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Class AbstractAuditAddin

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditProvider
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AbstractAuditAddin

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractAuditAddin
extends AuditProvider
implements Addin

A convenience abstract base class for writing an IDE addin whose purpose is to extend Audit. This class extends AuditProvider and fully implements the Addin interface. On JDeveloper initialization, it registers itself as an Audit provider. Therefore, to plug in an Analyzer, for example, a subclass need only override the getAnalyzers method inherited from AuditProvider to return the class of the analyzer.

To function properly in execution contexts in which no UI is created (e.g., ojaudit and ojmetrics), subclasses should not override initialize() but instead should override initializeAlways() and/or initializeUI(). initializeAlways is invoked in all contexts; initializeUI is only invoked in contexts in which the UI is created.

See Also:
AuditProvider, Addin

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditProvider


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 boolean canShutdown()
           The AbstractAuditAddin implementation returns true.
 void initialize()
          Invoked by the AddinManager after the instance of the Addin is instantiated.
protected  void initializeAlways()
          Initializes subclass functionality that is always required, whether or not JDeveloper creates a user interface.
protected  void initializeUI()
          Initializes subclass functionality that applies only if JDeveloper creates a user interface.
 void shutdown()
           The AbstractAuditAddin implementation is empty.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditProvider
getAnalyzers, getBeanCustomizers, getColumns, getExtensionId, getModels, getPersistenceDelegates, getProfiles, getProfileStyleSheets, getStyleSheets


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AbstractAuditAddin()

Method Detail


public void initialize()
Invoked by the AddinManager after the instance of the Addin is instantiated. When invoked, The Addin should register and menu items, and actions required for use during this classes lifecycle. Addin authors should take care to ensure that any extraneous initialization is not preformed on this method, and any startup code that can be delayed until a later time is delayed, as the Addin's are synchronously initialized during the startup of the IDE, and each Addin has the potential to negatively impact the startup time of the product. The AbstractAuditAddin implementation registers this class as an AuditProvider, invokes initializeAlways() and, if the UI is initializing, invokes initializeUI().
Specified by:
initialize in interface Addin
See Also:


protected void initializeAlways()
Initializes subclass functionality that is always required, whether or not JDeveloper creates a user interface. The AbstractAuditAddin implementation is empty.


protected void initializeUI()
Initializes subclass functionality that applies only if JDeveloper creates a user interface. The AbstractAuditAddin implementation is empty.


public boolean canShutdown()
The AbstractAuditAddin implementation returns true.


public void shutdown()
The AbstractAuditAddin implementation is empty.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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