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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DataTipWindow

  extended by oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTipWindow

public class DataTipWindow
extends java.lang.Object

DataTips appear on screen as a series of overlapping windows with each level being on level of a branch of the data model. A DataTipWindow is the implementation of one of those windows.

Constructor Summary
DataTipWindow(DataTipWindow parentTipWindow, java.awt.Window owner, oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.NodeTableModel tableModel, TableCustomizer tableCustomizer)


Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Will hide and clean up this tip window, and then call dispose on its child DataTipWindow
 void disposeAll()
          Will hide and clean up this tip window, and then call dispose on its child DataTipWindow, then call disposeAll up the DataTipWindow hierarchy until it reaches the root tip window
 void disposeChildren()
          Will call dispose on this windows child DataTipWindow
 DataTipWindow getChildTipWindow()
 java.awt.Rectangle getScreenBounds()
          Get the bounds of this DataTip window in screen coordinates
 int getSelectedRow()
 javax.swing.JWindow getWindow()
 boolean isExpanded()
 void setLocationRectangle(java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Location of this data tip window in screen coordinates, the tip will appear around this bounding rectangle, but will not obscure it
 void setVisible(boolean visible)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DataTipWindow(DataTipWindow parentTipWindow,
                     java.awt.Window owner,
                     oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.NodeTableModel tableModel,
                     TableCustomizer tableCustomizer)

Method Detail


public void setLocationRectangle(java.awt.Rectangle rect)
Location of this data tip window in screen coordinates, the tip will appear around this bounding rectangle, but will not obscure it
rect -


public void setVisible(boolean visible)


public boolean isExpanded()
true if this window has expanded and is displaying another sub-DataTipWindow


public int getSelectedRow()


public void dispose()
Will hide and clean up this tip window, and then call dispose on its child DataTipWindow


public void disposeChildren()
Will call dispose on this windows child DataTipWindow


public void disposeAll()
Will hide and clean up this tip window, and then call dispose on its child DataTipWindow, then call disposeAll up the DataTipWindow hierarchy until it reaches the root tip window


public java.awt.Rectangle getScreenBounds()
Get the bounds of this DataTip window in screen coordinates
The bounds in screen coordinates or null if this window is not visible yet or anymore.


public DataTipWindow getChildTipWindow()
the child TipWindow of this window (if one is available)


public javax.swing.JWindow getWindow()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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