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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class TextFileModelAdapter

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.FileModelAdapter
          extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.TextFileModelAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Comparable, Located
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class TextFileModelAdapter
extends FileModelAdapter

An abstract ModelAdapter adapter which adapts a text file node.

When the node is open, this adapter tracks changes to the text buffer associated with the node and maps offsets across edits to the node. When the node is opened, this adapter attaches an observer to the text buffer.

See Also:

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
index, log


Constructor Summary
TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url)
TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url, java.lang.String primaryCollationString)


Method Summary
protected  boolean acquireReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
          Acquires a read lock for this model.
protected  void beginReadHook()
          A subclass hook invoked by ModelAdapter.beginRead() after it invokes ModelAdapter.acquireReadLock(oracle.javatools.buffer.WriteLockRequestListener).
 java.lang.String contextDescription(Location location)
          Gets a description of a location of this model.
 boolean edit(Location location)
          Edits a location in this model using an editor suitable for the model and location.
protected  void endReadHook()
          A subclass hook invoked by ModelAdapter.endRead() before it invokes ModelAdapter.releaseReadLock(oracle.javatools.buffer.WriteLockRequestListener).
 char getCharacter(int offset)
          Gets a character from this model, or 0 if no text is available.
 int getColumnOffset(int offset)
          Gets the zero-based column offset of a character offset in this model, or the character offset if this model does not have lines and columns.
protected  int getDeltaLength(int offset, int length, int version)
protected  int getDeltaOffset(int offset, int version)
 Location getFocusLocation(Location location)
          Gets the focus location for a location in this model.
 int getInitialLength()
          Gets the initial length of this model.
 java.lang.String getLine(int offset)
          Gets a line of text from this model, or null if no text is available.
 int getLineOffset(int offset)
          Gets the zero-based line offset of a character offset in this model, or 0 if this model does not have lines and columns.
 Location getLocation(int offset, int length)
          Gets a location in this model.
 java.lang.Object getRoot()
          Gets the root construct of this model.
abstract  java.lang.Object getRootImplementation()
 java.lang.String getText(int offset, int length)
          Gets text from this model, or null if no text is available.
 TextBuffer getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer for this model.
 TextNode getTextNode()
          Gets the IDE {@link TextNode) containing this model.
 boolean isEditable(Location location)
          Gets whether a location in this model is editable.
 boolean isModifiable()
          Gets whether this model is modifiable.
 boolean isModified()
          Gets whether this model has been modified since this model adapter was created.
 boolean isModified(Location location)
          Gets whether a region of this model has been modified since this model adapter was created.
 void release()
          Releases resources used by this model.
protected  void releaseReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
          Releases a read lock for this model.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.FileModelAdapter
compareTo, contains, getContainingAdapter, getDependency, getFileAdapter, getUrl, isFile


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
beginRead, beginRead, cancelRead, compareSiblings, contains, contains, endRead, endRead, enter, equals, exit, getAttribute, getConstruct, getConstruct, getContainedConstructs, getDirectory, getDirectoryAdapter, getElement, getElementLocations, getEndLocation, getFactory, getFocusLocation, getIdeContext, getLocation, getLocation, getLock, getNode, getPrimaryCollationKey, getProject, getProjectAdapter, getSecondaryCollationKey, getSecondaryCollationString, getShortLabel, getType, getURL, getWorkspace, getWorkspaceAdapter, icon, icon, label, label, setAttribute, summary, summary, toString, verifyReadTransaction


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory,
                            ModelType type,
                            ContainerModelAdapter workspace,
                            ContainerModelAdapter project,
                            ContainerModelAdapter directory,
                            Node node,


public TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory,
                            ModelType type,
                            ContainerModelAdapter workspace,
                            ContainerModelAdapter project,
                            ContainerModelAdapter directory,
                            Node node,
                            java.lang.String primaryCollationString)

Method Detail


public TextNode getTextNode()
Gets the IDE {@link TextNode) containing this model.


public boolean isModifiable()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether this model is modifiable. The default ModelAdapter implementation returns false.
isModifiable in class ModelAdapter


public boolean isModified()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether this model has been modified since this model adapter was created. Note that this indicates nothing about whether this model is modified relative to its representation on disk.
isModified in class ModelAdapter


public boolean isModified(Location location)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether a region of this model has been modified since this model adapter was created. Note that this indicates nothing about whether this region is modified relative to its representation on disk.
isModified in class ModelAdapter


public int getInitialLength()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the initial length of this model. Gets Integer.MAX_VALUE if this node has not been opened. The default ModelAdapter implementation returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
getInitialLength in class ModelAdapter


public Location getLocation(int offset,
                            int length)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets a location in this model.
getLocation in class ModelAdapter


