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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class PalettePages

  extended by oracle.ide.palette2.PalettePages

public abstract class PalettePages
extends java.lang.Object

PalettePages is an abstract class that comprises the list of PalettePage's given a display context. For example, getPages() may return the Swing and Swing Containers pages for Java files.

See Also:
PalettePage, PalettePageProvider, PalettePagesListener

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  void addPalettePagesListener(PalettePagesListener listener)
          Add a listener to listen for changes in Palette pages.
abstract  PaletteItem getItem(java.lang.String providerId, java.lang.String itemId)
          Returns the PaletteItem identified by itemId.
abstract  java.util.Collection<PalettePage> getPages()
          Returns a collection of PalettePage's given the current context.
 PalettePage getPreferredPage()
          Returns the page that should be shown as the active page when the Palette is first made visible for the current context.
 float getPreferredPageRank()
          Returns the rank of the preferred page.
abstract  void removePalettePagesListener(PalettePagesListener listener)
          Remove PalettePagesListener


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public PalettePages()

Method Detail


public abstract java.util.Collection<PalettePage> getPages()
Returns a collection of PalettePage's given the current context.
unmodifiable collection of palettePages's


public abstract PaletteItem getItem(java.lang.String providerId,
                                    java.lang.String itemId)
Returns the PaletteItem identified by itemId. providerId is used to determine whether this item is owned by this page provider.

The provider returns the matching PaletteItem only if the PaletteItem is within the current context. Null is returned if the PaletteItem is not within the current context or not recognized by this provider.


public abstract void addPalettePagesListener(PalettePagesListener listener)
Add a listener to listen for changes in Palette pages.


public abstract void removePalettePagesListener(PalettePagesListener listener)
Remove PalettePagesListener


public PalettePage getPreferredPage()
Returns the page that should be shown as the active page when the Palette is first made visible for the current context.


public float getPreferredPageRank()
Returns the rank of the preferred page. There may be multiple page providers for the current context which return a value for perferred page. The preferred page with the highest rank value will become the active page. For ties, the first page will be selected and an warning will be reported in the log.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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