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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class MaterializedViewLog

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
      extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractBuildableObject
          extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
              extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSchemaObject
                  extended by oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog

All Implemented Interfaces:
DBObject, SchemaObject, SystemObject, Copyable, DynamicPropertySet

public class MaterializedViewLog
extends AbstractSchemaObject

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject


Field Summary
static java.lang.String TYPE


Fields inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject


Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject


Constructor Summary
MaterializedViewLog(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)


Method Summary
 java.lang.Boolean getCache()
 DBObjectID[] getColumnIDs()
          Gets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.
 java.lang.String getLogTable()
          Returns the name of the table in which the changes are logged
 DBObjectID getMasterTableID()
          Returns the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
 java.lang.Boolean getNewValues()
 java.lang.Boolean getObjectIdLogged()
          Whether object id is recorded in this log.
 int getParallel()
          Get the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where : 0 = PARALLEL DEFAULT (Oracle server selects the degree) 1 = NOPARALLEL (default) n = PARALLEL n
 java.lang.Boolean getPrimaryKeyLogged()
          Whether primary key information is recorded in this log.
 java.lang.Boolean getRowidLogged()
          Whether row information is recorded in this log.
 java.lang.Boolean getSequenceLogged()
          Whether sequence value is recorded in this log.
 java.lang.String getType()
          Returns the type of this object.
 void setCache(java.lang.Boolean cache)
 void setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] colIDs)
          Sets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.
 void setLogTable(java.lang.String logTable)
          Sets the name of the table in which the changes are logged
 void setMasterTableID(DBObjectID masterTableID)
          Sets the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
 void setNewValues(java.lang.Boolean newValues)
 void setObjectIdLogged(java.lang.Boolean objectid)
          Specifies whether object id is recorded in this log.
 void setParallel(int parallel)
          Set the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where : 0 = PARALLEL DEFAULT (Oracle server selects the degree) 1 = NOPARALLEL (default) n = PARALLEL n
 void setPrimaryKeyLogged(java.lang.Boolean pk)
          Specifies whether primary key information is recorded in this log.
 void setRowidLogged(java.lang.Boolean rowid)
          Specifies whether row information is recorded in this log.
 void setSequenceLogged(java.lang.Boolean sequence)
          Specifies whether sequence value is recorded in this log.


Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSchemaObject
addObjectListener, copyToImpl, equalsImpl, getProperty, getSchema, removeObjectListener, setProperty, setSchema


Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
addObjectListener, fireObjectUpdated, getParent, removeObjectListener


Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractBuildableObject
checkInit, checkInit, getOwnedObjectsImpl, getProperties, getReferenceIDsImpl, needsInitialization


Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
changeParent, compareToImpl, copyObject, copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, equals, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, getChildSupport, getID, getName, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjects, getProperty, getReferenceIDs, hashCode, includeOwnedObject, includesType, includesType, removeThisAsParent, replaceReferenceIDs, setID, setName, setProperties, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject
addObjectListener, fireObjectUpdated, removeObjectListener


Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, getID, getName, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjects, getParent, getReferenceIDs, replaceReferenceIDs, setID, setName


Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySet
getProperties, getProperty, setProperties


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public MaterializedViewLog()


public MaterializedViewLog(java.lang.String name,
                           Schema schema)

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getType()
Description copied from interface: DBObject
Returns the type of this object. Valid types include things like tables, views, synonyms, and columns.
a string describing the type of object.


public DBObjectID getMasterTableID()
Returns the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
a string of the table or materialized view name


public void setMasterTableID(DBObjectID masterTableID)
Sets the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
masterTableID - a string of the table or materialized view name


public java.lang.String getLogTable()
Returns the name of the table in which the changes are logged
a string of the table or materialized view name


public void setLogTable(java.lang.String logTable)
Sets the name of the table in which the changes are logged
logTable - a string of the table or materialized view name


public java.lang.Boolean getRowidLogged()
Whether row information is recorded in this log.
true if materialized view log records rowid information.


public void setRowidLogged(java.lang.Boolean rowid)
Specifies whether row information is recorded in this log.
rowid - set to true if materialized view log is to record rowid information.


public java.lang.Boolean getPrimaryKeyLogged()
Whether primary key information is recorded in this log.
true if materialized view log records PK information.


public void setPrimaryKeyLogged(java.lang.Boolean pk)
Specifies whether primary key information is recorded in this log.
pk - set to true if materialized view log is to record PK information.


public java.lang.Boolean getObjectIdLogged()
Whether object id is recorded in this log.
true if materialized view log records the object id.


public void setObjectIdLogged(java.lang.Boolean objectid)
Specifies whether object id is recorded in this log. This only relevant when creating a log on an object table.
objectid - set to true if materialized view log is to record object ID.


public java.lang.Boolean getSequenceLogged()
Whether sequence value is recorded in this log.
true if materialized view log records the sequence value, which provides additional ordering information


public void setSequenceLogged(java.lang.Boolean sequence)
Specifies whether sequence value is recorded in this log.
sequence - set to true if materialized view log is to record sequence value, which provides additional ordering information


public java.lang.Boolean getNewValues()


public void setNewValues(java.lang.Boolean newValues)


public void setParallel(int parallel)
Set the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where :


public int getParallel()
Get the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where :


public java.lang.Boolean getCache()


public void setCache(java.lang.Boolean cache)


public DBObjectID[] getColumnIDs()
Gets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.


public void setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[] colIDs)
Sets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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