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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DatabaseConnections

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DatabaseConnections
extends java.lang.Object
implements Connections

API to retrieve information about the database connections available in a given connection store in JDeveloper (or related FCP product).

See Also:

Constructor Summary
protected DatabaseConnections(java.lang.String storeName, DatabaseContextManager.ContextWrapper contextWrapper, DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator connCreator)


Method Summary
 void addConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.util.Properties props)
          Creates a connection in the underlying namespace with the given name and properties.
 void addDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener l)
          Adds a listener to be asked about and notified of disconnect events.
 void addListener(ConnectionsListener l)
          Adds a listener to be notified of add/remove/update events in this connection store.
 void disconnect(java.lang.String connName)
          Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well.
 boolean disconnect(java.lang.String connName, boolean force)
          Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.util.Properties props)
          Returns a new JDBC connection for the given connection Properties.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name.
 Database getDatabase(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a Database for the given connection name.
 Database getDatabase(java.lang.String connName, boolean create)
          Returns a Database for the given connection name if one is already cached and only creates a new one if create is true.
protected  java.util.Collection<DisconnectListener> getDisconnectListeners()
          Gets the listeners to this set of connections.
static DatabaseConnections getInstance()
          Returns the central instance of database connections for the current session.
protected  java.util.Collection<ConnectionsListener> getListeners()
          Gets the listeners to this set of connections.
static DatabaseConnections getPrivateInstance( url)
          Returns a private instance of database connections for the given URL.
 java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a Properties object containing the properties for the given connection name.
 javax.naming.Referenceable getReferenceable(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns the Referenceable for the given connection name, containing the details about the connection.
 java.lang.String getStoreName()
          Returns the name (unique identifier) for this store of database connections.
 java.sql.Connection getUniqueConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name.
 boolean isCentralStore()
          Convinience method to determine whether this is the central IDE connections database store.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections()
          Lists the names of the available database connections.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(boolean oracleOnly)
          Lists the available database connections, optionally limiting the returned names to connections to Oracle databases (not including Lite).
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(java.util.Properties filter)
          Lists all database connections whose properties match the given filter.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(java.lang.String[] subTypes)
          List the available database connections that have a connection subtype in the given list.
 boolean removeConnection(java.lang.String connName)
          Removes the connection with the given name.
 boolean removeDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener l)
          Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
 boolean removeListener(ConnectionsListener l)
          Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
 void saveConnections()
          Saves the database connection store.
 void testConnection(java.util.Properties props)
          Takes the given properties for a connection and attempts to connect to the database.
 boolean updateConnection(java.lang.String connName, java.lang.String newName, java.util.Properties newProps)
          Updates the definition of the given connection with the new set of properties.
static void useStandaloneConnectionStore()
          This can be called in the initialize method of an Addin to make the database connection support use a standalone connection store, with simple password encryption.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected DatabaseConnections(java.lang.String storeName,
                              DatabaseContextManager.ContextWrapper contextWrapper,
                              DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator connCreator)

Method Detail


public void addListener(ConnectionsListener l)
Description copied from interface: Connections
Adds a listener to be notified of add/remove/update events in this connection store.
Specified by:
addListener in interface Connections


public boolean removeListener(ConnectionsListener l)
Description copied from interface: Connections
Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
Specified by:
removeListener in interface Connections


protected java.util.Collection<ConnectionsListener> getListeners()
Gets the listeners to this set of connections.
an unmodifiable copy of the listeners to this set of connections


public void addDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener l)
Description copied from interface: Connections
Adds a listener to be asked about and notified of disconnect events.
Specified by:
addDisconnectListener in interface Connections


public boolean removeDisconnectListener(DisconnectListener l)
Description copied from interface: Connections
Removes the given listener from this store if it was registered.
Specified by:
removeDisconnectListener in interface Connections


protected java.util.Collection<DisconnectListener> getDisconnectListeners()
Gets the listeners to this set of connections.
an unmodifiable copy of the listeners to this set of connections


public final java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections()
Lists the names of the available database connections.
Specified by:
listConnections in interface Connections


public final java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(boolean oracleOnly)
Lists the available database connections, optionally limiting the returned names to connections to Oracle databases (not including Lite).


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(java.lang.String[] subTypes)
List the available database connections that have a connection subtype in the given list.


public final java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listConnections(java.util.Properties filter)
Lists all database connections whose properties match the given filter.
Specified by:
listConnections in interface Connections


public final java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.lang.String connName)
                                        throws ConnectionException
Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name. The Connection returned is that wrapped by the Database object in the javatools db API. This method is not appropriate if a unique connection is required. Do not close the connection returned by this method.
ConnectionException - if the connection cannot be created
See Also:


public final java.sql.Connection getUniqueConnection(java.lang.String connName)
                                              throws ConnectionException
Returns a JDBC connection for the given connection name. This can be used to test that a connection's details are valid. The returned Connection is always newly created, and therefore unique to the caller of this method. It is the responsibility of the caller to close the connection appropriately.
ConnectionException - if the connection cannot be created
See Also:


public final java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.util.Properties props)
                                        throws ConnectionException
Returns a new JDBC connection for the given connection Properties. It is the responsibility of the caller to close the connection appropriately.
ConnectionException - if the connection cannot be created


public final Database getDatabase(java.lang.String connName)
                           throws DBException
Returns a Database for the given connection name. This is simple a utility method wrapping the DBObjectProviderFactory.