protected int getDeltaLength(int offset,
                             int length,
                             int version)


protected int getDeltaOffset(int offset,
                             int version)


protected boolean acquireReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
Acquires a read lock for this model. Invoked by ModelAdapter.beginRead() with no read transaction for this model active on the current thread. The client is assumed to be cancellable if it supplies the listener argument; non-cancellable if not. The default TextFileModelAdapter implementation is the following:
     ReadWriteLock lock = getLock();
     return listener != null && lock.addWriteLockRequestListener(listener);
acquireReadLock in class ModelAdapter
listener - The listener to notify if a thread waits to acquire the write lock, or null if the client is not cancellable.
whether other threads are already waiting for the write lock; always false if listener is null.


protected void releaseReadLock(WriteLockRequestListener listener)
Releases a read lock for this model. Invoked by ModelAdapter.endRead() with a read transaction for this model active on the current thread. The default TextFileModelAdapter implementation is the following:
     ReadWriteLock lock = getLock();
     if (listener != null) lock.removeWriteLockRequestListener(listener);
releaseReadLock in class ModelAdapter
listener - The value given to the matching acquireReadLock(oracle.javatools.buffer.WriteLockRequestListener).


protected void beginReadHook()
A subclass hook invoked by ModelAdapter.beginRead() after it invokes ModelAdapter.acquireReadLock(oracle.javatools.buffer.WriteLockRequestListener). The default ModelAdapter implementation does nothing.

The TextFileModelAdapter implementation pins the text buffer for use during the read transaction. Subclasses should not invoke this method from inside a synchronized block, on peril of deadlock!

beginReadHook in class ModelAdapter
See Also:
ModelAdapter.beginRead(), endReadHook()


protected void endReadHook()
A subclass hook invoked by ModelAdapter.endRead() before it invokes ModelAdapter.releaseReadLock(oracle.javatools.buffer.WriteLockRequestListener). The default ModelAdapter implementation does nothing. The TextFileModelAdapter implementation unpins the text buffer.
endReadHook in class ModelAdapter
See Also:
ModelAdapter.endRead(), beginReadHook()


public char getCharacter(int offset)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets a character from this model, or 0 if no text is available. A read transaction must be active on this node. The ModelAdapter implementation returns 0.
getCharacter in class ModelAdapter
offset - The index of the character to return.


public int getColumnOffset(int offset)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the zero-based column offset of a character offset in this model, or the character offset if this model does not have lines and columns. A read transaction must be active on this model. The ModelAdapter implementation returns the character offset.
getColumnOffset in class ModelAdapter


public Location getFocusLocation(Location location)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the focus location for a location in this model. This is a region within the location which should be highlighted. The default ModelAdapter.getFocusLocation(java.lang.Object, oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.Location) implementation gets the whole location. A read transaction must be active on this node.
getFocusLocation in class ModelAdapter
location - a location in this model.


public java.lang.String getLine(int offset)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets a line of text from this model, or null if no text is available. A read transaction must be active on this node. The ModelAdapter implementation returns null.
getLine in class ModelAdapter
offset - The index of a character in the line to return.


public int getLineOffset(int offset)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the zero-based line offset of a character offset in this model, or 0 if this model does not have lines and columns. A read transaction must be active on this node. The ModelAdapter implementation returns 0.
getLineOffset in class ModelAdapter


public final java.lang.Object getRoot()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the root construct of this model. A read transaction must be active on this model.
Specified by:
getRoot in class ModelAdapter


public abstract java.lang.Object getRootImplementation()


public java.lang.String getText(int offset,
                                int length)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets text from this model, or null if no text is available. A read transaction must be active on this node. The ModelAdapter implementation returns null.
getText in class ModelAdapter
offset - The index of the first character to return.
length - The number of characters to return.


public TextBuffer getTextBuffer()
Gets the text buffer for this model.

A read transaction must be active for this model on the current thread.


public boolean isEditable(Location location)
Gets whether a location in this model is editable. The default ModelAdapter implementation returns false.

The default FileModelAdapter implementation returns true.

isEditable in class ModelAdapter


public boolean edit(Location location)
Edits a location in this model using an editor suitable for the model and location. The default ModelAdapter implementation does nothing and returns false.

The default TextFileModelAdapter implementation invokes Editors.editNode(oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Node, int, int, boolean).

edit in class ModelAdapter


public void release()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Releases resources used by this model.
release in class ModelAdapter


public java.lang.String contextDescription(Location location)
Gets a description of a location of this model.

The ModelAdapter implementation includes the file name and offsets of the location.

The TextFileModelAdapter implementation adds the line and column numbers and the text of the location.

contextDescription in class ModelAdapter

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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