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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface Subject

All Known Subinterfaces:
CmtComponentSource, VetoableSubject
All Known Implementing Classes:
AppClientProfile, ArchiveProfile, BaseDBObjectNode, BaseDBObjectTextNode, oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser.BaseOfflineDBObjectNode, BasePlSqlTextNode, BrowsableWebDocumentNode, ClientProfile, ConnectionListFilterNode, ConnectionNodeDecorator, Connections, ConnectorProfile, ContentLevelFolder, ContentSetFolder, DataContainer, DataNode, DefaultContainer, DelegatingXMLSourceNode, DeployableTextNode, DeployElement, DeployFolder, EarProfile, EjbProfile, ExternalLibrary, HashStructureNode, oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNode, IdeLayout, IdeProperties, IdeSubject, IdeSystem, IdeVetoableSubject, ImageNode, J2eeProfile, JavaClassNode, JavaNode, JavaSourceNode, JDKNode, JLibraryManager, JLibraryNode, JspSourceNode, Layout, LegacyLibraryList, LibraryArchiveProfile, LibraryDataNode, Node, ObservableFolder, PatchNode, PlsqlMethod, PlsqlPackage, PlsqlPackagedFunction, PlsqlPackagedProcedure, PlsqlTopLevelFunction, PlsqlTopLevelMethod, PlsqlTopLevelProcedure, Profile, Project, ProviderNode, RegisteredDynamicNode, SchemaNode, SimpleLayout, SqlNode, StoredProcProfile, TaglibProfile, TextMergeNode, TextNode, UnrecognizedTextNode, VersionHistoryNode, WarProfile, WebDocumentNode, Workspace, Workspaces, XMLDataContainer, XMLDataNode, oracle.bali.xml.addin.XMLSourceNode

public interface Subject

Subject interface defines the API to register observers interested in receiving notifications of subject changes. Classes that can be viewed by multiple views should implement the Subject interface in order to notify their observers that changes have ocurred.

See Also:
Observer, UpdateMessage

Method Summary
 void attach(Observer observer)
          Registers an observer interested in being notified when the internal state of the class implementing the Subject interface changes.
 void detach(Observer observer)
          Unregisters an observer that is not interested anymore in being notified when the internal state of the class implementing the Subject interface changes.
 void notifyObservers(java.lang.Object subject, UpdateMessage change)
          Notifies all observers that the state of the subject has changed.


Method Detail


void attach(Observer observer)
Registers an observer interested in being notified when the internal state of the class implementing the Subject interface changes. Implementors should do nothing when the same observer is added more than once.
observer - the Observer interested in change notification messages.


void detach(Observer observer)
Unregisters an observer that is not interested anymore in being notified when the internal state of the class implementing the Subject interface changes. Implementors should do nothing when the same observer is removed more than once.
observer - the Observer disinterested in change notification messages.


void notifyObservers(java.lang.Object subject,
                     UpdateMessage change)
Notifies all observers that the state of the subject has changed.
subject - the subject whose state has changed.
change - what changed.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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