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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ConnectionTypeUIRegistry

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.db.ConnectionTypeUIRegistry

public class ConnectionTypeUIRegistry
extends java.lang.Object

Registry for recording the UI requirements for Connect Types maintained by the Connection Editor.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk
          A set of values which indicate what value a particular property should have.
static interface ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider
          Interface for an object which will return the required tooltip when the mouse is held over a connection in the list of connections in the editor.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONNECTION_NAME_KEY
static java.lang.String CONNECTION_ORIG_NAME_KEY
static java.lang.String CONNECTIONS_INSTANCE_KEY
static java.lang.String[] EDITABLE_SYSDBA_SYSOPER
          String array available for use in registering connection types requiring an editable combobox with values SYSDBA and SYSOPER, for the Role field.
static java.lang.String[] FIXED_NONE_SYSDBA_SYSOPER
          String array available for use in registering connection types requiring a non editable combobox with values blank, SYSDBA and SYSOPER, for the Role field.


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
static java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getConnectionTypes()
static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk getDeployPassword(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getDeployPasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.Class getPanelClass(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getPasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String[] getPreSetRoleList(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getRoleKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk getSavePassword(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getSavePasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
static boolean getShowConnectionTest(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getSubTypeFromDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider getTooltipProvider(java.lang.String connectionType)
static java.lang.String getUsernameKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
static void registerConnectionTypeUI(java.lang.String connectionType, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String usernameKey, java.lang.String roleKey, java.lang.String[] preSetRoleList, java.lang.String passwordKey, java.lang.String savePasswordKey, java.lang.String deployPasswordKey, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk savePassword, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk deployPassword, boolean showConnectionTest, java.lang.Class panelClass, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider tooltipProvider)
          Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
static void registerConnectionTypeUI(java.lang.String connectionType, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String usernameKey, java.lang.String roleKey, java.lang.String[] preSetRoleList, java.lang.String passwordKey, java.lang.String savePasswordKey, java.lang.String deployPasswordKey, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk savePassword, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk deployPassword, java.lang.Class panelClass, ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider tooltipProvider)
          Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
static void unregisterConnectionType(java.lang.String connectionType)
          Unregisters the given connectionType from this registry (if it has been registered).


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CONNECTIONS_INSTANCE_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_NAME_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CONNECTION_ORIG_NAME_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] EDITABLE_SYSDBA_SYSOPER
String array available for use in registering connection types requiring an editable combobox with values SYSDBA and SYSOPER, for the Role field.


public static final java.lang.String[] FIXED_NONE_SYSDBA_SYSOPER
String array available for use in registering connection types requiring a non editable combobox with values blank, SYSDBA and SYSOPER, for the Role field.

Constructor Detail


public ConnectionTypeUIRegistry()

Method Detail


public static void registerConnectionTypeUI(java.lang.String connectionType,
                                            java.lang.String displayName,
                                            java.lang.String usernameKey,
                                            java.lang.String roleKey,
                                            java.lang.String[] preSetRoleList,
                                            java.lang.String passwordKey,
                                            java.lang.String savePasswordKey,
                                            java.lang.String deployPasswordKey,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk savePassword,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk deployPassword,
                                            java.lang.Class panelClass,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider tooltipProvider)
Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
connectionType - The sub-class indicating the Connection Type. Must be one of ...
displayName - The string to display in the UI for the given connection type.
usernameKey - The key indiating where in the connection Properties HashMap the Username should be stored. Setting to null results in no Username being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
roleKey - The key indiating where the Role should be stored. Setting to null results in no Role being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
preSetRoleList - An array of strings of values to be added to the Role field.
  • Setting this to null results in no values being added, and the Role field wil be a JTextField.
  • Setting to an array of Strings one (or more) of which is null, will result in an editable JComboBox for the Role field, and all non-null values being added to the control.
  • An array of non-null strings will result in a non-editable JComboBox containing each of the strings.
If the value of roleKey is null, this parameter has no effect.
passwordKey - The key indiating where the Password should be stored. Setting to null results in no Password being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
savePasswordKey - The key indiating where the "Save Password" property should be stored. Setting to null results in no "Save Password" being stored. The value of the property, and the existance of associated UI is controlled by the savePassword parameter. If passwordKey is null, this parameter has no effect.
deployPasswordKey - The key indiating where the "Deploy Password" property should be stored. Setting to null results in no "Deploy Password" being stored. The value of the property, and the existance of associated UI is controlled by the deployPassword parameter. If passwordKey, or savePasswordKey are null, or if savePassword is NEVER, this parameter has no effect.
savePassword - Indicates whether a checkbox should be shown for the Save Password property, or if not, what the value should be.
deployPassword - Indicates whether a checkbox should be shown for the Deploy Password property, or if not, what the value should be.
panelClass - The class of a Traversable panel which should be used within the Connection Editor for maintaining the properties of the given connection type.
tooltipProvider - An object to implementing the ConnectionTooltipProvider interface which will be used to construct the tooltip for connections of the given connection type.