This will NOT work with a private instance, only the central instance returned by DatabaseConnections.getInstance().

DBException - if a connection cannot be made.
See Also:


public final Database getDatabase(java.lang.String connName,
                                  boolean create)
                           throws DBException
Returns a Database for the given connection name if one is already cached and only creates a new one if create is true.

This will NOT work with a private instance, only the central instance returned by DatabaseConnections.getInstance().

connName - the connection name to look for
create - whether to create a Database if one exists
DBException - if a connection cannot be made or the Database fails to initialise.
See Also:
DBObjectProviderFactory.findProvider(java.lang.Object), DBObjectProviderFactory.findOrCreateProvider(java.lang.Object)


public javax.naming.Referenceable getReferenceable(java.lang.String connName)
                                            throws ConnectionException
Returns the Referenceable for the given connection name, containing the details about the connection. The returned object is the object stored in the underlying namespace.
Specified by:
getReferenceable in interface Connections
ConnectionException - if an error occurs locating the given connection name.


public final java.util.Properties getProperties(java.lang.String connName)
                                         throws ConnectionException
Returns a Properties object containing the properties for the given connection name. The Properties are a copy of those stored in the underlying Referenceable.
Specified by:
getProperties in interface Connections
ConnectionException - if an error occurs locating the given connection name.


public void addConnection(java.lang.String connName,
                          java.util.Properties props)
                   throws ConnectionException
Creates a connection in the underlying namespace with the given name and properties.
Specified by:
addConnection in interface Connections


public boolean removeConnection(java.lang.String connName)
                         throws ConnectionException
Removes the connection with the given name. It will return true if the operation succeeded, and false if no such connection exists to remove.
Specified by:
removeConnection in interface Connections
connName - the name of the connection to remove
true if successful, false if connName not found or the removal was vetoed.
ConnectionException - if an error is encountered removing the connection


public boolean updateConnection(java.lang.String connName,
                                java.lang.String newName,
                                java.util.Properties newProps)
                         throws ConnectionException
Updates the definition of the given connection with the new set of properties.
Specified by:
updateConnection in interface Connections
connName - the name of the connection as already defined
newName - the new name for the connection. if null the old name is kept
newProps - the new Properties for the connection.
true if the update operation suceeded. Possible reasons for failure include a veto of the existing connection being closed before the update.


public final void testConnection(java.util.Properties props)
                          throws ConnectionException
Takes the given properties for a connection and attempts to connect to the database.
Specified by:
testConnection in interface Connections


public final void disconnect(java.lang.String connName)
                      throws ConnectionException
Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well. If the connection does not save its password this will mean the user is prompted again if they try and reconnect to this connection.

Any registered DisconnectListeners can veto this operation. If the result of the disconnect is required the use disconnect(String,boolean).

Specified by:
disconnect in interface Connections
connName - the connection to disconnect
ConnectionException - if an error is encountered getting or disconnecting the connection.


public final boolean disconnect(java.lang.String connName,
                                boolean force)
                         throws ConnectionException
Disconnect the cached JDBC connections for the given connection name, and closes the associated Database as well. If the connection does not save its password this will mean the user is prompted again if they try and reconnect to this connection.

Any registered DisconnectListeners can veto this operation. If the result of the disconnect is required the use disconnect(String,boolean).

connName - the connection to disconnect
force - whether to ignore the veto attempts of any disconnect listeners
true if the connection exists and disconnect was succesful


public void saveConnections()
                     throws ConnectionException
Saves the database connection store.
Specified by:
saveConnections in interface Connections


public java.lang.String getStoreName()
Returns the name (unique identifier) for this store of database connections.
See Also:


public boolean isCentralStore()
Convinience method to determine whether this is the central IDE connections database store.
See Also:


public static DatabaseConnections getInstance()
Returns the central instance of database connections for the current session.


public static DatabaseConnections getPrivateInstance( url)
Returns a private instance of database connections for the given URL.


public static void useStandaloneConnectionStore()
This can be called in the initialize method of an Addin to make the database connection support use a standalone connection store, with simple password encryption. The alternative is to use a Resource Catalog context which require the oracle.jdeveloper.db extension and its dependencies.

Calling this method in JDeveloper will result in an IllegalStateException. This is to protect the JDeveloper product from an rogue addin illegally setting the context.

Furthermore this method should be called before the IDE's addinsLoaded event is fired (i.e. called from within the initialize of a downstream Addin). This is to protect from the connection store being switched once the product is running. If called after the addins are loaded this method will log a SEVERE message and do nothing.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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