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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class WorkingSetsMigratorHelper

  extended by oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigratorHelper
      extended by oracle.ide.model.WorkingSetsMigratorHelper

public class WorkingSetsMigratorHelper
extends NodeMigratorHelper

Method Summary
static WorkingSetsMigratorHelper getInstance()
 java.lang.String getNodeMigratorHelperKey()
          For a NodeMigrator that tracks component version history, the migrator key is used for storing and retrieving the part of the version history related to the NodeMigratorHelper.
 void migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos, TraversableContext context)
          Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigratorHelper
getNodeMigratorHelperVersion, getPages


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static WorkingSetsMigratorHelper getInstance()


public void migrate(MigrationInfo[] infos,
                    TraversableContext context)
Description copied from class: NodeMigratorHelper
Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo. Helpers should not save nodes during migration because this can cause problems for proceeding migrator helpers, possibly preventing them from performing migration.
Specified by:
migrate in class NodeMigratorHelper
infos - information about the nodes that may require migration.
context - contains addin specific migration data that is passed on to the helpers such that they can use that information when migrating their data.


public java.lang.String getNodeMigratorHelperKey()
Description copied from class: NodeMigratorHelper
For a NodeMigrator that tracks component version history, the migrator key is used for storing and retrieving the part of the version history related to the NodeMigratorHelper. For example, in the case of a Project migration, the migrator key is passed to the methods of ProjectVersion. By default, the key is the fully qualified class name of the NodeMigratorHelper subclass. The key must not be null.
getNodeMigratorHelperKey in class NodeMigratorHelper

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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