boolean canRemove(Element element)
          Other classes can call this method to determine whether the specified Element can be removed from this Folder.
 boolean containsChild(Element child)
          Returns true if the folder contains the specified child Element; returns false otherwise.
 boolean remove(Element child)
          Removes the specified child Element.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all children from the folder.
 int size()
          Returns the current number of children in the folder.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Element
getAttributes, getChildren, getData, mayHaveChildren


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.model.Displayable
getIcon, getLongLabel, getShortLabel, getToolTipText, toString


Method Detail


boolean canAdd(Element element)
Other classes can call this method to determine whether the given Element can be added to the Folder.
element - the Element that is about to be added to this Folder.
true if the specified Element can be added to this Folder; false if the Element cannot be added.


boolean add(Element child)
Appends a child Element to the end of the Folder.


boolean canRemove(Element element)
Other classes can call this method to determine whether the specified Element can be removed from this Folder.
element - the Element that is about to be removed from this Folder.
true if the specified Element can be removed from this Folder; false if the Element cannot be removed.


boolean remove(Element child)
Removes the specified child Element. If the child object appears more than once, only the first instance is removed.
child - The child object to remove.


boolean containsChild(Element child)
Returns true if the folder contains the specified child Element; returns false otherwise.


int size()
Returns the current number of children in the folder.


void removeAll()
Removes all children from the folder.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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