public static void registerConnectionTypeUI(java.lang.String connectionType,
                                            java.lang.String displayName,
                                            java.lang.String usernameKey,
                                            java.lang.String roleKey,
                                            java.lang.String[] preSetRoleList,
                                            java.lang.String passwordKey,
                                            java.lang.String savePasswordKey,
                                            java.lang.String deployPasswordKey,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk savePassword,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk deployPassword,
                                            boolean showConnectionTest,
                                            java.lang.Class panelClass,
                                            ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider tooltipProvider)
Registers the UI Requirements for the given Connection Type.
connectionType - The sub-class indicating the Connection Type. Must be one of ...
displayName - The string to display in the UI for the given connection type.
usernameKey - The key indiating where in the connection Properties HashMap the Username should be stored. Setting to null results in no Username being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
roleKey - The key indiating where the Role should be stored. Setting to null results in no Role being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
preSetRoleList - An array of strings of values to be added to the Role field.
  • Setting this to null results in no values being added, and the Role field wil be a JTextField.
  • Setting to an array of Strings one (or more) of which is null, will result in an editable JComboBox for the Role field, and all non-null values being added to the control.
  • An array of non-null strings will result in a non-editable JComboBox containing each of the strings.
If the value of roleKey is null, this parameter has no effect.
passwordKey - The key indiating where the Password should be stored. Setting to null results in no Password being stored, and no field being shown for it in the editor.
savePasswordKey - The key indiating where the "Save Password" property should be stored. Setting to null results in no "Save Password" being stored. The value of the property, and the existance of associated UI is controlled by the savePassword parameter. If passwordKey is null, this parameter has no effect.
deployPasswordKey - The key indiating where the "Deploy Password" property should be stored. Setting to null results in no "Deploy Password" being stored. The value of the property, and the existance of associated UI is controlled by the deployPassword parameter. If passwordKey, or savePasswordKey are null, or if savePassword is NEVER, this parameter has no effect.
showConnectionTest - if false the "Test" button and "Test Results" field will be hidden for this connection type.
savePassword - Indicates whether a checkbox should be shown for the Save Password property, or if not, what the value should be.
deployPassword - Indicates whether a checkbox should be shown for the Deploy Password property, or if not, what the value should be.
panelClass - The class of a Traversable panel which should be used within the Connection Editor for maintaining the properties of the given connection type.
tooltipProvider - An object to implementing the ConnectionTooltipProvider interface which will be used to construct the tooltip for connections of the given connection type.


public static void unregisterConnectionType(java.lang.String connectionType)
Unregisters the given connectionType from this registry (if it has been registered).


public static java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getConnectionTypes()
the list of registered connection types.


public static java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.lang.String connectionType)
the display name of the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String getUsernameKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "username" property key for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String getRoleKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "role" property key for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String[] getPreSetRoleList(java.lang.String connectionType)
the list of roles to add to the Role control for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String getPasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "password" property key for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String getSavePasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "save password" property key for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.String getDeployPasswordKey(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "deploy password" property key for the given connection type.


public static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk getSavePassword(java.lang.String connectionType)
whether a UI control is required for "save password", and if not, what the value should be, for the given connection type.


public static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.AlwaysNeverAsk getDeployPassword(java.lang.String connectionType)
whether a UI control is required for "deploy password", and if not, what the value should be, for the given connection type.


public static java.lang.Class getPanelClass(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "panel class" for the given connection type.


public static ConnectionTypeUIRegistry.ConnectionTooltipProvider getTooltipProvider(java.lang.String connectionType)
the "tooltip provider" for the given connection type.


public static boolean getShowConnectionTest(java.lang.String connectionType)
whether to show the test connection functionality for this connection type.


public static java.lang.String getSubTypeFromDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
the connection type from the given connection type display name.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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