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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface PopupWindowListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PopupWindowListener

The PopupWindowListener is used to notify clients about the status of a popup window. Note that this API is still in progress, and may change in the near future.

Field Summary
static int CLOSED_AUTO
          Popup window was closed automatically because a popup it depended on was closed.
static int CLOSED_NORMAL
          Popup window was closed normally (programmatically).


Method Summary
 void editorFocusGained(PopupWindow popupWindow)
          Notifies the listener that the editor (or one of its popups) have regained focus.
 void editorFocusLost(PopupWindow popupWindow, boolean isTemporary)
          Notifies the listener that the editor and any managed popups have lost focus.
 void popupClosed(PopupWindow popupWindow, int how)
          Notifies the listener that the popup window has been closed.


Field Detail


static final int CLOSED_NORMAL
Popup window was closed normally (programmatically).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CLOSED_AUTO
Popup window was closed automatically because a popup it depended on was closed.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void popupClosed(PopupWindow popupWindow,
                 int how)
Notifies the listener that the popup window has been closed.
popupWindow - the popup window that this notification is being delivered for
how - how the popup was closed, either CLOSED_NORMAL or CLOSED_AUTO.


void editorFocusGained(PopupWindow popupWindow)
Notifies the listener that the editor (or one of its popups) have regained focus.
popupWindow - the popup window that this notification is being delivered for


void editorFocusLost(PopupWindow popupWindow,
                     boolean isTemporary)
Notifies the listener that the editor and any managed popups have lost focus. For example, this may be because the user clicked on a menu item. This is not a notification that this particularly popup lost focus.
popupWindow - the popup window that this notification is being delivered for
isTemporary - whether the loss of focus is temporary

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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