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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface GutterColumnListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface GutterColumnListener
extends java.util.EventListener

The GutterColumnListener interface should be implemented by clients interested in receiving notification events associated with GutterMark instances within a GutterColumn. It is also used for fetching the tooltip that should be displayed for a GutterMark when the user hovers the mouse over the marks' icon.

For example, a markMoved() notification is generated when the user adds or removes text from a prior line B before line A that a GutterMark such that line A shifts upwards or downwards as a result. A markRemoved() notification is generated when the user removes the line that a GutterMark is tracking. Tracking GutterMarks are defined as tracking the beginning of a line. A markClicked() notification is generated when the user clicks on a GutterMark.

See Also:
Gutter, GutterColumn, GutterMark

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getMarkToolTip(GutterMark mark, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Fetch the tooltip associated with the given GutterMark.
 void markClicked(GutterMark gutterMark, int clickedLine, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Notification that the user clicked on the mark.
 void markMoved(GutterMark gutterMark, int oldLine, int newLine)
          Notification that the user modified the document in such a way as to cause the line to move.
 void markRemoved(GutterMark gutterMark, int deletedLine)
          Notification that the user modified the document in such a way that a line for which a GutterMark was set was removed.


Method Detail


void markMoved(GutterMark gutterMark,
               int oldLine,
               int newLine)
Notification that the user modified the document in such a way as to cause the line to move.
gutterMark - the line mark that is tracking the given line
oldLine - the old line number of the line that was moved
newLine - the new line number of the line that was moved


void markRemoved(GutterMark gutterMark,
                 int deletedLine)
Notification that the user modified the document in such a way that a line for which a GutterMark was set was removed.
gutterMark - the line mark that is tracking the given line
deletedLine - the line number of the line mark that was removed


void markClicked(GutterMark gutterMark,
                 int clickedLine,
                 java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
Notification that the user clicked on the mark.
gutterMark - the mark that was clicked on
clickedLine - the line that was clicked on
event - the MouseEvent associated with the click


java.lang.String getMarkToolTip(GutterMark mark,
                                java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
Fetch the tooltip associated with the given GutterMark.
mark - the mark to get information for
event - the mouse event that generated the tooltip
the tooltip to display for this mark, or null if there is no tooltip available

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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